Seminar On Linguistics
Seminar On Linguistics
Seminar On Linguistics
Presented by:
Sri Suryatiningsih (K2206009)
Apriliana Sri Rahayuningsih (K2206013)
Statement :
“According to Transformationalists,
imitation and repetition are what
children do in learning their mother
› Skinner: language behavior is the production of
correct responses to stimuli through reinforcement.
› Language learning is the result of 1) imitation (word-
for-word repetition), 2) practice (repetitive
manipulation of form), 3) feedback on success
(positive reinforcement), and 4) habit formation.
› The quality and quantity of the language that the
child hears, as well as the consistency of the
reinforcement offered by others in the
environment, would shape the child’s language
Behaviorist learning theory (popular
Their language also shows they are able to apply the rules of
the language to make sentences which they have never
heard before (creativity).
Different Approaches,
Different Aspects of
Language Acquisition
Children imitate & practice
(Behaviouristic) for routine aspects &
word meanings.
Acquisition of complex language (e.g.
reflexive pronouns) goes beyond
simple imitation & repetition
(Transformationalistic) for complex
The statement “According to
Transformationalists, Imitation and
Repetition are What Children Do in
Learning Their Mother Tongues” is true
because imitation and repetition are
needed by children in learning mother
tongue complex grammar as stated by