ARIMA Modeling:: B-J Procedure
ARIMA Modeling:: B-J Procedure
ARIMA Modeling:: B-J Procedure
B-J Procedure
A k Chauhan
yt = + ut + 1ut-1 + 2 ut-2 + . . . +
q ut-q
is a MA(q) model.
Autoregressive processes:
An AR model is one where the current value of a variable
y, depends upon only the values that the variable took
in previous periods plus an error term. An AR model of
order p, denoted as AR(p), can be expressed as
Yt = u + 1 yt-1 + 2 yt-2
yt-p + ut
+ .. + p
An AR process has:
A MA process has:
Process of ARIMA
Identification Stage
Estimation Stage
Diagnostic Checking
Model checking
determining whether the model specified and
estimated is adequate.
Suggested methods are:
Overfitting -- fitting a larger model than that required.
If the model specified at step 1 is adequate, any extra
terms added to ARMA model would be insignificant.
Residual diagnostics. Residual should be a white
noise series.
Information Criteria: SBIC, AIC HQ should have least
Negative MA Coeff
Negative MA Coeff
Estimation Stage
A pure AR model can be estimated
using OLS estimator but if the model
also includes MA terms ML estimator
is used.
Diagnostic Checking
In ARMA (p, q) the prediction equation
is simply a linear equation that refers
to past values of original time series
and past values of the errors.
In an ARIMA (p,d,q) model where d>0,
the forecasting can be made at two
different levels at the level of differenced stationary time
series, and
at original integrated time series.