Case Study-BPPV
Case Study-BPPV
Case Study-BPPV
Benign Paroxysmal
Positional Vertigo
Presented by:
Jacinto, Arvie D.
Mariano, Lalaine B.
January 18, 2010
Presented to:
Mr. Oliver Sanidad R.N. MA
Biographic Data
Name: Mr. M.M.
Address: Fortune Village 5, Valenzuela City
Age: 56 yrs. old Gender: Male
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
Marital Status: Married Occupation: Laborer
Room and Bed #: 208
Chief Complaint: Dizziness
Provisional Diagnosis: BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal
Positional Vertigo)
Attending Physician: Dra. T. Dela Cruz, Dr.
Olonan, and Dr. Santos
Past Health History
According to the patient, he can’t
remember all his childhood illnesses. But
he can recall he had chickenpox when he
was 10 years old. He certainly verbalized
that he has complete immunization. The
patient doesn’t have any allergies to foods
and drugs. There’s no previous or any
accident encountered by the patient. His
past and first hospitalization was because
of hypertension for 3 days at Grace
Hospital, Bulacan.
Treatments were unrecalled during the
said hospitalization. The patient is
currently taking Adalat 30 mg once a day
as his hypertension maintenance as
prescribed by his physician after he was
In 1986, the patient worked at Kuwait as
a mechanical maintenance for 10 years
with occasional vacation.
History of Present
According to the patient, a night prior to
confinement he experienced sudden
dizziness when he woke up 1 a.m. to void.
He went back to bed still feeling dizzy
believing his dizziness to diminish. The next
day, he was advised by his wife to admit
himself to the hospital since he has health
insurance so might as well he can use it.
Family Health History
According to the patient, his parents were still
alive and well. He also added that they don’t
have any diseases except his father sometimes
experience increase in blood pressure. Known
hereditary diseases in their family were
Hypertension and Diabetes although his parents
didn’t acquire any. However, the patient has
hypertension and type II diabetes mellitus which
according to him he might acquire it from his
father’s siblings who are also hypertensive and
diabetic. Luckily, his wife and family have no
significant diseases in the present.
Patterns of
Psychological Health
Coping Patterns
When asked about his condition, the
patient verbalized that, “Medyo ok na
naman ako, pwede na rin daw akong
umuwi.” He added that he is now
happy because he can go home. He
also mentioned that in terms of his
problems regarding his hospitalization,
he can able to manage all of these
because his wife is always there to
care for him.
He said that even though there are times
that he and his wife have some
misunderstandings, they easily solve
these problems by confronting each
other. He verbalized that, “Mabigat kasi
sa pakiramdam pag pinapatagal pa, yung
hindi pagpapansinan.” If there are
problems with the family especially with
their two daughters, they discuss it with
the whole family.
Interaction Pattern
According to the patient, he has many
friends in his work and in their place at
Valuenzuela. He said that socialization
with other people is not a problem with
him because he can easily mingle to
them and adjust to their culture. He also
mentioned that during his stay in Kuwait,
he met different people but he adjusted
easily to it.
When it comes to his interaction
with his family, he verbalized that,
“Parang magkakapatid lang ang
turingan naming lahat sa bahay.”
He added that if their 2 daughters
have some problems, he will just
give them advices. He also doesn’t
have any problems with their
neighbors and mentioned that they
have good interaction.
Mr. M.M. thinks that he is now healthy. He
verbalized that, “Maayos na naman yung
pakiramdam ko pero medyo nahihilo pa rin
ako.” He said that he feels that way
because compare to what he experienced
before he was hospitalized, it is much
better now. During his hospitalization, he
said that whenever he is in a good mood,
he usually talks and chat with his wife. He
keeps on talking and telling those pieces
of advice that he has.
When it comes to physical aspect, he said that
sometimes he is sad because he cannot do his
work as a laborer. He cannot earn money that
he will need for the expenses in their family. He
is also bored during his hospitalization because
all he was doing was sleeping, eating, and
watching the television. Mr. M.M also
mentioned that he has so many goals that he
wanted to achieve in his life. He said that he
was only an elementary graduate but he didn’t
mind what others will say about him. According
to him, as of now, he was so grateful that his
two daughters both finished their studies and
also have their own jobs.
Emotional Patterns
Mr. M.M. said that whenever he
has problems especially in his work,
he usually tells it to his wife. He
believes that if a couple has the
communication especially when
there are problems, they will have a
good relationship. He verbalized
that, “Sinasabi ko naman agad
sakanya yung mga problema ko.
Minsan nagaaway rin kami pero
naguusap rin naman kami agad.”
He added that if ever there are
problems between them, they don’t
want their children see that they are
quarrelling. They solve problems by
confronting each other.
In terms of the whole family, each
one of them has the freedom to say
his/her own feelings regarding family
problems. Mr. M.M. said that their
family has a harmonious relationship
with each other.
Mr. M.M. verbalized that, “Dapat kasi
tatlo yang mga anak ko. Kaso nga lang
yung panganay ay namatay nung
pinapanganak, premature kasi siya.” He
added that they didn’t use any family
planning method and verbalized that,
“Hindi naman talaga naming plano ang
maraming anak.” He also mentioned
that after her last daughter, her wife
undergone tubal ligation.
Socio-cultural Patterns
Recreation Pattern
According to Mr. M.M., his usual
recreational activity is playing tennis.
He said that he usually plays for 4
hours together with his friends. Aside
from playing tennis he sometimes
chats with their neighbors and if he is
in their house, he watches the
Mr. M.M. together with his wife and two
daughters are currently living at Fortune
Village 5, Valenzuela City. According to
him, in their village, it is peaceful and
clean. He verbalized that, “Kahit naman
minsan may mga nagaaway hindi naman
rin sila nagkakasakitan.” He also said that
he has many friends and he has a good
relationship with their neighbors.
Economic Pattern
According to Mr. M.M., he went to Kuwait
because during that time he needed money
for him to send her two daughters in school.
As of now, he is a laborer and he earns
money that is sometimes not enough for his
family. When asked about what are the
expenses that they focused on, he
mentioned that they a lot more money on
their food. Second to it was for the health of
the family especially for the medications.
Lastly was for other expenses like electric
and water bills.
Activities of
Daily Living
According to the client, before his hospitalization,
he and his family often eats rice, vegetable, fish
and chicken. The patient drinks at least 8-10
glasses a day. They seldom eat pork, at least 1-2
times a week. He usually eats 3 times a day
together with his family. He also includes variety
of fruits in his diet. He added that he has a good
appetit During his hospitalization, he still eats 3
times a day but the hospital foods were often
meat and so sometimes he eats less than the
usual. But his wife also cook foods in their house
and brought to him in the hospital.
Analysis and Interpretation:
There are no significant differences in his
nutrition before and during hospitalization.
Patients who are hospitalized may have an
inadequate dietary intake because of the
illness or disorder that necessitated the
hospital stay or because the hospital’s food
is unfamiliar or unappealing. But the patient
however still eats 3 times a day.
Bruneer and Suddhart’s Medical-Surgical
Nursing, 11th edition, volume 1, pg. 83
The client usually urinates 7 times a day almost
the same amount of what he drinks. Light yellow in
color and faint aromatic in odor. He said that she
doesn’t feel any discomfort in urinating. The
patient defecates 2 times a day – one in the
morning and one in the afternoon. Semi-solid and
aromatic in odor, brown in color and formed.
During hospitalization, patient’s urination pattern is
the same from his usual habit. The patient only
defecates once since his hospital stay, hard in
Analysis and Interpretation:
Urination pattern did not change. However,
defecation pattern significantly deviated from
usual. Hospitalized clients may suppress the
urge to defecate because of embarrassment
may be because of lack of privacy or because
defecation is too uncomfortable.
Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th
edition, volume 2, page 1327
According to the client, before his
hospitalization, he plays tennis everyday. This
is his sort of excercision. He spends almost
half of the day playing tennis with his
playmates. “Athletic ako”, as verbalized by
the client.
During his hospitalization, he’s just lying or
sitting down since he was confined on bed.
He would only stand and walk when he has to
use the toilet to void or defecate. He usually
calls his wife to help him in going to the
Analysis and Interpretations:
The client has limited movement as
indicated by his condition. Bed rest to
promote healing may limit activity and
movement therefore inability to perform
basic ADLs can occur.
Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of
Nursing, 8th edition, volume 2,
In terms of hygienic practices before hospitalization,
the client takes a bath once a day provided that he
will bathe with warm water. “Minsan lang ako maligo
lalo pag hindi mainit yung tubig.” He also added,
“Pag malamig ang tubig ayokong ng maligo.”
Brushes his teeth only once a day and doesn’t use
deodorant. Trim his nails everytime it becomes long.
During hospitalization, the patient didn’t take a bath
yet because according to him, there’s no warm
water to use. He still brushes his teeth once a day.
Analysis and Interpretation:
The patient obviously neglected to take a
bath during hospitalization. Ill people may
not have the motivation or energy to attend
to hygiene.
Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing,
8th edition, volume 1, page 742
Substance Abuse
According to the client, he smokes and consumes
1 pack of filter cigarette everyday. He also drinks
occasionally with maximum of 4 bottles of beer
during special events only. He is also taking Adalat
30mg once a day as his anti-hypertensive
While hospitalized, there’s no way he can do his
vices. He has plans to stop smoking and alcohol
drinking, since he can also perceive the effects of
long term cigarette smoking.
Analysis and Interpretation:
The patient has no choice but to
abstain from smoking. Primarily,
because hospitals don’t allow
cigarette smoking.
Sleep and Rest
For the client’s sleep and rest pattern, he said
that his usual sleep is at 8pm and usually wakes
up 2am but continues his sleep until 6am He is
satisfied and comfortable with the amount and
quality of sleep he’s getting. He also stated,
“gising matanda na ang gising ko”.
During hospitalization, the patient’s sleeping
pattern is the same with his’ normal. He is
satisfied and comfortable also. But he got some
time to rest during the day.
Analysis and Interpretation:
There’s no change with his
sleeping pattern during
hospitalization except that more
resting time he’s getting during
the day.
Sexual Activity
For the patient’s sexual activity with his
wife before hospitalization, they are less
often than not engaged in sexual
intercourse. “Tumatanda na kami, hindi
na namin yun masyado ginagawa” as
verbalized by the patient. According to
the patient, his wife had menopause
During hospitalization, no sexual
engagement occurred.
Body part Normal Findings Actual Findings Analysis and Interpretation
1.General Survey
-Body built -Proportionate -Proportionate -Normal findings
-Height -No data available
-Weight -No data available
-Posture and gait -Relaxed, erect and react -Relaxed and erect -Normal findings
with coordinated posture while sitting
-Over all hygiene and movement and standing -Normal findings
grooming -Clean and neat -Clean and neat
-Body and breath odor -Deviation from normal
-No body or minor odor -Presence of breath Halitosis, or most commonly
and breath odor odor and body odor bad breath are terms used to
describe noticeably unpleasant
odors exhaled in breathing. Bad
breath may be due to poor
hygiene and usage of tobacco
products. (Halitosis. January 11,
2010. Retrieved last January
-Signs of distress 16, 2009 from
-Signs of health or -No distress noted -No distress noted
illness -Healthy appearance -He appears healthy. tosis)
-Attitude -Cooperative and able to -Can response to -Normal findings
follow instructions questions and followed -Normal findings
-Affect and mood instructions correctly
-The affect and mood -He feels happy and -Normal findings
-Quantity and quality should be appropriate to comfortable
of speech the situation -Soft voice tones; -Normal findings
-The quality and quantity understandable and in -Normal findings
-Relevance and of speech is moderate pace
organization of understandable, in -Her thoughts has a -Normal Findings
thoughts moderate pace sense of reality and
-Logical sequence; makes related to the
sense; has sense of reality questions asked to her
2. Skin
-Skin color and -Varies from light to -Light brown skin -Normal findings
uniformity deep brown; from color
ruddy pink to light
pink; from yellow
-Presence of overtones to olive -Normal findings
Edema -Generally uniform -Uniform in color;
skin color except in there is presence of
areas exposed to the hyperpigmentation
sun; areas of lighter and -Normal findings
-Presence of skin -No presence of hypopigmentation
lesions edema -No presence of -Normal findings
-Skin moisture edema
-Freckles; some
birthmarks, some flat -No presence of -Normal findings
raised nevi; no birthmarks, abrasions
abrasions or other and lesions on the
lesions body
-Moisture in skin folds -Small amount of -Normal findings
-Skin temperature and axillae moisture is present in
the axillae,
-Uniform skin antecubital area and -Normal findings
-Skin turgor temperature; within popliteal
the normal range -Temperature is
-When pinched, the uniform all
skin springs back to throughout the body
its previous state and is warm to touch
-Has good skin
3. Nails
-Fingernail plate -Convex curvature; -Convex nails with -Normal findings
shape angle of plate about an angle of 160°
-Finger nail and 160° -White in color -Deviation from Normal
toenail bed color -Highly vascular and Pallor may reflect poor
pink in light-skinned arterial circulation.
clients; dark-skinned (Kozier, et al.
clients may have 2007.Fundamentals of
brown or black Nursing 8th Edition.
pigmentation in Phillipines:Pearson
longtitudinal streaks Education, Inc.p.584)
-Nail texture -Smooth texture and -Normal findings
there is no visible
-Tissues -Smooth texture cracks -Normal findings
surrounding the -Tissues that
nails -Intact epidermis surrounds that the
-Blanch test of nails are intact -Deviation from Normal
capillary refill Delayed return to usual
- Prompt return of -The color of the color of the nails may
pink or usual color; nails, when pressed indicate circulatory
generally less than 4 were still the same impairment. (Kozier, et
second color (white) al. 2007.Fundamentals of
Nursing 8th Edition.
Education, Inc.p.584)
4. Skull
-Size and shape -Rounded and -Slightly round and -Normal findings
smooth skull contour has smooth skull
-Symmetry -Symmetrical contour -Normal findings
-Presences of -No presence of -Symmetrical -Normal findings
nodules, masses masses or nodules -No visible masses
and depressions and depression or nodules and
areas of depression
5. Scalp
-Color -Lighter to the color -Grayish in color, -Normal findings
of the facial skin lighter than the
color of the facial
-Areas of -No areas of skin -Normal findings
tenderness tenderness -No areas of
6. Hair
-Evenness of -Evenly distributed -Hair is evenly -Normal findings
growth and and thick distributed all
thickness throughout the
scalp an is thick
-Presence of -No presence of -Negative flakes, no -Normal findings
infections infections infections or insects
in the hair
7. Facial
Features -Symmetrical facial -Symmetrical facial -Normal findings
-Symmetry of movements movements when
facial movements elevating the eyebrows,
smiling, closing the eyes
tightly, pouting, puffing
the cheeks, and frowning
8. Visual Acuity
-Near Vision -Able to read the -He was able to read all -Normal findings
newsprint the letters and words
given to him in a piece
of paper with the
distance of 1 foot away
-Distant Vision -Has a 20/20 vision from him
for both right and -No data available
left eyes on the
Snellen-type chart
-Distribution of -Evenly distributed -Hair in the eyebrows are-Normal findings
hair hair and equally distributed
-Symmetry -Symmetrically -Symmetrically aligned -Normal findings
aligned on both sides
-Movement -Coordinated -Normal findings
-Equal movement movements
10. Lacrimal -No presence of -Upon palpation, there -Normal findings
gland, lacrimal tenderness, edema and is no areas of
sac and tearing tenderness, edema or
nasolacrimal duct swelling and tearing
11. Eyelids
-Surface -Evenly distributed hair -Hair on the eyelashes -Normal findings
characteristics on the eyelashes; skin are evenly distributed,
is intact; no discharges; skin is intact with no
no discoloration discoloration and
-Ability to blink -Lids closes discharges -Normal findings
symmetrically -The eyelids closes and
-Frequency of opens symmetrically -Normal findings
blinking -Approximately 15 to -Approximately 17
20 involuntary blinks blinks per minute with
per minute; bilateral symmetrical blinking
12. Bulbar
Conjunctiva -Transparent; -Transparent in color -Normal findings
-Color capillaries are and some capillaries
sometimes evident are visible -Normal findings
-Texture -Smooth texture -Appears to be smooth
in texture -Normal findings
-Presence of lesions -No presence of lesions -No lesions observed
on the surface -Normal findings
-Palpebral -Pink or red -Pinkish in color
Conjucntiva -Normal findings
-Color and Texture -Smooth and shiny -Smooth and shiny in
texture -Normal findings
13. Sclera
-Color and clarity -White in color -Appears to be white in color-Normal findings
and with smooth texture
14. Cornea
-Clarity and texture -Transparent, shiny and -Transparent, shiny and -Normal findings
smooth smooth
15. Iris
-Shape and color -Varies with client's -Iris appears to be flat, -Normal findings
race; flat and round round and brown in color
16. Pupils
-Color -Black in color -Appears to be white in color-Normal findings
-Shape -Round and has smooth -Round and has smooth -Normal findings
border border
-Symmetry and size -Equal in size; normally -Normal findings
3mm to 7mm in -Equal in size and
-Light Reaction diameter symmetrical on both sides -Normal findings
-Illuminated pupil -Constricts at approximately
constricts (direct 4mm as light directed to the
response); non- eyes and dilates at
-Accommodation illuminated pupil dilates approximately 6mm when -Normal findings
(consensual response light is removed.
-Pupils constrict when -When the client was asked
looking at near objects; to look at near object, the
pupils dilate when pupils constrict; on the
looking at far object; other hand, when he was
pupils converge when asked to look on far object,
near object is moved the pupils dilates
toward the nose
17. Extra
Ocular Muscles -Both eyes -Both eyes followed -Normal findings
-Alignment and coordinated; move the penlight in
coordination in unison with different direction
parallel alignment with parallel
alignment and
move in unison
18. Visual -When looking -He can able to see -Normal findings
Fields straight ahead, my fingers at
client can see different angles
objects in the
19. Auricles
-Color -Color same as -Light brown, same -Normal findings
facial skin as the facial skin
-Symmetry -Symmetrical -Symmetrical -Normal findings
-Position -Aligned with the -Vertically aligned -Normal findings
outer canthus of the at the outer canthus
eyes at about 10º of the eye at about
vertical 10º vertical
-Texture, -Soft but firm -Normal findings
elasticity and -Mobile, firm and texture; no lesions
areas of not tender; the present and no
tenderness pinna recoils after it tenderness felt by
is folded the client upon
20. External Ear
-Dry cerumen, grayish- -Dry cerumen is visible -Normal findings
-Presence of tan color; or sticky wet
cerumen, skin cerumen in various
lesions, pus and shades of brown
blood -No presence of skin -No lesion, pus and -Normal findings
lesions, pus and blood blood is present
21. Hearing
Acuity test -Normal voice tones -The client can hear -Normal findings
-Normal voice tones audible the normal voice tone
and can repeat what
was told to him
-Able to hear ticking in -The client stated that -Normal findings
-Watch tick test both ears he heard “tick-tack”
sound when watch
was placed in his ear.
-Sound is heard in both -The client said that he -Normal findings
-Weber’s Test ears or is localized at felt the vibration and
the center of the head both ears equally
(Negative Weber) heard the sound
-Air-conducted hearing -Normal findings
-Rinne Test is greater than bone- -The air-conducted
conducted hearing hearing lasted for 10
(Positive Rinne) seconds and the bone-
conducted hearing
lasted for 7 seconds
-Shape and size -Symmetric and -Symmetric and -Normal findings
-Color straight straight -Normal findings
-Flaring or -Uniform color -Uniform color -Normal findings
discharge from -No flaring or -No flaring or
nares discharge discharge -Normal findings
-Nasal cavities
(redness, -Mucosa pink; has a -Mucosa appears to be
swelling, growthsclear, watery pink in color; has a
and discharge discharge; there are no clear, watery
lesions discharge and there -Normal findings
-Nasal septum are no lesions,
(position) swelling, redness and
-It is intact and in growth -Normal findings
-Patency of both middle line -Nasal septum is
nasal cavities located at the middle
-Air moves freely when line and is intact
the client breathes -The air coming from -Normal findings
-Tenderness, through the nares the nares can be felt
masses and it moves freely
displacements of -No areas of when the client
bone and tenderness, masses, breathes.
cartilage and displacement of -No areas of
bone and cartilage tenderness, masses,
and displacement of
bone and cartilage
-Any presence of -No presence of -No presence of -Normal findings
tenderness tenderness tenderness
22. Lips
-Symmetry of -Symmetric - Symmetric -Normal findings
contour appearance appearance -Normal findings
-Color -Normal findings
-Texture -Uniform pink color -Slightly bluish in color
-Soft, moist, smooth - Soft, moist and has
texture smooth texture
23. Buccal
Mucosa -Uniform pink color -Pink in color; smooth, -Normal findings
-Color, moisture, -Has a moist, smooth, soft and glistening -Normal findings
and texture soft, glistening, and and has elastic
elastic texture texture
-No lesions
-Presence of lesions -No presence of
24. Teeth
-Number of -32 adult teeth -22 adult teeth -Absence of 10 teeth. The
condition normal number of adult
teeth is 32.
(Kozier, et al.
2007.Fundamentals of
Nursing 8th Edition.
-Color -Smooth, white, shiny -Rough in texture, Education, Inc.p.584)
tooth enamel discoloration of the -Black discoloration of the
enamel (black in enamel may indicate
color) staining or presence of
caries. (Kozier, et al.
2007.Fundamentals of
25. Gums
-Color and condition -Pink gums, moist, firm -Pink gums, moist, firm -Normal findings
texture texture
-No retraction of gums -Normal findings
-No presence of -No retraction of gums -Normal findings
tenderness -No presence of tenderness
26. Tongue/Floor
of the Mouth
-Color and texture -Pink color; moist; -Appears to be pink in color; -Normal findings
slightly rough; thin smooth whitish coating;
whitish coating; bilateral margins; raised
smooth, lateral papillae; and there is no
-Position and margins; no lesions; presence of lesions -Normal findings
movement raised papillae -Central position; moves
-Presence of -Central position; freely -Normal findings
nodules, lumps or moves freely
excoriated areas -No tenderness, -No areas of tenderness,
-Floor of the mouth nodules, lumps or masses or nodules, lumps or -Normal findings
and frenulum excoriated areas excoriated areas
-Smooth tongue base with
-Smooth tongue base prominent veins can be
with prominent veins observed
27. Palates and
Uvula -Light pink, smooth, -Soft palate appears to be -Normal findings
-Color and texture soft palate pink in color, smooth and
-Lighter pink hard soft; hard palate is lighter
palate than soft palate
-Normal findings
-Position of the
28. Oropharynx
and Tonsils -Pink and smooth -Pinkish in color and -Normal findings
-Color, texture and posterior wall; of has smooth posterior
size normal size or not wall; of normal size
-Presence of visible (Grade 1) -Normal findings
discharge -No discharge -No discharge
Neck and Lymph
29. Lymph Nodes
-Enlargement of the -Not palpable -Lymph nodes are not -Normal findings
lymph nodes palpable and this
indicates no
30. Trachea
-Placement -Central placement in -The placement of the -Normal findings
midline of neck; trachea determined
spaces are equal on upon palpation and is
both sides located at the midline
of the neck and both
sides have equal
34. Heart
-Presence of abnormal -No pulsations on the aortic -No pulsations on the aortic and -Normal findings
pulsations, lifts or and pulmonic areas; no lifts or pulmonic areas; no lifts or
heaves heaves on the tricuspid area; heaves on the tricuspid area; no
no lifts or heaves on the lifts or heaves on the mitral area
mitral area but with visible but with visible pulsations
pulsations -S1: usually heard at all sites; -Normal findings
-Auscultation sound -S1: usually heard at all sites; usually louder at apical area; S2:
heard usually louder at apical area; usually heard at all sites; usually
S2: usually heard at all sites; louder at the base of the heart;
usually louder at the base of Systole: silent interval; slightly
the heart; Systole: silent shorter duration than diastole at
interval; slightly shorter normal heart rates; Diastole:
duration than diastole at silent interval; slightly longer
35. Carotid
Artery -Symmetric pulse -Symmetric pulse -Normal findings
-Quality of volumes; full can be felt, full
pulsations pulsations; has a pulsations and has a
thrusting quality thrusting quality
-No sounds can be -Normal findings
-Auscultation -No sound heard heard
sound heard
36. Jugular
veins -Veins not visible -Veins are not -Normal findings
-Presence of visible when on the
distention lateral side of the
neck when the
client is in Semi-
fowler’s position
Breast and
35. Breast
-Size, symmetry, -Females: Rounded -Even with the size -Normal findings
and contour or shape; slightly of the chest wall
shape unequal in size;
Males: even with the
size of the chest
-Skin color wall -Uniform in color -Normal findings
-Presence of -Uniform in color -No presence of -Normal findings
swelling or -No swelling or swelling or edema.
edema, and edema and
36. Areola
-Shape -Round or oval -Round in shape -Normal findings
-Symmetry -Bilaterally -Bilaterally -Normal findings
-Color symmetric symmetric -Normal findings
-Varies from light -Light to dark brown
-Presence of mass pink to dark brown in color -Deviation from normal
or lesions -No skin lesions or -Presence of pimple-
masses like behind his right
nipple, located
around the areola
37. Nipples
-Size -Equal in size on -Both nipples are -Normal findings
both nipples equal in size
-Shape -Round and everted -Round and everted -Normal findings
-Position -Centrally located on -Centrally located -Normal findings
each breast on each breast
-Color -Uniform in color -Uniform in color -Normal findings
-Direction -Both nipples point -Both nipples point -Normal findings
in the same in the same
-Presence of direction direction -Normal findings
discharge an -No discharges and -No discharges and
lesions lesions lesions
38. Axillae
-Presence of -No tenderness, -Upon palpation, -Normal findings
tenderness, masses or nodules there is no presence
-Skin integrity -Unblemished skin; uniform -Uniform in color. No presence -Normal findings
color; visible silver white of surgical scars.
striae or surgical scars
-Abdominal contour -Flat, rounded or scaphoid -Round in shape -Normal findings
-Enlargement of the -No evidence of enlargement -No evidence of enlargement of -Normal findings
liver or spleen of liver or spleen liver or spleen
-Symmetry of -Symmetric contour -Symmetric contour -Normal findings
Contour -Symmetric movements -Symmetric movements caused -Normal findings
-Abdominal caused by respirations by respirations is visible
Movements -Visible peristalsis in very
(respirations, lean people
peristalsis, or aortic -Aortic pulsations in thin
pulsations) person at epigastric area
-No visible vascular patterns -Vascular patterns is not visible -Normal findings
Color Yellow Straw/Amber Normal
Transparency Clear Clear Normal
pH 5.0 4.6-8.0 Normal
Specific Gravity 1.005 1.005-1.030 Normal
Sugar Trace Negative Deviation from Normal
•Glucose in the urine indicates
high blood glucose levels and
maybe indicative of
undiagnosed or uncontrolled
diabetes mellitus.
(Kozier and Erb’s
Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th
edition, volume 2, page 1293)
Protein Negative Negative Normal
Pus cells 0 – 1/HPF -
RBC 0 – 1/HPF <2 per HPF Normal
Epithelial Cells RARE
Bacteria RARE
Mucus Threads RARE
Urates RARE
Procedure/Ite Result Reference Interpretation and Analysis
m Range
Hemoglobin 141 120 – 160 g/L Normal
Hematocrit 0.41 0.37 – 0.47 Normal
RBC - 4.0 – 5.4 x -
MCHC - 32 – 36 g/dL -
MCV - 27 – 33 -
MCH - 80 – 97 fl -
WBC 5.5 5.10 x 10^9/L Deviation from Normal
•An increase in white blood cells can often indicate that the body
is reacting to an allergen or to a minor infection. It can also
indicate injury to the tissue, such as that caused by a heart attack,
surgery or burns.
(Wallace, O. 2003. What Does a White Blood Cell Count Indicate?
Retrieved from
Segmenters 0.48 0.55 – 0.70 Deviation from Normal
Lymphocytes 0.44 0.23 – 0.40 Deviation from Normal
An increased percentage of lymphocytes (lymphocytosis) may
•Chronic bacterial infection
•Infectious hepatitis
•Infectious mononucleosis
•Lymphocytic leukemia
•Multiple myeloma
•Viral infection (such as infectious mononucleosis, mumps,
•Recovery from a bacterial infection
(Brose, M. 2003. Blood Differential. Retrieved from
Eosinophils - 0.01 – 0.06 -
Procedure/Ite Result Reference Interpretation and
m Range Analysis
Sodium 146.1 135 – 140 Deviation from Normal
mmol/L •An increased in plasma
sodium level greater than
145mEq/L is known as
Neurologic changes
manifested as confusion,
seizures, or coma, and in
some cases with
irreversible brain damage.
(Black and Hawk’s Medical
Surgical Nursing 8th
Edition Volume 1, volume
1, pg. 147)
Pulmonic 0.8
PAT: TRjet: 36
Normal left ventricular with adequate wall motion and contractility
Normal right ventricular diameter with adequate wall motion and
Normal left and right atrial diameters
Thickened mitral valves without restriction of motion
Structurally normal aortic, tricuspid and pulmonic valves
Normal vein pulmonary artery diameter
Nomal aortic aortic root
Color Flow and Doppler:
Mild mitral and tricuspid regurgitation
Reversed mitral inflow pattern
ESPAP of 36 mm Hg by TRjet
Normal left ventricular resting systolic function grade 1 diastolic
Normal right ventricular size and function
No significant valve disease nor dysfunction
Mild pulmonary hypertension
Mild mitral & tricuspid regurgitation
Chest X-ray
Radiologic Report
Both lung fields are clear
The heart is not enlarged
Aorta is tortous
Diaphragm and sinuses are intact
Atheromatous aorta
Atheromatous aorta are found in chest x-ray results of a lot of
folks in their 40s above. It means that there are fat deposits
in her artery – the result of a lifetime of eating fatty foods.
Drug Study
Generi Dosage/ Classificatio Indication Contraindi Side Nsg.
c/ Frequency n cation Effects Responsibiliti
Trade es
5mg/tab OD Antihypertens Hypertensio Hypersensiti Headache • Monitor Vital
Amlodi ive n alone or in vity to , nausea signs
pine Calcium combination amlodipine and • Monitor
channel with other vomiting cardiac
blocker hypertensiv rhythm
es during
of dosage.
• Administer
drug without
regard to