Rod shaped structures found in the center of the nucleus of every cell in
the body (except RBC).
Each sperm and each ovum contains 23 chromosomes.
The chromosomes contain the DNA and genes.
The fertilized egg (zygote) and all the body cells that develop from it
(except the sperm cells and the ova) contain 46 chromosomes.
22 of the pairs are called autosomes and are numbered from largest to
The autosomes are not involved in determining sex.
The 23rd pair are the sex chromosomes:
XX in females
XY in males
(1)Chromatid one of the two identical
parts of the chromosome afterS phase.
(2)Centromere the point where the two
chromatids touch, and where the
microtubules attach.
(3) Short arm.
(4) Long arm.
A karyotype test is basically a test that analyzes
our chromosomes.
It tells you how many chromosomes a person has
and looks at the structure of each chromosome
A karyotype can be performed on any tissue but
most often it is done from a blood sample, a
sample of amniotic fluid or a piece of placenta
obtained through chorionic villi sampling.
Karyotyping is a complex process that involves
growing the cells, obtaining the chromosomes,
staining the chromosomes, analyzing the
chromosomes and reporting the results.
Dying by Giemsa
an indisputable karyogram.
Types of banding
G-banding: yields a series of lightly and darkly stained bands - the dark
regions tend to be heterochromatic, late-replicating and AT rich. The light r
egions tend to be euchromatic, early- replicating and GC rich.
R-banding : reverse of G-banding , dark regions are euchromatic (GC) and light
heterocromatin (AT).
T-banding: visualizetelomeres.
The types of karyotyping are:
Multicolor Karyotyping (Spectral and Color Changing Karyotyping) :
Multicolor karyotyping identifies all chromosomes in a metaphase
preparation based on their color differences.
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) : Uses fluoresce dye
to colour genes useful for gene mapping and for identifying
Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH). : analysis of regional
changes in the DNA content of tumor cells.
Chromosome abnormalities
Turner syndrome: Results from a single X chromosome (45, X or
45, X0).
Klinefelter syndrome : The most common male chromosomal
disease, otherwise known as 47, XXY is caused by an
Edwards syndrome :is caused bytrisomy(three copies) of
chromosome 18.
Down syndrome, a common chromosomal disease, is caused by
trisomy of chromosome 21.
Patau syndrome : is caused by trisomy of chromosome 13.
Six different characteristics of karyotypes are usually observed and
Differences in absolute sizes of chromosomes.
Differences in the position ofcentromeres. This is brought about
Differences in relative size of chromosomes can only be caused by
segmental interchange of unequal lengths.
Differences in basic number of chromosomes.
Differences in number and position of satellites,
Differences in degree and distribution ofheterochromaticregions.