Fuel Case
Fuel Case
Fuel Case
Why do firms like Southwest hedge?
What are the benefits of hedging?
Does heating oil or crude oil more
closely follow the price of jet fuel? (To
answer this
question, use the information in the
Excel spreadsheet)
a) Evaluate each of the five proposed hedging strategies.
What are the benefits of each hedge based on two fuel
price scenarios in one year?
In other words, assume in June 2002 that one of these
scenarios occurs.
Calculate your net cost of jet fuel under each scenario
incorporating the hedging strategies used. (Note: you can
analyze the hedges under as many price scenarios as you
wish, but be certain to include the following two
For both scenarios, consider full hedging and a 50% hedge
What are the risks of being unhedged? Totally hedged? (Note: the
February 24, 2004 Wall Street Journal
article titled Outside Audit: Jet-Fuel
Bets Are Risky Business by Melanie
Trottman may be useful.)
(a) What is basis risk and how is it
different from price risk?
(b) What are the implications of a
changing basis?
(c) Does basis risk exist for
Southwest Airlines in their fuel
hedging program?
What do you recommend to Scott
Topping? Why?
5 Hedging Strategies