The document discusses the identity and mission of Catholic universities according to Pope John Paul II's apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. It outlines that Catholic universities must have Christian inspiration, fidelity to the Christian message, and a commitment to serving all people. It states they are communities that integrate faith and reason through research, teaching, and various services. Their mission involves preparing students to assume roles in the Church and society by developing solutions to social problems and making knowledge available to wider audiences.
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The document discusses the identity and mission of Catholic universities according to Pope John Paul II's apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. It outlines that Catholic universities must have Christian inspiration, fidelity to the Christian message, and a commitment to serving all people. It states they are communities that integrate faith and reason through research, teaching, and various services. Their mission involves preparing students to assume roles in the Church and society by developing solutions to social problems and making knowledge available to wider audiences.
The document discusses the identity and mission of Catholic universities according to Pope John Paul II's apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. It outlines that Catholic universities must have Christian inspiration, fidelity to the Christian message, and a commitment to serving all people. It states they are communities that integrate faith and reason through research, teaching, and various services. Their mission involves preparing students to assume roles in the Church and society by developing solutions to social problems and making knowledge available to wider audiences.
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The document discusses the identity and mission of Catholic universities according to Pope John Paul II's apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. It outlines that Catholic universities must have Christian inspiration, fidelity to the Christian message, and a commitment to serving all people. It states they are communities that integrate faith and reason through research, teaching, and various services. Their mission involves preparing students to assume roles in the Church and society by developing solutions to social problems and making knowledge available to wider audiences.
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Group 3 Social Teachings of the Church Definition of Education
• Education in the broadest sense is
any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. • In its technical sense education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to EX CORDE ECCLESIAE Ex corde ecclesiae and some background information
The most significant document
affecting the Catholic university in this century is Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Colleges and Universities, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, "Out of the Heart of the Church." Ex corde ecclesiae and some background information
Pope John Paul II writes in this
document with a passion which reveals that he is speaking from his own personal experience within the Catholic university. He sees most clearly that one of the principal purposes of the Catholic university: First, "the ardent search for truth" And second, its unselfish transmission to youth that they may learn to think so as to act rightly. It is not enough only to know the truth-- one must love the truth and live the Ex corde ecclesiae and some background information
The title selected by the Holy Father,
Ex Corde Ecclesiae, "Out of the Heart of the Church," presents to us a parent-child model, with the Church as parent and the university as progeny Apostolic Constitution, Ex corde Ecclesiae (ECE) itself, is an inspirational document on the Catholic identity of our schools. Ex corde ecclesiae and some background information
Attempts have been made since
1990 to establish norms for implementing ECE in each country. A 1996 consensus draft for the U.S., developed by presidents, bishops, and others, was approved 224-6 by the U.S. bishops, but returned by Vatican officials to be made "more juridical." more juridical-more related to the Difficulties on the current draft The requirement for Catholic theologians to obtain a mandatum. The requirement of a majority of Catholics on the Board and on the Faculty. The "risk" of the norms opening our schools to the charge of being "pervasively sectarian" and thus ineligible for public funding There are a lot of concerns on this, “Two intellectual orders” ThePope has explained that the Universities has “two intellectual orders” such orders are: ~the quest for Truth. ~the certainty of already knowing the font of truth. Essential Characteristics of a Catholic University “Essential characteristics" There must be a Christian inspiration which is found not only in the individuals who make up the college or university, but throughout the university Secondly, in the light of the truths of the Catholic Faith, there must be an ongoing reflection upon the growing body of human knowledge to which the university seeks to add its own unique contribution in the field of research and writing. “Essential characteristics" Third, there must be "fidelity to the Christian message as it comes to us through the Church." There must be loyalty and faith on the message. Fourth, there must be a commitment on the part of the institution to serve the entire people of God and the entire human family of mankind " "Catholic ideals, attitudes, and principles penetrate and inform university activities in accordance to the proper nature and autonomy of these activities." Identity and mission of the document
Identity and mission of the document A.THE IDENTITY OF A CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY
1.Every Catholic University, as a
university, is an academic community which, in a rigorous and critical fashion, assists in the protection and advancement of human dignity and of a cultural heritage through research, teaching and various services offered to the local, national and international communities. The university must guarantee academic Freedom a long as the rights of the
Identity and mission of the document 2.Every catholic university must have the essential characteristics. And these are: Christian inspiration fidelity to the Christian message an institutional commitment to the service of the people of God and of
Identity and mission of the document 3.A Catholic University, therefore, is a place of research, where scholars scrutinize reality with the methods proper to each academic discipline, and so contribute to the treasury of human knowledge. Each individual discipline is studied in a systematic manner; moreover, the various disciplines are brought into dialogue for their mutual enhancement…….. is a place to learn, where students are being taught proper conduct,
Identity and mission of the document 4. a Catholic University, "has to be a 'living union' of individual organisms dedicated to the search for truth ... It is necessary to work towards a higher synthesis of knowledge, in which alone lies the possibility of satisfying that thirst for truth which is profoundly inscribed on the heart of the human person"
Identity and mission of the document 5.In promoting this integration of knowledge, a specific part of a Catholic University's task is to promote dialogue between faith and reason, so that it can be seen more profoundly how faith and reason bear harmonious witness to the unity of all truth.
Identity and mission of the document 6.Catholic University is always carried out with a concern for the ethical and moral implications both of its methods and of its discoveries. Identity and mission of the document: The University Community A Catholic University pursues its objectives through its formation of an authentic human community animated by the spirit of Christ.
As a result of this inspiration, the
community is animated by a spirit of freedom and charity; it is characterized by mutual respect, sincere dialogue, and protection of the rights of individuals. It assists each of its members to achieve wholeness as human persons; in turn, everyone in the Identity and mission of the document: The University Community Universityteachers should seek to improve their competence and endeavourto set the content, objectives, methods, and results of research in an individual discipline within the framework of a coherent world vision. All teachers are to be inspired by academic ideals and by the principles of an authentically human life. Identity and mission of the document: The University Community Students are challenged to pursue an education that combines excellence in humanistic and cultural development with specialized professional training. Most especially, they are challenged to continue the search for truth and for meaning throughout their lives. Learning never ceases. Identity and mission of the document: The University Community Directors and administrators in a Catholic University promote the constant growth of the University and its community through a leadership of service; the dedication and witness of the non- academic staff are vital for the identity and life of the University Identity and mission of the document B. THE MISSION OF SERVICE OF A CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY 1. Service to Church and Society: It prepares men and women who, inspired by Christian principles and helped to live their Christian vocation in a mature and responsible manner, will be able to assume positions of responsibility in the Church. A Catholic University, as any University, is immersed in human society; as an extension of its service to the Church. University contributes further development of a true Christian anthropology, founded on the person of Identity and mission of the document The Christian spirit of service to others for the promotion of social justice is of particular importance for each Catholic University, to be shared by its teachers and developed in its students. a Catholic University will insist on cooperation among the different academic disciplines, each offering its distinct contribution in the search for solutions. a Catholic University can assist in making the growing body of human knowledge and a developing understanding of the faith available to a wider public, thus expanding university services beyond its own academic community. a Catholic University will relate especially to the Identity and mission of the document 2. Pastoral Ministry integrating faith with life. the university community should give a practical demonstration of its faith in its daily activity, with important moments of reflection and of prayer. willencourage teachers and students to become more aware of their responsibility towards those who are suffering physically or spiritually. Identity and mission of the document Pastoral ministry is an indispensable means by which Catholic students can, in fulfilment of their baptism, be prepared for active participation in the life of the Church; Various associations or movements of spiritual and apostolic life, especially those developed specifically for students, can be of great assistance in developing the Identity and mission of the document 3. Cultural Dialogue Helps to transmit the local culture to each succeeding generation through its teaching, and assists cultural activities through its educational services. a Catholic University assists the Church, enabling it to come to a better knowledge of diverse cultures, discern their positive and negative aspects, to receive their authentically human contributions, and to develop means by which it can make the faith better understood by the men and Identity and mission of the document A Catholic University must become more attentive to the cultures of the world of today, and to the various cultural traditions existing within the Church in a way that will promote a continuous and profitable dialogue between the Gospel and modern society. A Catholic University is the dialogue Identity and mission of the document 4. Evangelization Evangelization means "bringing the Good News into all the strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new. It is a living institutional witness to Christ and his message, so vitally important in cultures marked by secularism, or where Christ and his message are still virtually unknown. , all the basic academic activities of a Catholic University are connected with and in harmony with the evangelizing mission of the Church. The Nature of a Catholic University A Catholic University is a community of scholars representing various branches of human knowledge. It informs and carries out its research, teaching, and all other activities with Catholic ideals, principles and attitudes. The University, particularly through its structure and its regulations, is to provide means which will guarantee the expression and the preservation The Nature of a Catholic University Catholic teaching and discipline are to influence all university activities, while the freedom of conscience of each person is to be fully respected. A Catholic University possesses the autonomy necessary to develop its distinctive identity and pursue its proper mission.