Theories of International Business
Theories of International Business
Theories of International Business
Subba Rao
Francis Cherunilam
Dr Chandran
International Business
International Business
1. Definition of IB, Domestic vs IntI business, Adv & Disadv
2. International trade theories
3. Environmental challenges
4. Globalisation, Regional groups, Transnational economy.
5. Market entry strategies and Country selection processes
6. International Trade Institutions, IMF, IBRD, WTO and Policies
7. International finance & Foreign Direct Investments, GDR, ADR etc
8. International issues, G 20 issues, MFN status, Intellectual property
rights, purchase power parity, ISO and world quality standards etc
9. Trade Barriers, Anti Dumping etc
10.Ethical business, CSR, Millineum goals, HR policies etc
11.Logistics, Information technology, cultural and social issues,
Generalised topics etc
12.Case studies
International Business
Independence, Dependence and Interdependence
International Trade Policy
International Business
World Monetary and Exchange rate System
International Business
1. Source raw materials wherever they are cheapest.
2. Manufacture anywhere in the world where it is most
cost effective.
International Business
International Business
International business can be defined as activities that buys
and sells goods and services across two or more national
boundaries, even if the management is located in a one
country. It includes any type of business activity that crosses
national borders. International business is related with
those enterprises which have operating units outside their
own country. There are institutional arrangements who
provide some managerial direction of economic activity
taking place abroad.
Conducting international business is really not like playing a
whole new ball game but it is like playing in a different ball
park, where the managers have to learn the factors unique to
International Business
International Business
International Business
International Business
International Business
International Business
International Business
Economic Policies
International Business
International Business
Trading Blocs
Strategic Locations
International Business
SAARC (7): + Afghanistan (Total 8)
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh,
Maldives (SAPTA SAARC preferential trading agreement)
NAFTA (3) : North American Free Trade Agreement
USA, Canada, Mexico
LAFTA (9) : Latin American Free Trade Area
Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay,
Columbia, Ecuador
ASEAN (5) : The Association of South East Asian Nations was
formed by the Bangkok Declaration, 1967, by five countries,
viz., Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and
International Business
EU (15) : European Union
Austria, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden.
Euro : Common currency of the EU was launched by 11
members on 1.1.1999, Britain, Denmark, Sweden didnt join. Greece joined
in 1.1.2001
International Business
MERCOSUR : Mercado Comun del Sur Brazil, Argentina,
Paraguay and Uruguay.
In the post World War II period, the erstwhile Soviet Union
and East European countries sought to foster economic
development via the integration scheme of Council for Mutual
EconomicAssistance (CMEA or COMECON). With the
dissolution of the CMEA in 1991 following political changes,
the regional trade of the eastern bloc also collapsed.
ASEAN China free trade zone is under process. AFTA
with more members like Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and
Vietnam also joining the group.
Thank you
International Business
International Business