Testing and Assessing Listening
Testing and Assessing Listening
Testing and Assessing Listening
(1305376) K4.2013
Some operation may be classified as global. They
include ability to:
obtain the gist
follow an argument
recognize the attitude of the speaker
Obtain factual information
Follow instructions(including directions)
Understand requests for information; expression of needs; request for
help; permission; apologies
Follow sequence of events (narration);
Recognise and understand opinions
Follow justification of opinions
Understand comparisons
Recognise and understand suggestions; comments; excuses; expressions
of preferences; complaints; speculation
Understand greeting and introductions; expressions of
agreement; disagreement
Recognise speakers purpose; indications of uncertainty
Understand request for clarification
Recognise request for clarification; opinion; indications of
understanding; indication of failure to understand
Recognise and understand corrections by speake;
modifications of statements and comments
Recognise speakers desire that listener indicate
understanding; when speaker justifies or support statements
of other speaker; when speaker questions assertions made by
other speakers; attemps to persuade others
For reasons of content validity and backwash, text should be specified as
fully as possible:
Text type
monologue, dialogue or multiparticipant
Further specified: conversation, announcement, talk or lecture, instruction,
direction, etc
Text form
Description, exposition, argumentation, instruction, naration
Maybe express in seconds or minutes
Speed of speech
Maybe express as word per minute (wpm) or syllable per second (sps)
Standard or non-standard varieties
Regional or non regional
2. Writing Items
For extendede listening, a useful first step is to listen to
the passage and note down what it is that candidates should
be able to get from the passage.
Things to do to restraint problems in the test:
- Candidates should be warned by key words
- Candidates should be given fair warninginthe passage
- Candidates should be given sufficient time at the outset to
familiarise themselves with the items
Possible Techniques
1.Multiple Choice
2.Short answer
3.Gap filling
4.Note taking
5.Partial dictationtranscription
1. Multiple Choice
The advantages and disadvantages of using multiple
choice in extended listening tests are similar to those
identified for reading test.
There is a problem of the candidates having to
- hold in their heads four or more alternatives while
listening to the passage
- after responding to one item
- taking in and retaining the alternatives for the next item
2. Short answer
This technique can work well because it provides:
- Short question and straightforward
- The correct
- Preferably unique
- Response is obvious
3. Gap Filling
This technique can work well where a short
answer question with aunique answer isnot possible.
4. Information Transfer
This technique is as useful intesting listening as
it is in testing reading because it makes minimal
demands on productive skills.
- Involve the labelling of diagrams or pictures
- Completing forms
- Making diary entries
- Showing routes on a map
5. Note taking
This activity can be quite realitically replicated in
the testing situation.
Candidates take notes during the talk,and only
after the talk is finished do they see the items to
which theyhave to respond.
6.Partial dictation
It can be useful as a testing technique. This can
be used diagnostically to test students ability to
cope with particular difficulties (such as week
forms in English)
7. Transcription
Candidates maybe ask to transcribed numbers or
words which are spelled letter by letter.
Every language teacher and researcherwill tell you that the integration of
skills is of paramount importance in language learning.
In assessing language, integration is even more of a certainty because
assesment virtually always implies a two-ways street between the
teacher/tester and the student: A set of questions of prompts is produced by
the teacher and comprehended by the test-taker. Such integration is of course
authentic in its simulation of real-world communication.
There is no such thing as a test of grammar or vocabulary that does not evoke
one or more of the separate skills of listening, speaking, reading, or writing.
Assessing grammar is to provide current perspectives on the myths and the
realities of form-focused assessment and to bring grammar and vocabulary test
more in line with current view of functional grammar and pragmatics.
Communicative stimulus-response tasks
Authentic listening tasks
- notetaking
- editing
- interpretive tasks
- retelling