Attack Graph: Daniel Simons IAE 611-L22 03/21/2010
Attack Graph: Daniel Simons IAE 611-L22 03/21/2010
Attack Graph: Daniel Simons IAE 611-L22 03/21/2010
Daniel Simons
IAE 611-L22
The purpose of Fingerprinting is to gather detailed information about the operating system, open ports,
and network services running on the target system. The tool used in this scenario is Nmap. We have
discovered that the target system is running Microsoft Windows XP and the File and Print Sharing service
is running. This is evident because the associated ports 135,139,445 were detected by Nmap.
We have selected to exploit the MS08-67 RPC vulnerability. Here we see the
detailed high severity vulnerability discovered by Nessus.
MS08-067: Microsoft Windows Server Service Crafted RPC Request Handling Remote Code Execution (958644) (uncredentialed check)
This script is Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
CVE ID CVE-2008-4250
Description: Synopsis :
Arbitrary code can be executed on the remote host due to a flaw in the
'Server' service.
Description :
The remote host is vulnerable to a buffer overrun in the 'Server‘ service that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the
remote host with the 'System' privileges.
Solution :
Microsoft has released a set of patches for Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and 2008 :
Risk factor :
The objective of Research is to investigate how the vulnerable system can be exploited. In this
scenario we can learn more by looking up the detected vulnerability in the CVE database, the
Microsoft security bulletin, and the Nessus website.
The objective of Escalation is to obtain access. The tool used in this scenario was Metasploit. Using the built-
in exploits we can launch one of several payloads on the vulnerable system. In the example above I launched
a command window. From the payload modules I could just have easily added an administrator account on
the system, installed remote control software, etc.
Repeat Visits
• The goal of repeat visits is to maintain access.
• We could install any number of backdoor
programs or remote access software for this
• I.E. Dameware, VNC, Back Orifice, ect…
Covering Tracks
• The goal of covering tracks is to reduce the
possibility of discovery.
• We could use a variety of software such as
HXDefRootkit and AFX Rootkit to hide services
and ports associated with remote software
and backdoors installed in the previous step.