State Space
State Space
State Space
We observe
Where the coefficients are constants. This set of equation may be put in
the vector matrix form
Now = 2
= -2
= -+
The network has three energy storage elements: a capacitor C and two
inductors . If we have a knowledge of initial conditions and the input
signal e(t) for tthen the behaviour of the network is completely specified
for t.however ,if one of the initial conditions is not known, we are unable
to determine the complete response of the network to a given input.
From the result given in (eq 29),(eq 30) and (eq 36) we
observe that the phase variable formulation can be obtained by
inspection from the transfer function and vice versa.
A disadvantage of phase variable formation is that the phase
variable , in general , are not physical variable of the system
and therefore are not available for measurement and control
purposes .In spite of the disadvantage phase variables provide
a powerful method of state variable formation. A link between
Transfer function and time domain design approach is
established through phase variables.
We observed in earlier sections that the state model of
a system is not unique.
From application point of view physical variables for
system representation are most useful as resulting
state variable are real physical variables which can be
easily measured and used for control purposes .
However the corresponding state model in this case
generally not convenient for investigation of system
properties and evaluation of time response.
e-Atx(t) x(0) =
forced solution
The composite matrix defined by
= [B : AB : B]
It is easily seen that det 0 i.e., its rank is r = n = 3. The
system is therefore completely controllable.