Dividend Policy at FPL Group
Dividend Policy at FPL Group
Dividend Policy at FPL Group
FPL Group
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Increase dividend
Remain the same! ($2.48)
Cut dividend
FPLs competitive
FPLs service territory, eastern and southern Florida,
countrys fastest growing markets: FPL expects
annual growth of 2.7% (the U.S. average of 1.8%).
FPLs customer mix is also a competitive advantage
since industrial sales represent only 4% of total
sales compared to an average of 21% for the others.
According to the retail wheeling proposals, having a
low percentage of industrial customers limits FPLs
risk to the threat of competition.
S&P ranked FPLs competitive position among the
top 10% of investor-owned utilities.
FPLs competitive
Transactions Costs
Agency costs
The aftermath