The document outlines a conceptual framework for predicting and assessing socio-economic impacts consisting of 7 steps:
1. Delineating the study area and categorizing projects.
2. Identifying potential socio-economic impacts such as changes to population, employment, housing, and community cohesion.
3. Preparing a description of the existing socio-economic conditions in the study area.
4. Procuring relevant standards and guidelines.
5. Predicting impacts for both without-project and with-project conditions by modeling economic, demographic, and quality of life changes.
6. Assessing the significance of socio-economic impacts by comparing effects to standards.
7. Incorporating mitigation measures in
The document outlines a conceptual framework for predicting and assessing socio-economic impacts consisting of 7 steps:
1. Delineating the study area and categorizing projects.
2. Identifying potential socio-economic impacts such as changes to population, employment, housing, and community cohesion.
3. Preparing a description of the existing socio-economic conditions in the study area.
4. Procuring relevant standards and guidelines.
5. Predicting impacts for both without-project and with-project conditions by modeling economic, demographic, and quality of life changes.
6. Assessing the significance of socio-economic impacts by comparing effects to standards.
7. Incorporating mitigation measures in
The document outlines a conceptual framework for predicting and assessing socio-economic impacts consisting of 7 steps:
1. Delineating the study area and categorizing projects.
2. Identifying potential socio-economic impacts such as changes to population, employment, housing, and community cohesion.
3. Preparing a description of the existing socio-economic conditions in the study area.
4. Procuring relevant standards and guidelines.
5. Predicting impacts for both without-project and with-project conditions by modeling economic, demographic, and quality of life changes.
6. Assessing the significance of socio-economic impacts by comparing effects to standards.
7. Incorporating mitigation measures in
The document outlines a conceptual framework for predicting and assessing socio-economic impacts consisting of 7 steps:
1. Delineating the study area and categorizing projects.
2. Identifying potential socio-economic impacts such as changes to population, employment, housing, and community cohesion.
3. Preparing a description of the existing socio-economic conditions in the study area.
4. Procuring relevant standards and guidelines.
5. Predicting impacts for both without-project and with-project conditions by modeling economic, demographic, and quality of life changes.
6. Assessing the significance of socio-economic impacts by comparing effects to standards.
7. Incorporating mitigation measures in
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Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts
1. Government or private programs, policies and projects can
cause potentially significant changes in many features of the
socio-economic environment. In some cases the changes may be beneficial while in others they may be detrimental. 2. Major development projects can include significant requirements for associated infrastructure, such as, streets, highways, or railroads, water supply, sanitary sewers, storm water drainage, erosion control, sediment control and grading, electrical systems, gas systems and telephone communication systems.
Conceptual Framework for Prediction and
Assessment of Socio-economic Impacts Step-1 : Delineation of study area and categorization of projects having socioeconomic impacts. Step-2 : Identification of potential socio-economic impacts Step3 : Preparation of description of existing socio-economic conditions Step-4 : Procurement of relevant standards, criteria, or guidelines Step-5 : Impact prediction for without-project and with-project conditions Step-6 : Assessment of socio-economic impact significance Step-7 : Incorporation of mitigation measures in design of the present and preparation of Draft Environment Impact Statement.
Step-1 : Study area delineation and
categorization of present activities The delineation of study area for the analysis of social and community effects requires a sufficient knowledge of the characteristics of the proposed project or activity. Definition of the boundaries of the study area may also be influenced by the availability of population and employment data. The basic impact area associated with predicting and assessing impacts on the socio-economic environment is called the regions of influence (ROI). This represents the geographical area or region, wherein the project-induced c
The ROI for addressing socio-economic impacts would be
comparable to 1. an air quality control region for addressing air quality impacts, 2. a watershed for addressing surfacewater quantity and quality impacts, or 3. an ecoregion or habitat type for addressing biological impacts.
Step-2 : Identification of Socio-Economic
Impacts For identifying the impacts of any project activities the following social factors like population changes, employment opportunities, educational facilities, transportation, systematic earth and social surveys, religious patterns, community cohesion, and recreation facilities are to be conducted. An assessment of socio-economic impact should consider in the number of additional jobs resulting from the project. It is important to distinguish between new jobs created and transfer of jobs from one industry to another replacing it.
Where a significant immigrant work force is needed to implement a project,
the availability of suitable housing should be considered. Housing provided should be suited to the cultural and social-economic background of workers. The peaceful-ness of an area is an important aesthetic quality and it is the quality that attracts people to certain urban recreational or wilderness area. The well being of community depends on its having a stable community structure. The community structure is cultural, religious and the socioeconomic, characters of the community together with its social organization and system of government. Rapid technical and economical development can have an effect on the trust or acceptance of a traditional community structure. In response to social change within the community, the existing community structure may evolve to meet new needs in the community.
Step-3 : Description of existing socioeconomic condition of the study area
The region of influence (ROI) have to be examined on the basis of the following points : 1. Areas separated from the surrounding areas by physical boundary obstruction like rails, roads, high ways, and rivers. 2. Area of residential land-use surrounded by other uses such as commercial and industrial . 3. Area with a concentration of special population groups, such as, elderly, lowincome or a specific ethnicity. 4. Area with like housing types, such as, mobile homes, or high-density condominiums or apartments. 5. Area of distinct housing value, compared with surrounding areas. 6. Area of predominantly one type of population employment, such as, professional. 7. Area with an established community group or organization.
Step-4 : Procurement of Relevant Standard/
Criteria / Guidelines Socio-economic impact assessment involves relative comparison of the effects with standard/criteria published by professional staffs/organization with public guidelines
or standard for various social activities.
Step-5 : Impact Prediction with and without
project conditions Modeling of economic demographic impact provides basic information for addressing public service impacts (education, health services, police and fire protection, utilities, and solid waste management), social impacts (housing, transportation, urban land use, and land ownership), and fiscal impacts. Fiscal impacts are themselves dependent upon many public services and social impacts. The quality of life (QOL) represent, a composite indication of economic, demographic, public service, social and fiscal impacts along with impacts caused by still other factors related to a sense of well being at a given time and location.