Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Dr. Syed Nadir Hussain
Fundamentals of Biochemistry
What is Biochemistry?
Study of life cyclic processes in terms of
How life cycle proceeds with mutual
cooperation of various activities of living
Energy is released by breaking of the high
energy storing molecules usually phosphate
containing molecules
dinucleotide ) in the mitochondria is one of the
main reactions
Some of the chemical/biochemical reactions in the living organisms
are facilitated by another type of compounds called enzymes
Facilitation of a reaction is called as catalysis
Hence enzymes are called as biocatalysts or biological catalysts
Cells themselves contain some of the enzymes
Class of compounds which are fatty/oily in
nature and present in cells and tissues
In addition to fats and oils, some other
biological materials including waxes,
cholesterol and some vitamins and
hormones are also classified as lipids.
General structure of fats and oils
Triglycerides are formed due to the reaction
of alcohol glycerol and long chain fatty
acids such as stearic acid
Characteristics of Lipids
In soluble in water
Soluble in non-polar solvents including hexane,
chloroform etc
Release a lot of energy on breakdown and
therefore considered as the energy storage media
Contain a large proportion of C-H bonds
Upon saponification, release fatty acids and
They are synthesized by the cells from sugars
Some lipid compounds such as vitamins and
hormones have intense biological activity
Characteristics of Lipids
As bimolecules, they are constituted of cells wall and
form a protective coating to the cell and encourage
some species. They are also energy carriers and
release energy as and when cell requires it
Lipids also include a heterogeneous group of
structural component. Some lipids are combined with
other classes of compounds and they are known as:
Lipoamino acids
Fatty acids
Generally available in the esterified
form in cells
May be saturated or unsaturated
Study of microscopic organisms
Important branch of science
As a basic biological science
Deals with nature of life processes and
principles behind, genetics
Why microbiology is
In biochemical engineering
To understand and analyze the process of
Design and operate different units in rational a way
Therefore, a basic knowledge of cell growth and
function is required
A living microorganism may be conceptualized as a
chemical reactor (take nutrients from environment,
grows, reproduces and releases products)
Products formed and released during cellular
activities could be commercially important
Why microbiology is
Rates of nutrient utilization, growth and release
of products depends upon:
Type of the cells involved
Composition of media etc.
Quantitative understanding of biological systems
(correlation of friction factor and Reynolds No.)
Understanding above interactions requires a
foundation built on microbiology and
Industrial Microbiology
Study of the exploitation of the
biochemical potential of microbes for
the production of various products
Antibiotics, vaccines, steroids,
solvents, vitamins etc.
Developments of new products using
genetic engineering
Genetic Engineering
Microorganisms are measured in
smaller units such as microns,
nanometers, millimicrons and
Various microscopes
Difference between ordinary and
electron microscope
Range of microscopic
Cell componets
DNA determines
Cell reproduction
Protein synthesis
When DNA is damaged by foreign
substances, various toxic effects, including:
Birth effects
Defective immune system
Cell Membrane
Acts as a barrier from external environment
It closes the cell and regulates the passage of
ions, nutrients, metabolic products and fat
soluble substances into and out of it
It is composed of phospholipid bilayer about 8
nm thick
Highly selective membrane enabling the cell to
concentrate specific metabolites and excrete
A number of complex transformation takes place
across the membrane
Colloidal in nature
Thick semi-transparent and has
higher water contents
It contains:
Hydrophilic components (protein
particles, carbohydrates and salts)
Hydrophobic components (lipids or fats)
Main function of cytoplasm is absorption
and excretion
Eukaryotic cell
Eukaryote means true nucleus
Genetic material enclosed in a specialized membrane
They are larger and more complex than prokaryotes
Size range from 2 to 200 micrometer
Applications of Prokaryotes
Metabolically the most diverse of all living systems
Responsible for most degradation processes
Can be grown aerobically and anaerobically
Form a wide range of organic products (this property has both
positive and negative impact on society)
represent a massive resource of biocatalysis for the
biotransformation of organic materials and the degradation of
herbicides, insecticides and other man-made chemicals
Represent the principal agents causing the deterioration of
biomaterial e.g food and wood and are major hazards to public
health (food poisoning and other diseases)
Classification of organisms
Classified according to their structure
and function
Divided into three kingdoms
Protists (Neither plants nor animals)
Most are unicellular but some have many cells
Cells have a membrane around the nucleus
Classification of organisms
Classifications show differences in several
characteristics including:
Energy and nutritional requirements
Rates of growth and product release
Method of reproduction
Classification of organisms
Aspergillus awamori
Different Bacteria
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is a gramnegative rod shaped free living bacterium that is
ubiquitous in the environment
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a gram positive
bacterium usually arranged in grape like irregular
clusters. Although it occurs widely in the environment
it is found mainly on skin and the mucous membranes
of animals. S. aureus can be released into
environments including swimming pools, spa pools and
other recreational waters by human contact.
Legionella pneumophila
Legionella pneumophila (L.
pneumophila) is a gram negative rod
shaped bacterium.
Rhodosporidium turoloides
Rhodosporidium turoloides (R. turoloides) Y4 is
oil producing or oleaginous yeast (Wu et al.
2011). Since these species contain intracellular
valuable compounds such as lipids, therefore
the disruption of this yeast would be interesting
in order to release the lipids contained in
vacoules within the yeast cell. Once the lipids
are released biodiesel could be produced via a
conventional transesterification process.