Dos Commands
Dos Commands
Dos Commands
1. Internal Commands
2. External Commands
Internal Commands
These commands are apply on the existing files or within the system only.
Syntax: How to execute a command without any error is called syntax.
CLS: This command is used to clear the Screen.
Syntax: Cls
Example: Cls <-'
Date: It is used to display the current system date and also it accepts new date from the
date [mm-dd-yy]
Example: date <-'
Example: date 08-12-2004
Time: It is used to display the current system time and also it accepts new time from the
user. The time format is (HH:MI:SE.MSA/P). If you set the new Time that will set up to the system
logout or switch off.
Syntax : Time [HH:MI:SE]
Example : time
Example : time 12:36
Ver: To display the current version of the DOS Operating system.
Syntax : ver
Example : ver
DIR: It is used to display the list of files, directories and its sub directories that in the
current drive or in the Current directory or active directory.
Syntax :
dir [drive:][path] [/p][/w][/l][/s][/b] [[/A:]Attributes]
It is used to change the directory from active directory to specified directory.
CHDIR <dir_name> or CD <dir_name>
Example: cd mydir
11 CD.. :
This command is used to come out from the current dir to parent directory or Previous
To remove a directory permanently from the Disk. To remove a directory using this command that directory must
and should be empty otherwise it show the following error. Directory not Empty.
In that situation first remove files and subdirectories that are present.
Syntax :
RD [drive:][path]<dir_name>
RMDIR [drive:][path]<dir_name>
13. Copy :
This command is used to copy one or more files from source to
copy [drive:][path] <Source_file> [drive][path]<target_File>
Wildcard Characters:
There are two types of wild card characters in MS-DOS.
They are
1. * (Asteric)
2. ? (Question Mark)
* - represents group of characters.
? - represents single character
. Rename or Ren :
This command is used to change the name of the file or files you
You can rename all files matching the specified filename. You
cannot use the RENAME command to rename files across drives
Syntax : RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
Example :
rename original duplicate
rename h:\dos\kk.txt h:\dos\jj.txt