Need For Physical Education Linkages To Health and Education
Need For Physical Education Linkages To Health and Education
Need For Physical Education Linkages To Health and Education
Physical education is a course that focuses on developing
physical fitness in the youth. Same as Music, Gym and
Math, this is a required course in primary and secondary
school. Most of the time, it is also required in college.
Physical Education is "education through the
physical". It aims to develop students physical
competence and knowledge of movement and
safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a
wide range of activities associated with the
development of an active and healthy lifestyle.
The main objectives of the project is
to discuss the need and benefits of Physical Education.
to study the scenario of Physical Education in schools.
The project report is prepared on the basis of both primary
and secondary data. Secondary data are collected from
various books, journals and related websites in internet
where the primary data are collected from different
authorities related to schools and randomly selected
The major findings that have found after the study are:
It is found that almost all the schools i.e. 100% provide
physical education to the students.
It is seen that no school provides any extra class for
physical education. They just find some extra time often
to give physical education.
The study reveals that 5 schools i.e. 78.13% provides
physical education in daily basis where 3 schools i.e.
21.87% does not provide physical education in daily
The suggestions that have been made on the basis of the
findings are as follows:
As it is found that almost all the schools provides
physical education but no school takes any extra class for
it. Therefore, in order to improve the physical education,
schools must arrange an extra class for it.
It is revealed that most of the schools provide physical
education in daily basis but still there are some schools
which do not do this. Therefore, it is suggested that all the
schools must provide physical education in daily basis.
It is also recommended that the school authorities must
give the physical activity reports to the guardians so that
the guardians also can take care of their children.
Physical education (PE) is a very important part of the
Ontario curriculum. Regular physical activity is not only
essential for healthy growth and development it can
actually boost students academic achievement. Younger
students can burn off some of their energy, increasing their
ability to settle in and focus on their academic work. In
adolescents, regular physical activity not only helps to
maintain a healthy body weight, but has also been shown
to lower levels of anxiety and depression.