Management of Normal Labour
Management of Normal Labour
Management of Normal Labour
Labour is a physiologic
process during which the
fetus, membranes, umbilical
cord, and placenta are
expelled from the uterus.
symphysis pubis
sacral promontory
Diagonal conjugate
inferior border of
Bi ischial diameter
Non pharmaceutical
Some women prefer to avoidanalgesicmedication during
childbirth. Psychological preparation may be beneficial.A
recent Cochrane overview of systematic reviews on nondrug interventions found that relaxation techniques,
immersion in water, massage, andacupuncturemay provide
pain relief.
1-inhalednitrous oxidegas for pain control,
especially as 53% nitrous oxide, 47% oxygen,
known asEntonox.
2-Opioidssuch as fentanylmaybe used, but if
given too close to birth there is a risk of
respiratory depression in the infant.
3-regional anestheticsepidurals(EDA), and
spinal anaesthesia. Epidural analgesia is a
generally safe and effective method of relieving
pain in labour, but is associated with longer
labour, more operative intervention (particularly
instrument delivery), and increases in cost.
Augmentation is the process of facilitating further
labour.Oxytocinhas been used to increase the rate of
vaginal delivery in those with a slow progress of labour.
:General examination
:Abdominal examination
.Fundal level
.Fundal grip
.Umbilical grip
.Pelvic grips
Scar of previous operations (e.g. C.S,
.myomectomy or hysterotomy)
:Pelvic examination
Dilatation: the diameter of the external os is
measured by the finger (s) during P/V
examination and expressed in cm, one finger =
2 cm, 2 fingers = 4 cm and the distance
resulted from their separation is added to the 4
.cm in more dilatation
. Effacement
.Position (posterior, midway, central)
Membranes: ruptured or intact. If ruptured
exclude cord prolapse and meconium stained
. Presenting part and its position
. Station: of the presenting part
If not done before or if
. Blood group-Rh typing
.Urine for albumin and sugar
%. Hb
:Active procedures
;Evacuation of the rectum by enema to
,avoid uterine inertia
, help the descent of the presenting part
.avoid contamination by faeces during delivery
:Evacuation of the bladder
ask the patient to micturate every 2-3 hours, if
.she cannot use a catheter
It prevents uterine inertia and helps descent of
.the presenting part
:Preparation of the vulva
Shave the vulva, clean it with soap and warm
water from above downwards, swab it with
antiseptic lotion and apply a sterile pad.
When labour is established no oral feeding is
. allowed, but sips of water
ml magnesium trisilicate is given every 2 15
hours as an oral antacid to guard against
bronchospasm occurs if the acid vomitus is
inhaled during general anaesthesia
"Mendelsons syndrome". Antacid injections
.may be used instead
If labour is delayed more than 8 hours, IV drip
of glucose 5% or saline-glucose solution is
: Posture
Patient is allowed to walk during the early first
.stage particularly with intact membranes
,Pethidine 100 mg IM
trilene inhalation, or
epidural anaesthesia are the most
.common use
N.B. Patient should not bear down
during the first stage as this is useless,
exhausts the patient and predisposes to
genital prolapse
The partogram
The foetus
FHR every 15 minutes by Pinards stethoscope
,or better by doptone
,descent of the presenting part
.degree of moulding
Cardiotocography if available is more valuable
for continuous monitoring of both uterine
contractions and FHR particularly in high risk
:The advantages of the partogram
Allows right intervention in the proper time
e.g. oxytocin usage, instrumental delivery or
. C.S
Allows different staff shifts to manage the case
Delivery room
The patient is transferred on a wheel or
.trolley to the delivery room
.Put her in the lithotomy position
The lower abdomen, upper parts of the
thighs, vulva and perineum are swabbed
.with antiseptic lotion
.Sterile legs and towels are applied
Bearing down
Ask the patient to bear down during
.contractions and relax in between
Delivery of the head
Routine examinations
Examination of the placenta and
by exploring it on a plain surface to
be sure that it is complete. If there
is missed part, exploration of the
uterus is done under general
:Explore the genital tract
For any lacerations that should be
.immediately repaired
Repair of episiotomy
Apgar score
Is calculated at 1 and 5 minutes and further
steps of resuscitation are arranged according
.to it (see later)
The umbilical cord
A disposable plastic umbilical clamp is
applied about 5 cm from the umbilicus to
avoid the possibility of tying an umbilical
hernia then cut about 1.5 cm distal to the
clamp. Inspect for bleeding and paint it with
If the plastic umbilical clamp is not available,
. 2 ligatures of silk are applied instead of it
The umbilical stump is painted daily with an
Congenital anomalies
The newborn is examined for injuries or congenital
anomalies as imperforate anus, hypospadias (not to be
circumcised as the cut skin will be used in the repair
.later on), cyanotic heart diseases.... etc
.the newborn and record it
Dressing as well as all previous procedures should be
done in a warm place better under radiant warmer to
prevent heat loss which occurs rapidly after delivery
.increasing the metabolism and acidosis
Care of the eyes
An antibiotic eye drops as chloramphenicol are instilled
into the eyes as a prophylaxis against ophthalmia
of the baby by a plastic bracelet on which its mothers