Cathodic Protection - Yamit Kumar
Cathodic Protection - Yamit Kumar
Cathodic Protection - Yamit Kumar
By Yamit Kumar
Emp. No: 3872
Corrosion is the reaction between the metal and the surrounding environment.
The corrosion rate depends upon the properties of the metal and the corrosivity of
the environment.
Corrosion in aqueous solutions proceeds by an electrochemical process, and anodic
and cathodic electrochemical reactions must occur simultaneously. No net overall
charge builds up on the metal as a result of corrosion since the rate of the anodic
and cathodic reactions are equal.
Anodic reactions involve oxidation of metal to its ions, e.g. for steel the following
reaction occurs.
Fe2+ + 2e-
Sacrificial Anode
When the tendency for metal to go into solution as metal ions
increases (leaving an excess of electrons on the metal surface), i.e.
M > M+ + ethe metal becomes more electronegative.
Thus, since zinc, aluminium and magnesium are more
electronegative than steel they are increasingly able to supply
electrons to the more electropositive steel when in electrical contact
in water, and will effect cathodic protection of the steel surface.
Clearly, if steel was coupled to copper in sea water, steel would
supply electrons to copper which would become cathodically
protected, and the corrosion of the steel would be enhanced.
Impressed current(ICCP)
For larger structures, Galvanic anodes cannot economically deliver enough
current to provide complete protection.
In this method, an impressed current is applied in opposite direction to nullify
the corrosion current and convert the corroding metal from anode to cathode.
ICCP systems anode connected to DC power source. Usually this will be a
cathodic protection rectifier, which converts an AC power supply to a DC
output. In the absence of AC supply, alternative power sources may be used
such as solar panels, wind power etc.
This current is given to insoluble anode like Graphite, Stainless steel or scrap
iron buried in soil.
The negative terminal of DC is connected to the pipelines to be protected. The
anode is kept with back-fill(composed of gypsum or coke breeze) to increase
electrical contact with the surrounding soil.
Dc ammeter
Miniature circuit