Skills For Care Presentation Web Version Standard 3
Skills For Care Presentation Web Version Standard 3
Skills For Care Presentation Web Version Standard 3
Duty of Care
Learning outcomes
3.1 Understand how duty of care contributes to
safe practice
3.2 Understand the support available for addressing
dilemmas that may arise about duty of care
3.3 Deal with Comments and complaints
3.4 Deal with Incidents, errors and near misses
3.5 Deal with confrontation and difficult situations.
Wellbeing could be defined as the positive way in which a person feels and thinks
of themselves.
Supporting independence
Workers must:
Respect and protect
individuals rights
Promote individuals
Enable the person to make
an informed choice.
There may be a conflict
between protecting a persons
rights and independence and
their safety and wellbeing. This
can lead to dilemmas.
It may be necessary to
Their right to make choices
The need to protect
individuals from harm.
Mental capacity
Some individuals may not have the
ability to:
Understand their choices
Make an informed decision
Understand what could happen
If decisions have to be made for an
individual who lacks capacity, the
decision made must be in their best
Supporting individuals to
make a complaint
Provide a private and quiet space for comments or complaints
to be made
Inform the individual of the confidentiality policy
Listen to the individual, making sure that you do not judge
Explain the complaints procedure and whom their comments
or complaints should be forwarded to
Inform your manager so that they are aware of the situation
Near misses
Situations where an
action could have
harmed the individual
but, either by chance
or purpose, was
Specific negative events. In health and social care serious incidents are
described as events which need investigation as they caused severe harm or
damage to either the person receiving care or the organisation.
When incidents happen, legislation sets
out how to handle incidents. Relevant
legislation includes:
The Health and Safety at Work etc.
Act 1974
The Management of Health and Safety
Regulations 1999
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
2013 (RIDDOR)
The Control of Substances Hazardous
to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
The Provisions and Use of Work
Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER).
Managing conflict
Acting on early signs of frustration and aggression can stop
conflict developing into violence. Always treat the individual
with respect and dignity. If possible and safe:
Take them to a quiet place
Ask questions and listen carefully
Take their feelings seriously
Try to agree a way forward.
Knowledge check
A meal that has peanuts in it is served to an individual with a
known peanut allergy. The mistake is spotted and swapped.
What type of mistake is this?
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Adverse event
Near miss
Knowledge check
Which of the following most accurately defines what is meant
by Duty of Care?
Restricting the rights of the individual
to make sure that they are safe.
The duty to put people into care when
their family is not able to take care
of them.
The duty to promote wellbeing and
keep people safe from harm, abuse
and injury.
Stopping people making decisions that
you disagree with or that may be risky.
Knowledge check
Which of the following statements about recording an
incident is true?
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