RBMPartnerships Powerpoint
RBMPartnerships Powerpoint
RBMPartnerships Powerpoint
Article 1900
Rhodalyn B. Morante
Article 1900
Example :
P principal appointed A agent to sell 1 unit
of townhouse owned by P, but A is dealing
2 units to X a third person instead of only 1
unit, and X has good reason to believe that
A is not authorized to sell 2 units and still
went ahead with the transaction with A, in
the absence of the principals ratification of
As action, X cannot claim protection.
P gave A a written power of attorney wherein A is
authorized to sell Ps factory for such price and upon
such terms and conditions as A may deem reasonable,
However, P and A had an understanding that A should
sell the factory for not less than P5 million and for
cash. A sold the factory to B on credit for P4.5 million.
Under Article1900, P is bound. As far as B is
concerned, A acted within the scope of his authority.
Here, A has the power to make the sale binding on P
even though as between them, A has no authority to
make such sale.
Further I hereby give and grant to Rene Savellon full authority to do and perform all and
every lawful act requisite or necessary to carry into effect the foregoing stipulations as
fully to all intents and purposes as I might or would lawfully do if personally present
with full power of substitution and revocation
How enlarged:
1. Where principal and agent reside in
same community
2. Where the agent is authorized to
deal in
a particular place , market or
3. By necessity
a. Emergency really exists
b. Agent is unable to communicate
with the
c. Enlarged authority is exercised for
principals protection
d. Means adopted are reasonable
4. By certain doctrines
a. Apparent authority
b. Liability of estoppel
c. Ratification
5. By rule of ejusdem generis
Thank you!