Modul9 VPN
Modul9 VPN
Modul9 VPN
Definisi VPN
Dua grup atau lebih ingin berkomenikasi
secara aman lewat jaringan public
VPNs bekerja pada Network layer
Metode untuk menggunakan komunikasi
privat yang aman lewat jaringan publik
lewat tunneling
Tipe VPN
Berbasis hardware
Gabungan keduanya
Jenis VPN
The typical example of this is a company that
has offices in two different geographical
locations, and wants to have a secure
network connection between the two
Remote-Access Example
Site-to-Site Example
(what is about to be proposed is not the most secure thing in the world so dont raise
your hands and tell how you would make it more secure its just an example)
VPN Disadvantages
VPN Security
In academic terms, VPN can provide
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authenticity
Security against determined hacker (read:
academic attacks) depends largely upon
underlying protocols used
Assuming security of SSH, IPSec, or other
protocol used, should be secure
Berjalan pada Linux, Windows 2000/XP
and higher, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD,
Mac OS X, and Solaris.
Tidak kompatibel dengan IPSec, L2TP, or
Intro to IPSec
Created to add Authentication,
Confidentiality, and Integrity to IP traffic
IPSec is large and implementation is
Implementation example :
IP Options
IPSec Header
Could be either
ESP Header
AH Header
Authenticates Over
Encrypts Over
IPSec Header
Real IP Header
Could be either
ESP Header
AH Header
Authenticates Over
Encrypts Over
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
Supported by routers
If two routers support L2TP, and are properly
configured, then VPN is set up between routers