The Structure of The Atom 5. Electrons in Atoms
The Structure of The Atom 5. Electrons in Atoms
The Structure of The Atom 5. Electrons in Atoms
Homo habilis
Homo rudolfensis
The Genus Homo
Homo ergaster: after 500.000 year from the appearance of the
H. habilis, the Homo ergaster emerged with a larger brain, was taller
and lighter than H. habilis, and had longer legs and shorter arms. Its
brain averaged 1000 cm3, and scientists believe that he had the first
human like nose. He was a scavenger and a hunter, both activities
made H. ergaster migrate.
The Genus Homo
Homo erectus: after 400.000 years from the appearance of H.
ergaster and after his migration out of Africa. H. erectus was larger,
with a bigger brain and had teeth that were more human like. It was as
tall as a H. sapiens. Evidences indicate that he made sophisticated
tools, used fire, and sometimes lived in caves.
The Genus Homo
Homo florensiensis: “The Hobbit”, was only 1 m. tall when
full grown, remained on Earth until 12.000 years ago. His skull in
comparison with the human one might predict about evolutionary
relationship between H. florensiensis and H. sapiens.