CMC Double Barrel Campaign Plan 1
CMC Double Barrel Campaign Plan 1
CMC Double Barrel Campaign Plan 1
1. What is our mission?
The mission of the PNP is to address the problem (illegal drugs).
Market (Demand)
Where are
Drug Free
(Dec 31,
Pronouncement of PRESIDENT RODRIGO R DUTERTE to get rid of
illegal drugs during the first six months of his term;
Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) dated January 16,
Memorandum Circular No. 89 entitled Implementation and
Institutionalization of the National Anti-Drug Plan of Action dated
December 17, 2015;
NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2015-547, creating the PNP Anti-Illegal
Drugs Group dated October 30, 2015;
DILG MC No. 2015-63 Revitalization of the Barangay Anti-Drug
Abuse Council (BADAC) and Their Role in Drug Clearing Operations
dated August 20, 2015;
PNP Manual on Illegal Drugs Operation and Investigation dated
September 2014;
US International Drug Control Strategy Report for 2012;
Letter of Instruction Kontra Droga Charlie dated July 02, 2012;
PDEA and DDB Guidelines and Operational Policies;
2011 United Nations Drug Report;
NAPOLCOM MC No. 2009-01 re One Strike Policy on Illegal Drugs
dated March 28, 2009;
Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Regulation No. 2, Series of 2007,
Revised Guidelines in the Conduct of Barangay Drug Clearing
Operations dated June 6, 2007;
Executive Order No. 218 (Strengthening the Support Mechanism to
PDEA) dated June 18, 2003; and
Republic Act 9165 otherwise known as the Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 dated June 7, 2002.
This Command Memorandum Circular sets forth the general
guidelines, procedures and tasks of police offices/units/stations in the
conduct of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Anti-Illegal Drugs
Campaign Plan PROJECT DOUBLE BARREL in support to the Barangay
Drug Clearing Strategy of the government and the neutralization of illegal
drug personalities nationwide.
According to the DDBs 2015 National Household Survey, there were
around 1.8 million drug users in the country wherein 38.36% of which are
unemployed. In 2015, PDEA reported that 26.91% or 11,319 out of the
countrys 42,065 barangays were drug affected (mostly in urban areas), A
barangay is said to be drug-affected when there is a determined existence
of drug user, pusher, manufacturer, marijuana cultivator or other drug
personalities regardless of number in the area. On record, NCR has the
highest rate of affectation with 92.96% of the region's barangays, followed
by CALABARZON at 33.78%.
Based on PDEAs 2015 arrest data, methamphetamine hydrochloride
or shabu (90%) reportedly tops the list of most abused illegal drugs,
followed by marijuana and costly party drugs like cocaine and ecstasy.
The PNP, concurrent with its mandate to support PDEA pursuant to RA
No. 9165, shall implement the PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan
PROJECT DOUBLE BARREL in order to eradicate the problems of illegal
drugs in all affected barangays across the country.
The PNP intends to equally address illegal drug problems in the
barangays and at the same time pursue the neutralization of illegal drug
personalities as well as the backbone of illegal drugs network operating in
the country.
Concept of Operations
This CMC will be implemented particularly on the first day of office
of the CPNP. To generate impact and public support, all police
offices/units/stations and designated anti-drug units shall conduct massive
and simultaneous operations in two pronged approach.
The first approach will be the conduct of PROJECT TOKHANG in
all drug-affected barangays throughout the country in coordination with the
Local Government Units (LGUs) particularly the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse
stakeholders, and other law enforcement agencies.
The PROJECT TOKHANG is a practical and realistic means of
accelerating the drive against illegal drugs in the affected barangays. This
concept involves the conduct of house to house visitations to persuade
suspected illegal drug personalities to stop their illegal activities.
Coordination Stage
Coordination shall be made with the following government agencies
and non-government organizations prior to the conduct of actual house to
house visitations to ensure success of the activity.
All concerned local police offices/units/stations shall coordinate with
the Local Government Units (LGUs) to provide support for the activity
and ensure compliance of subordinate offices;
All local police offices/units/stations shall also coordinate with the
Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADACs) to assist in the
conduct of house to house visitations and referral of drug users;
PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Units/Offices shall coordinate with the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) to assist in the conduct
of investigation of suspected drug personalities;
PNP Oversight Committee on Illegal Drugs
Conduct quarterly assessment, evaluate, and propose necessary
modifications and adjustments, if there are any, in order to ensure the
successful implementation of this CMC;
Prepare quarterly reports with assessment/evaluation and
recommendations to the CPNP on the activities and operations of
AIDG, Regional, Provincial, District/City and Municipal AID Units; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
OPR on the implementation of this Command Memorandum Circular;
Provide functional supervision over AIDG, Regional, Provincial,
District/City and Municipal AID Units;
Ensure strict implementation of the protocol on the conduct of anti-illegal
drug operations;
Act as PNP representative to the Dangerous Drugs Board;
Maintain coordinative linkages with the DDB, PDEA, Local Government
Units (LGUs), other line agencies/organizations to generate support for
the frontline anti-illegal drug units;
Consolidate reports of AIDG, Regional, Provincial, District/City and
Municipal AID Units and prepare monthly accomplishment reports to
Conduct periodic assessment on the operational activities of anti-illegal
drug units;
Provide Secretariat to the PNP Oversight Committee on Illegal Drugs; and
Perform other tasks as directed;
OPR in the implementation of the International Cooperation Strategy;
Conduct monthly workshop to generate and provide updated watch list,
target list, and wanted list on illegal drug groups and personalities;
Provide an updated list of most wanted drug traffickers and manufacturers;
Provide real-time technical intelligence support during the conduct of
special operations on illegal drugs;
Provide intelligence support to counter irregularities in the conduct of antiillegal drug operations;
accommodated to PNP anti-drug units;
Establish linkages with other law enforcement agencies, foreign
counterparts and other international anti-drug organizations;
Determine capability (Organizational Structures and Systems, Legitimated
Properties, Estimated Financial Asset, Personnel, Firearms and others) to
include alliances with other major operators locally and abroad;
Strengthen Counter Intelligence; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
OPR in the implementation of the Legal Offensive Strategy;
Supervise the investigation, filing and monitoring of all illegal drug cases
until final disposition in court;
Coordinate the development of computer-based case tracking scheme
which shall connect with the National Drug Information System of PDEA
that monitors the status of all cases in drug courts nationwide;
Formulate policy guidelines to prevent bungling of drug cases and
improve the conviction rate of drug cases filed in court;
Conduct investigation and file appropriate charges against PNP personnel
who are bungling drug cases or engaged in illegal drug trade as
users/abusers, coddlers, and protectors;
Conduct investigation and filing of appropriate charges against PNP
personnel committing irregularities in the conduct of anti-illegal drug
operations or in the prosecution of illegal drug cases;
Maintain statistics of all illegal drug cases filed by the PNP;
Monitor the status of criminal or administrative cases of PNP personnel
charged with illegal drug-related offenses;
Customize reports needed to capture drug related incidents and cases in
the e-Blotter, e-Warrant, e-Subpoena and e-Rouge System; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
OPR in the implementation of the Demand Reduction Strategy and
Awareness and Realization Program;
Establish and maintain collaborative linkages with different NGOs and
LGUs on drug prevention and education program;
Develop and institutionalize a uniform module/vehicle in the conduct of
massive drug awareness activities;
Activate the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program and
organize a speakers bureau that will spearhead the public information
drive to various sectors in coordination with the DDB and PDEA;
Maintain statistics on barangay clearing operations and drug-cleared
barangays in coordination with PDEA;
Maintain and regularly update list of organized Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse
Council (BADAC);
Formulate an Information Operations Plan geared toward positively
reshaping or reversing the mindset and value-orientation of all PNP;
Monitor and disseminate all PNP activities and programs relative to the
campaign against illegal drugs through the TRIMP (television, radio,
internet, magazine and print) in coordination with the media networks;
Coordinate with the DILG/LGUs for the revitalization and/or re-activation
of Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADACs) to support PNP
programs towards creating consciousness and awakening the community
on their social responsibility on drug abuse prevention and eradication;
Assist in seeking necessary assistance from various private and public
sectors in support of the implementation of Demand Reduction Activities;
Include drug-related topics in the conduct of PICE; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Formulate policy on Internal Cleansing Program for identified police
personnel connected to illegal drugs operation;
Issue orders and appropriate awards to all police personnel who have
invaluable accomplishments on drugs operations; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Allocate funds necessary for the implementation of this PNP MC;
Formulate a program for the inclusion of regular fund support necessary
for the implementation of the overall PNP anti-illegal drug strategy;
Allocate funds for the continuous drug testing of personnel in all PNP
offices/units; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Provide logistical requirements such as Intelligence Equipment, Individual
and unit tactical equipment, Mobility Assets, Essential Forensic
Equipment/materials, Narcotics Detection Dogs; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Conduct a study, propose and/or formulate policy to include theposition
of personnel assigned with AIDG, Regional, Provincial,City and Municipal
AID Units in the PNP Table of Organization;
Liaise with both Houses of Congress to generate political support forthe
legislative proposals of the PNP to strengthen its campaign againstillegal
drugs; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
OPR in the implementation of PROJECT HVT/LVT;
Coordinate all anti-illegal drug operations at all levels of command;
Assist DI in the collection, evaluation, and monitoring of Managing Police
Operations on illegal drugs;
Conduct anti-illegal drug operations focusing on national and international
level trafficking;
Conduct special operations against drug syndicates and personalities
engaged in production, importation, and trafficking of illegal drugs in
coordination with PDEA;
Maintain linkages with other law enforcement agencies;
Develop and maintain relevant database for collection, processing and
analysis of information on illegal drug activities to include the monitoring
of high profile drug cases filed in courts;
Maintain close coordination with regional, provincial, district/city and
station AID Units on the progress of all anti-illegal drugs operations
conducted in respective AORs;
Initiate and maintain active support in the implementation of demand
reduction and internal cleansing strategies;
Consolidate reports of AID Units on the implementation of DIDM
Investigative Directive No. 2015-03, specifically on barangay drugclearing operations in consonance to DDB Regulation No. 2, s. 2007 and
DILG MC No. 2015-63;
Coordinate with DIDM regarding the use of e-Blotter, e-Warrant, eSubpoena, and e-Rouge Systems;
Submit weekly assessment to the Oversight Committee on the national
drug situation;
Provide assistance to the secretariat of the Oversight Committee on
illegal drugs;
Serve as the repository of records and reports on illegal drug activities;
Perform other tasks as directed.
Support the implementation of the Internal Cleansing Strategy;
Assist in the neutralization of drug groups/personalities and PNP
personnel who are involved in illegal drug activities;
Assist in information collection efforts for anti-drug special operations and
barangay clearing operations;
Develop and provide intelligence support to counter irregularities in the
conduct of anti-drug operations;
Identify operational areas on illegal drugs (warehouses, production areas
and distribution points and drug routes);
Identify personalities (Lords, warehousemen, Finance/Admin Officer) and
their protector, handler, financier, supporter, conduits;
Conduct regular assessment, evaluation, review and monitoring of PNP
personnel with derogatory information and/or listed in CI watch list on
illegal drugs; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Assist the OPR in the legal aspect of this CMC;
Support the implementation of the Legal Offensive Strategy;
Provide PNP lawyers in the regions as detailed Legal Officers of anti-drug
units at regional, provincial/district, and station levels;
Provide legal assistance to PNP personnel who were charged from any
incident/harassment related to the performance of their duty per section
49 of the RA 6975, as amended by Sec.56 of the RA 8551;
Assist in the formulation of policy directives to avoid bungling of illegal
drug cases and improve the conviction rate of illegal drug cases filed in
Monitor the compliance of legal officers in accordance with DIDM
Investigative Directive No. 2015-03; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Provide tactical and/or operational support to AIDG and AID Units in the
conduct of high-profile anti-illegal drug operations; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Support AIDG, Regional, Provincial, City and Municipal AID Units in the
conduct of interdiction operations at all seaports nationwide against local
and transnational drug syndicates;
Facilitate access to seaports and other assistance to AIDG and AID Units
personnel in the conduct of narcotics investigations and/or operations in
their AOR; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Support AIDG, Regional, Provincial, City and Municipal AID Units in the
conduct of interdiction operations at all airports nationwide against local
and transnational drug syndicates;
Facilitate access to airports and provide other assistance to AIDG and
RAIDU personnel in the conduct of narcotics investigations and/or
operations within airport AOR; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Assist the DPCR particularly in the PCR and rehabilitation aspect of this
Support the implementation of the Demand Reduction Strategy, and
Awareness and Realization Program in coordination with the DPCR;
Support the implementation of the DARE Program and other Demand
Reduction Activities in coordination with the DPCR;
Persuade drug personalities to voluntarily surrender;
Expose protectors, coddlers, supporters using TRIMP; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Support the conduct of necessary training relative to the implementation
of the PNP anti-illegal drug strategy;
Assist in the allocation of training facilities and equipment; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Support the processing, examination and custody of seized drug evidence
by AIDG, Regional, Provincial, District, City, and Station AID Units;
Provide data on the quality and quantity of drugs recovered/seized during
Assist in monitoring of illegal drug cases filed in courts;
Support the implementation of drug testing program;
Provide appropriate technical and forensic support; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Provide medical support;
Assist in the referral of drug users to the DDB and DOH; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Other NSUs
Provide all necessary operational and administrative support to AIDG and
AID Units relative to their respective areas of interest; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Designated as Task Group Commander, RAIDU-SOU and overall
supervisor in the implementation of the PNP anti-illegal drug strategy in
the AOR.
Designate DRDO as the Deputy Task Group Commander;
Consolidate daily reports (12:01 AM - 12:00 MN) from Regional,
Provincial, District, City, and Station AID Units, and submit reports to DO
(Attn: LED) copy furnished AIDG NLT 6:00 AM on a daily basis;
Conduct validation with BADACs to account and identify all drug groups
pushers/users in each barangays and conduct
intensified anti-illegal
drugs operations in priority drug affected barangays, focusing on streetlevel drug personalities;
Conduct intensified anti-illegal drugs operations through the respective
Chiefs of Police and the Anti-Illegal Drug Units in the clearing of drug
affected barangays by focusing on the neutralization of street level drug
personalities in the AOR.
groups/personalities and most wanted drug traffickers;
Conduct counter-intelligence operations and file appropriate charges
against PNP personnel involved in illegal drug activities;
Conduct investigation against PNP personnel committing irregularities in
the conduct of anti-drug operations;
Conduct counter intelligence operations against local officials involved in
illegal drug activities;
Conduct periodic/random drug test to PNP personnel assigned in antiillegal drug units in accordance with PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2012006;
Conduct sustained drug awareness activities through the DARE program
and other drug abuse prevention advocacies;
Institute drug prevention measures/programs to ensure drug-free
workplaces in all offices/units under respective AOR;
Conduct media relations and community involvement activities for the
propagation of PNP operational activities against illegal drugs to gain
community support;
Develop and institutionalize a uniform module/vehicle in the conduct of
massive drug awareness activities;
Organize a speakers bureau which shall spearhead the public information
drive on illegal drugs to various sectors;
Coordinate with Local Chief Executives (LCEs) for the conduct of
administrative searches (regulatory inspection) of suspected drug dens,
clandestine laboratories and chemical warehouses in respective AOR
pursuant to Section 52, Art VII of RA No. 9165;
Coordinate with Local Chief Executives through the respective Chiefs of
Police and the Anti-Illegal Drug Units for the establishment of Drug
Rehabilitation Centers in every local government unit or cluster of LGUs;
Conduct regular conference and discuss/emphasize strict compliance with
anti-drug operational procedures issued by PDEA, DDB, NHQ PNP and
Maintain case tracking system/case monitoring database and case folders
for each drug case handled by all anti-illegal drug units;
Conduct regular case conference with lawyers from Legal Service and
Prosecutors to ensure successful prosecution of drug cases;
Designate case monitors in all drug courts to monitor the disposition of
drug cases filed by anti-illegal drug units in respective AOR in coordination
with AIDG case monitoring team;
Include drug-related topics in the conduct of PICE;
Submit weekly (Every Monday 6:00 AM) and monthly (Every 2nd Day of the
Month 12:00 NN) report and periodic assessments on the implementation
of this CMC to DO;
Supervise and oversee the conduct of PROJECT DOUBLE BARREL in
their respective AOR; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Focus Teams
Neutralize High value and street level targets to include their support
systems (Drug Lords, their protectors, coddlers and supporters);
Disrupt supply chain and distribution routes; and
Perform other tasks as directed.
Coordinating Instructions:
Strictly implement the protocol on the conduct of anti-illegal drug
Submit Daily Report in the implementation of Project Tokhang and
Project HVT/LVT.
Submit Weekly Periodic Assessment on the implementation of this CMC.
Submit Weekly Periodic Assessment, Evaluation, review and Monitoring
of PNP personnel with derogatory information and/or listed in CI Watchlist
on illegal drugs.
As far as practicable, all unit commanders must ensure that all anti-illegal
drug operations shall be coordinated with PDEA in accordance with the
PNP Manual on Anti-Illegal Drug Operation and Investigation.
No PNP personnel shall be allowed to conduct a planned anti-illegal drug
operation (i.e. buy-bust, search warrant, MJ eradication) unless he is a
member of AIDG, Regional, Provincial, District/City and Municipal AID
Coordinating Instructions:
The pre-operations clearance form for planned operations must be
accomplished, submitted to and approved by the unit commander or his
designated action officer prior to the conduct of anti-illegal drug
operations. All activities relative to this must be recorded in the blotter.
All operations shall conform with the provisions of RA No. 9165, the rules
of Court, and strictly observe the Rights of the Accused enshrined in the
Bill of Rights under the Philippine Constitution, other allied laws, rules and
regulations as well as the
internationally accepted principles of
international laws, public policy, and with due observance of human rights.
All concerned personnel shall strictly observe the rights of persons
arrested, detained or under custodial investigation pursuant to RA No.
7438 and other existing rules and regulations of the PNP in the promotion
of human rights.
The rules and regulations on the recruitment of personnel to and from
anti-illegal drug units must be strictly implemented.
Coordinating Instructions:
Maximum inter-unit and 'agency coordination is encouraged.
Enlist the assistance of other offices/units in the execution of their portion
of the strategy including its component activities to sustain a unified and
coordinating relationship.
Lateral coordination is encouraged to ensure success of this project.
All tasked units shall submit IMPLANs within 5 days upon receipt of this
CMC and to strictly observe this Directive.
Chairman DG
Members: DG NICA;
DepEd, DOH, DOTC ,
Committee on Law
Committee on
Education & Awareness
Oversight Committee
Chairman TDCO, PNP
Members Quad Staff
National Working
on Anti-Illegal Drugs
Task Group
Composite Focus
Committee on
Committee on
Chief PNP
NTF Commander
Intelligence Fusion
Deputy TF Commanders
NTF Secretariat
Joint Operations
Task Groups LVT & SubTask Groups
Task Group
Internal Cleansing
Regional, Provincial,
City and Municipal
Focus Teams
Composite Focus
D, IG TG Commander
Members: Deputies of DPRM, IAS, CIDG, CLG,FEO,DL, and
CSC, Ombudsman, BIR, AMLAC, Reg of DEEDs. BSP, NICA
Action Plan
Time Frame
1. Clearing of Brgy
(Pushers & Users)
a.Mobilize the community to
actively participate in the fight Conduct Information
against illegal drugs
5 stages