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Some of the key takeaways from the document include tips for introverts to fit into the corporate culture, mantras for first time managers leading experienced teams, and the importance of frugal innovation and effective communication for innovation.

Some of the challenges faced by first time managers of experienced teams include low hierarchy, lack of experience, own insecurities, negative perceptions from team, lack of focus and accountability.

The two main themes in defining competencies are the description of work tasks/outputs and description of required behaviors. Competency involves having the necessary knowledge, skills, values and behaviors for a job.


By : Puneet Kapil (HPGD/JA16/2515)


How does an introvert

fi t
into Corporate culture

LEARNINGS:There is no formula that decides which personality

exceeds. All personality types have to be respected.
Typical Characteristics of Introverts
Drawn to inner world.
Prefer to work quietly.
Have high concentration and observation power.
Listen more than speaking.
Being an introvert is not a flaw! :- There are more
strengths to work with.
Strike a balance :- Selectively pick suggestions to your
At time reach out:- Convey the message that are aligned
to the team.

Specify need for alone time :- Categorically state

when and why DND is required .
Make it a point to selectively let our work
achievements be known. Once credential of
introverts are accepted , people are more likely to
accepting the introvert nature.
Step out of the comfort zone time to time:- Attend
work events even for a short while, make sure you
get in your point before leaving.
Dont need to be a centre of attention :- Cultivate
deep one to one equations.

First Timers
leading an

Challenges of a first timer

Low in hierarchy
Lack Experience
Own insecurity and lack of confidence
General negative perceptions
Instant take over attitude
Short attention span
Too much multi tasking
Irresponsible and dont take accountability seriously
Higher pay packet politics

Mantras to help along the way to

first time managers of an
experienced team
Give credit to experience KYT
Be Observant :- Tune into the specific
Shed hesitations
Sit it on tasks rather than shoot
Show curiosity rather than ignorance
Enhance knowledge
Understanding of obstacles
Dont judge quickly

Continue with Mantras.

Keep their family responsibility in mind.
Dont pick odd hours because you work
that way
Try to be a change agent fixing issues
Show respect for regulatory issues
Communicate continuously
Learn from your supervisor
Find an unofficial mentor
Be an unofficial mentor

ompetency Framework

LEARNINGS :The two main themes in the definition of the

competencies are
Description of work tasks or job outputs
Description of behavior
Often we use words like knowledge , skill, values in
place competency
But there are very different from each other .
Being competent for a job we mean a person has
required knowledge , skills, values and behavior.
In an organization competencies are broken down in
different levels.

In an organization there are tow types of

1) Threshold competencies.

2) Generic

Threshold competencies:- Competencies that

everybody in the
organization must have.
Generic competencies:Competencies that are
specific to a
particular role.
Example of competency with levels.
Managing relationships
Level 1 :- Building relation internally.
team worker

Level 1:- As a

After Level in competency next comes behavioral

indicators in Competency frameworks.
Application of Competencies.
Cultural change
Training & development
Skill analysis
Integrating HR strategy
Clarity of roles
Enforcing Standards
Recruitment and selection


LEARNINGS :Gantt chart was invented by American engineer known as

Henry Grantt in around 1910 .
First major use of Grantt chart was during the first world
war in the production of naval aircraft.
Advantages of Gantt Charts
Gantt chart becomes the common technique for
representing the
phases and activities of project.
They are useful for project up-to 30 activities.
They clearly break down the work into specific
manageable part.
It helps to clarify the workflow, sequences and
Its pictorial representation very easy to understand

Behavioral Event

LEARNINGS:Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) is an interview technique to

identify and assess the competencies of a candidate for a particular
Job or role. Theory of BEI consider the best way for an organization to
predict an individual future performance based upon their past
competencies, behavior & performances.
BEI provide benefits to both organizations and individuals.
It provides standardized assessment method to , measure responses
& qualifications.
BEI has standardized set of questions which allows individual to be
measured based on their own responses.
BEI questions should evoked responses that are based within the
interviewees own personal experiences and abilities
In Behavioral event interview questions ask for





Presumptions in the B.E.I

techniques:Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

Behavioral event interview answers

are NOT :

Based on feelings & Opinions
Without data or actual figures
Open for judgment

Tips for candidate appearing for BEI

Be Confident
Keep a positive outlook
Give a suitable response
Be specific about what was asked.
Listen carefully
Look through the Resume



Head- Business HR
(Ops) &
Employee Relations

LEARNINGS :From this video I understood various points as she

Spoke about her journey of 15 years in four different
types of industries starting from IT industry to FMCG
industry to Shipping industry and now in Telecom
industry. In brief she describes each that each
industry caries its own challenges and her mantra
through out her career of these 15 years is of
constant positive attitude for learning . Also be
adaptable according to the industrys demand.
Spoke about how adaptability comes when someone
is open for diversity. Diversity not only in terms of
roles or industry but also diversified into various
function in the HR.

According to her its very necessary to be updated

about the industry you are in on a daily basis.
She spoke about the diversity in the HR role and
evolution that take place over the years in the HR
roles.HR industry is no more transactional.HR
professionals have become strategic business
partners today. The role of HR in an organization is
a necessity today
In this video she shares about her views on the two
important growth drivers of HR as an industry first
one is business partnering , and second one is
employee engagement.
Then she spokes in details about the strength
,weaknesses of HR as an industry. Also she spokes

Through this video she provides tips that works in

her favor for being a successful HR professional
which includes
Never shy away from speaking your mind.
Do not promise things if you cant deliver them.
Continuously reinvent yourself.
Dont forget to ask.


President HR of ESSAR Group of

LEARNINGS :In this video he talks about her journey as

a challenging but overall fulfilled and
rewarding. According to him rewards do
not change anything
in your life but makes you fill sense of
fulfillment for all your hard work you
have put in.
He talks about how he was inclined
towards for HR functions due to
fascination towards people behavior and
to learn psychological behavior that lets

Than he talks about the difficulties he

faced while re-launching COCA COLA in
India after integrating 40 individual
bottling plants under one MNC umbrella
He further spokes joining ESSAR group in
2006 is one of the high points in his
career. The leadership at ESSAR
personally nurtures the people. This
makes the enabling environment so
positive for HR.

Mr. Prashant Nair

Global Head HR - Cipla

LEARNINGS :From this video I understood various points as he..

Spoke about his journey as an engineer with AREVA
(GEC Alsthom India Limited) from 1994 then moved to
RPG group, wockhardt and then a long sting at thomas
cook where he looked HR as a part of senior leadership
team and finally moved to CIPLA as a global head HR.
Spoke about his development during more than 3 years
stint in IIM A.
Also speaks about his success mantra as to
acknowledge and respect the views of other but have
your own mind. Doing things u know are right and also
the principal to work well so as to ensure a good soun
sleep at night.

Spoke about the importance of HR in any industry. All

these things reinforced his dedication to HR. Also spoke
how HR was more of an admin function.
Spoke on the aspirations of employees and managing &
alingning the aspirations of employees with that of the
Organization. The balance of HR being and emotional,
operational and financial function
Spoke on working on developing his generic
competency framework at RPG for centre of learning
and how they managed to create a leadership cadre.
Speak on the importance of succession
planning.Leadership intervention are neccesary for the

Individuals should look for value add to themselves

and the organization when making a job change rather
than just jump for higher remuneration.
HR is combination of business , science and art.
Its important to relate to people and connect with
tehm across different levels
Have purpose, principles , passion & proficient in life


Tools to support
Creativity & Innovation
LEARNINGS:This article talks about the four different types of tools to support
creativity & Innovation and that includes.
The Work Place :- Design should be meant to enhance interaction
between people, should have flexibility in layouts and
arrangements .Designing should be intrigue, colors, plants, books,
graphics, and light can all be designed thoughtfully and even at little
to no cost to enhance the environment, promote creativity.
Social Tools:- Socialization during work breaks can promote
effective collaboration, the exchange of ideas & problem-solving
thereby increased the frequency of the chance encounters that
promote innovative thinking.

Innovation Ecosystem:- Innovation happens in a market

ecosystem that has countless influences, an important determinant
of success is the capacity to actively engage with that ecosystem,
to work effectively with people and organizations who are outside
of our firm and to engage them in the innovation process thats
going on inside our firm. Thats called open innovation.
Virtual Tools:- A lot of open innovation effort take places online
that include online social networking, project management, idea
collection, and creativity online tools.
These four innovation tools can work together nicely to support
creative and innovation.

Four Routes to simplify
This informative article
informs about four different routes to simplify
The Idea route:- After having a rough business idea next step is to
focus andmake all our expectations and boundary conditions explicit,
like: why do we want to innovate? What is it? For whom? Where: regions
and countries? When: year of introduction? And which criteria should
our new idea or opportunity meet?
The technology route :- New technologies spark innovation. For
example, the development of new game consoles, the internet of things
or 3D printing. In this route firstly we picked a new technology as an
opportunity to start.
The customer issue route:- In this route we start with a customer issue
or frustration the first step is to explore and discover if this is a relevant
issue for a broader group by observing, listening and talking to them.
The business challenge route:- In this route our first step is Focus,

Diff erent types of innovation
LEARNINGS:A small concise article that brief about different types of
innovations. The simplest way to categorize innovation is into two
types incremental and radical.
Incremental innovation is an improvement in an existing thing
Radical innovation is finding an entirely new way of doing
All corporate innovations are divided into ten categories.
These are:
1.Profit model how you price your product or service and
make money.
2.Network external relationships and partnerships.
3.Structure how you organize your company.
4.Process doing things differently.
5.Product performance new products or features.
6.Product system how your product connects.
7.Service additional support and enhancements.
8.Channel how you get to market
9.Brand the promise you make

Innovation Challenge
An innovation challenge is an effective way to inject some energy into
the idea creation of our company. Innovation challenge should have
following three character that makes its different from continuous
innovation strategy .
1.Time restrictions 2.Specific and focused 3. Tied to resources
Reasons to run a innovation challenge are:
oWe need insights to solve a current problem
oWe want to jump-start a particular effort in your organization
oWe want to align everyone to a particular strategic objective
The objective of any type of innovation is to create value for our
organization. Few key things to keep in mind in order for it to run
successful innovation challenge are :
oAlign the focus to an organizational priority
oExplicitly state the challenge question
oSpread the word
oAssign resources to implement top ideas

tegic Management :Innovator s Dile

The innovators dilemma is the dilemma of recognizing when to respond

to technological change. The dilemma is that of recognizing which of
types of technological innovations to go for either for sustaining
technologies or to disruptive technologies.
Sustaining technologiesare technologies that continually increase
product performance by improving an established technology. The most
important features of organizations that follow Sustaining technologies
Listen to existing customers.
Invest aggressively in technologies that give those customers what
they want.
Seek higher margins.
Target larger markets over smaller ones.
Being good matters more than being first.
Disruptive technologies, on the other hand, are finding an entirely new
technology breakthrough.They are generally cheaper, simpler, smaller,
and, frequently, more convenient to use.These characteristics typically
appeal to lower-end, cost-sensitive customers and imply lower profit

Important features of organizations that follow Disruptive

technologies are;

Recognize a disruptive technology emerging.

Create a smaller, separate organization to match emerging and
unique market(s).
Plan for trial and error. Be able to modify products and explore the
Expect low margins, small market(s), and slow growth.
The weaknesses of the disruptive technology in the mainstream
market may be its
strengths in an emerging market.
Being first matters more than being good.

Emerging market Disruptive
Disruptive innovation has been credited as the strategy that led to
Japans dramatic economic development after World War II. Japanese
companies such as Nippon Steel, Toyota, Sony and Canon started out
by offering inexpensive products that were initially inferior in quality
to those of their Western competitors. This allowed the Japanese
manufacturers to capture the low-end segment of the market.
Similar disruption process is brewing in todays emerging markets,
especially in China and India. Once the local entrepreneurs establish
themselves in their home markets, they should also make the leap
into more developed countries. There, they will probably start with the
low-end segments and gradually make their way up market.
The fear among companies in more developed economies, therefore,
is that history is about to repeat itself: The disruption process that
catapulted Japanese companies to industry prominence 40 years ago
is about to play out again with companies from markets like China and
India at the forefront.

Frugal Innovation
LEARNINGS:A small concise article on frugal innovation provide light on study
that how frugal innovation is more than just juggad. Frugal innovation
can lead to sustainable development that saves valuable resources
and energy.
Doing more with less is the new challenge for all companies.
Emerging market customers offer a significant opportunity that can
only be profitably leveraged when value proposition and cost
structure match price expectations.
In developed markets too, value-for-money is the new mantra
especially in population segments that have suffered from the global
financial crisis.
Frugal products lead to sustainable development through process
optimisation and use of environment-friendly methods, which saves
valuable resources and energy. A focus on reusable or recyclable
products rather than disposable products brings down cost of

Innovation management in
emerging markets
When it comes to innovation management, we see a growing number of
companies in emerging countries like Turkey, Mexico and Brazil doing a
better job than their counterparts in developed (primarily Western)
countries. There are many reasons for this as mentioned below.
The growth mindset.
A different understanding of and experience with innovation
Top down leadership approach.
Stronger home markets with faster actions

Three Indian companies
among worlds most
Unilever, Tata Consultancy
Services (TCS)
and Sun Pharma
Industries are the three Indian companies that have been named
among the world's 100 most innovative companies by Forbes.
Hindustan Unilever company ranked 41 on the list and had over 35
brands spanning 20 distinct categories.

India's largest IT company TCS, with a market cap of USD 80.3 billion,
appears on the list at 64th rank.
Sun Pharma had a market cap USD 39 billion and India's largest drugs
company appears on the list for the fourth straight time at 71 st rank.
Forbes said companies are ranked by their innovation premium: the
difference between their market capitalisation and a net present value
of cash flows from existing businesses.

he one skill that innovators forg
Most innovators cultivate traits like creative risk taking, positive
reinforcement and strategic planning. However, there is another branch
of innovation in which innovators still require a great deal of training i.e.
Effective Communication
The reason communications is so crucial is because no innovation
program can exist without ideas. However, ideas dont arrive on the
scene fully-formed and more often than not, you need a lot of ideas to
germinate, combine, and transform before you get a truly significant new
idea that can serve your business or consumers.
Four main channels for effective communication are:Web presence
Social Media
Public relations



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