Human Values in Design: Scientific Laws and Principles To Technical Problems
Human Values in Design: Scientific Laws and Principles To Technical Problems
Human Values in Design: Scientific Laws and Principles To Technical Problems
A Contract is a promise by one person to another to do or not to do
something. Only promises that the law will enforce are contracts.
The three elements of a contract are:
An offer is an expression made by one person that leads second
person to reasonably expect that the promisor wishes to create an
agreement. The offer must be clear, definite, and specific, with no
room for serious misunderstanding.
An acceptance of the offer is necessary to make a contract legally
binding. Both the offer and the acceptance must be voluntary acts. A
contract cannot be forced on anyone.
A contract is not enforceable by laws unless it contains an agreement
to exchange promises with value, the consideration.
For example, if A and B enter into a contract in which A promises to
pay B 1000 dollars for modifying a CAD software package, both the
money and the service are considerations.
Express contract
An express contract is the contract in which all of the terms are agrees
upon and expressed in words, either written or oral. An oral contract,
once made, can be just as legal as a written contract, but it is much more
difficult to prove and enforce. Moreover, many states have statutes of
fraud that requires writing for certain contracts to be enforceable.
Implied contract
An implied contract is a contract in which the agreement between parties
is not enforced by the legal system but by wholly or in part by their
For example, Jim goes to the local convenience store, where he has an
account. He picks up a Sunday New York times and holds it up so the
clerk sees him take it and the clerk nods in return as he leaves the store
with the paper. Jim has made an implied contract to pay for the
bilateral contract
It is a contract in which two parties have both made a promise to
each other. A promise is made in return for a promise. Each
party is both a promisor and a promise.
unilateral contract
It is one in which the promisor does not receive a promise as
consideration for her promise but instead agrees to pay if she
receives an act or service.
For example, Mrs. Jones says to John smith, I promise to pay
you 100 dollars tomorrow if you will clean out my basement
and garage today. John is immediately goes to work. This
constitutes acceptance of the offer and creates a unilateral
Numbers of parties
Joint &
Product liability refers to the legal actions by which an injured party
seeks to recover damages for personal injury or property loss from the
producer or seller of a defective product. Product liability suits are
pursued under the laws of tort.
The following aspects of the design process should be emphasized to
minimize potential problems from product liability.
1.Take every precaution to assure that there is strict adherence to
industry and government standards. Conformance to standards
does not relieve or protect the manufacturer from liability, but it
certainly lessens the possibility of product defects.
2.All products should be thoroughly tested before being released for
sale. An attempt should be made to identify the possible ways a
product can become unsafe and tests should be devised to evaluate
those aspects of the design. When failure modes are discovered, the
design should be modified to remove the potential cause of failure.
3. The finest quality control techniques available will not absolve the
manufacturer of a product liability if in fact the product being
marketed is defective. However, the strong emphasis on product
liability has placed renewed emphasis on quality engineering as a
way to limit the incidence of product liability.
4. Make a careful study of the relationships between your product
and upstream and downstream components. You are required to
know how malfunctions upstream and downstream of your product
may cause failure to your product. You should warn users of any
hazards of foreseeable misuses based on these system relationships.
Utility patent
The functional features of a design can be protected with utility
patent. A utility patent protects not only the specific embodiments
of the idea shown in the patent application but functional equivalent
as well. A well-written patent is the best protection for a valuable
data. If an idea is worth patenting, it is worth hiring an experienced
patent attorney to do the job well.
Design patent
A different type of patent, the design patent, covers the
ornamental aspects of a product such as its shape, configuration,
or surface decoration.
Design patents are easier to obtain than utility patents, and they
are easier to enforce in court. If a competitive design has
essentially the same overall appearance, then it is in violation of
your patent. A design patent can have only one claim, which is a
serious disadvantage, because it means that every unique aspect of
Quadrant 3, illegal and unethical, is the sector where go-tojail cards are distributed. In general most illegal activities are
Quadrant 4, illegal and ethical, is a relatively rare event. An
example could be an engineer who had signed a secret
agreement with an employer, but then found that the employer
has been engaged in producing a product that was very
hazardous to the general public. Unable to get attention focused
on the problem within the company, the engineer goes to the
press to warn the people. The engineer has breached a contract,
but in what is believed to be a highly ethical cause. Such a
person would be called a whistle blower.
We start by making a distinction between morality and
professional ethics. Morality refers to those standards of
conduct that apply to all individuals within society rather
than only to members of a special group. These are the
standards that every rational person wants every other
person to follow and include standards such as the
Respect the rights of others
Show fairness in your dealings with others
Be honest in all actions
Keep promises and contracts
Consider the welfare of others
Show compassion to others
Note that each of these standards of conduct is based on the
italicized values.
By professional ethics we mean those standards of conduct that every
member of a profession expects every other member to follow. These
ethical standards apply to members of that group simply because they
are members of that professional group. Like morality, standards and
ethical conduct are value-based. Some values that are professional
ethics include:
Honesty and truth
Honor- showing respect, integrity, and reputation for achievement
Knowledge- gained through education and experience
Efficiency- producing effectively with minimum of unnecessary effort
Diligence- persistent effort
Loyalty- allegiance to employers goals
Confidentiality- dependable in safeguarding information
Protecting public safety and health
Note that some of these values are directed toward the employer (eg:
diligence), some toward the customer (e.g: confidentiality), some
towards the profession (e.g. honor).
Market study
management support?
Conceptual design
Embodiment design
Detail design