Slitlampexaminationlecture 140828092025 Phpapp02
Slitlampexaminationlecture 140828092025 Phpapp02
Slitlampexaminationlecture 140828092025 Phpapp02
DR.Prashant .P.Patel
Senior resident,
Aravind Eye Hospital,
Purkinje: One of the first individuals to apply
microscopy to the living eye , who studied
the iris with an adjustable microscope by
illuminating the field of view.
Louis de Wecker : He made the uniocular slitlamp combined an eyepiece, objective and
adjustable condensing lens within a tube.
It was improved by Siegfried Czapski who
added binocularity to the microscope.
However, none of the units had sufficient and
adjustable illumination.
2)Observation system
3) Mechanical system
Mechanical system
Fixation light
Head rest
Canthal alignment
Chin rest
lamp base
Chinrest adjust
-ment knob
Height adjustment
Illumination System
It is based on Kohler illumination
Illumination System
The illumination system of most slit-lamps
consists of two different designs.
The first design: the Haag-Streit type
illumination, allows de-coupling in the vertical
Such vertical de-coupling is particularly useful
when performing gonioscopy to minimize
reflections and for indirect fundus examination
to gain increased peripheral views.
Observation system
Should have following
Characteristics :
Optimum stereoscopic observation.
Selectable magnification.
Large field of view.
Large depth of field.
Enough space in front of the
microscope for manipulations on the
Change in magnification
Grenough type:
Galilean changer type:
Czapskiscope with rotating
Zoom system:
The Galilean
Knob to change
magnification (3
or 5step)
Zoom System
Zoom system allows continuously
various degree of magnification.
E.g, Nikon photo slit lamp &Zeiss-75
Clinical Procedure
Before using the slit-lamp, it is important to
ensure that the instrument is correctly set up.
The eyepieces should be focused for the
observer for his/her own refractive error.
Often a little more minus correction is required
than the observers actual refractive error due to
accommodation and proximal convergence.
The Pupillary distance (pd) is adjusted for the
observer (perhaps the pd should be slightly less
than that usually measured to account for
proximal convergence).
Examination methods
Types of Illumination.
Slit lamp Provides three basic types of
1)Focal Illumination:
Achieved by narrowing the slit horizontally or
vertically, provides isolation of the specific areas of
eye /cornea for observation.
2) Oblique illumination: It is essential for detecting
and examining findings in different layers of the
3)The Optical Section: The narrow slit beam slices
through the eye revealing the internal details of the
tissue at all layers.
Types of Illumination
Dffuse Illumination:
Terminology :It is the type encountered in everyday
life. For example light from sun or a light bulb that
diffusely illuminate ones surroundings.
Principle :It is a Initial survey examination of the
face, eyelids and ocular surface.
If one directly proceeds with the magnified
examination one is likely to miss skin disorders( such
as acne rosacea), eyelid lesions ( such as molluscum
contagiosum, small chalasion, mild ptosis).
Technique: It can be done with torch light ,
Sclerotic Scatter
Terminology :In this technique for illuminating cornea, the
slit beam is directed at the scleral limbus and illumination
is transmitted into cornea by total internal reflection.
Opacities within the cornea scatter the light back to the
SLIT BEAM : Moderate width,
Directed at the 3- or 9-oclock scleral
MICROSCOPE: Independently
focused onto the cornea.
Best used after the lesion is located
by sclerotic scatter, diffuse illumination.
Examiner than focuses narrow slit of
light over this lesion.
Approximately 30 angle between slit
beam and microscope, can be increased
up to 90.
Broad tangential
Terminology: A wide beam is oriented at an
extremely oblique illumination angle, causing it
to project tangentially across the corneal
Principle : Extreme angle of incidence of the
slit beam results in decrease of light reflected
and scattered by the cornea, this in turn
reduces background glare causes surface
abnormalities to stand out.
It is most useful for examining corneal
ANGLE between slit beam and
microscope: 70-80.
This highlights irregularities of
corneal surface such as
epithelial defect, PEES etc.
Proximal( indirect)
Terminology: It requires that the slit beam is directed
adjacent (proximal) to the area of interest to illuminate
it indirectly.
Principle: It combines the Principle of Sclerotic Scatter
and Retro illumination.
When directed adjacent to opaque area of the cornea,
the illumination of the slit beam is internally reflected
within the cornea causing light to spread throughout
the stroma, light striking the opacity is scattered and
some of the scattered light is reflected back to the
It is used to define the an opaque area of the cornea
and to identify details within the opacity.
SLIT Beam:
Short: 2-3 mm
Slightly broad: 0.2 mm
Directed adjacent to area of interest.
Angle between microscope and slit
lamp is 15 degree.
Slit beam: narrow to medium, slit
height is reduced, area of corneal
pathology is positioned directly
over the slit beam light reflected
from the iris, either by moving the
instrument or by altering the
patients gaze.
Direct retroillumination
Indirect retroillumination.
Specular reflection
Terminology: The smooth surfaces
of cornea reflect incident light like a
plain mirror following SNELLS LAW.
When angle of incidence is equal
to angle of reflection as measured
from line drawn perpendicular to the
Sodium fluorescein is applied gently to the bulbar conjunctiva.
The patient should blink once or twice for the dye to be
dispersed over the eye.
If the epithelium of the conjunctiva or the cornea is damaged,
the fluorescein stains the underlying tissue.
The remaining dye fluoresces a yellow green colour when
excited by the blue light.
Healthy epithelium does not stain.
Contact lens fitting,
Marginal tear film height measurement,
Tear film break up time,
Jones dye disappearance test
1) Blood vessels:
i) Wavy lines: Begin outside the limbus
indicates subepithelial vessels.
ii) Straight lines : Begin inside the
limbus indicates stromal vessels.
2) Rose bengal stain: RED DOTS indicates
area stained by rose bengal.
3)Solid red shades: Indicates
Accessory Devices:
Applanation tonometry.
Slit lamp photography.
Slit lamp as a delivery system for
argon, diode,and YAG laser.
Thank you!!