Yamuna Apartments Case Study
Yamuna Apartments Case Study
Yamuna Apartments Case Study
No. of Floors: 03
The recreational
activities are
grouped around
the central
square. The club
is located on the
first floor level
forming a bridge
across two
housing blocks.
Pedestrianised Pathways
A typical pedestrian
street or gali leading to
the central square with
entrance to the units .
Children can play in the
gali undisturbed by
vehicular traffic.
The access staircase in
each block form
important design
elements . They wind
around a central wall
panel , but at each half
landing an independent
flight peels off to lead
directly to the entrance of
the adjacent unit.
Community spaces like O.A.T, public seating, gardens etc. are
Privacy is maintained by providing a small breathing space in every
apartment i.e. in ground floor it is next to main door and in upper floors
it is as balconies.
Two main, three sub and one service Entries are provided for the better
use of spaces.
Non- accessible Terrace gardens are provided to enclosure to the
outer space and at the same time they also gives the view of the open
sky which merges with the landscaping on the upper terrace gardens.
Parking was not made according to the requirement, cars were parked on the
The idea of parking being on the periphery, is very unique, as the whole
colony enjoys a terrific free circulation around the colony, however, the
demand for parking has increased since the societys conception, creating a
shortage of car space.
the open and green spaces at various intervals, placing of the blocks, and
the usage of pedestrianization.
The external staircase saves a lot of internal space as it cuts down the need
for a core, but, proves to be a problem on days with heavy rainfall. The fact
that residents can see into each others living rooms creates a sense of safety
in times of emergencies but it may seem intrusive for some, who have
simply used frosted glass/blinds to crub the issue.