Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) Are As Follows
Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) Are As Follows
Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) Are As Follows
(A) Accounting Standards (Accrual basis) issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) are as
Accountin Accounting Objectives of the Standards
g Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS 1 Disclosure of in preparation and presentation of the
Accounting financial statements
AS2 Valuation of to formulate the method of
Inventories computation of cost of inventories /
stock, determine the value of closing
stock / inventory at which the
inventory is to be shown in balance
sheet till it is not sold and recognized
as revenue
AS3 Cash Flow This statement exhibits the flow of
Statements incoming and outgoing cash.
AS4 Contingencies The Accounting Standard deals with
and Events Contingencies and Events occuring
Accounting Accounting Objectives of the Standards
Standards Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS5 Net Profit or to prescribe the criteria for certain items
Loss for the in the profit and loss account so that
period, Prior comparability of the financial statement
Period items can be enhanced. Profit and loss account
and changes in being a period statement covers the
Accounting items of the income and expenditure of
Policies. the particular period. This also deals with
change in accounting policy, accounting
estimates and extraordinary items.
AS6 Depreciation It is a measure of wearing out,
Accounting consumption or other loss of value of a
depreciable asset arising from use,
passage of time. Depreciation is nothing
but distribution of total cost of asset over
its useful life
AS7 Construction As the period of construction contract is
Contracts long, work of construction starts in one
year and is completed in another year or
after 4-5 years or so. There may be
following two ways to determine profit or
Accountin Accounting Objectives of the Standards
g Standards
Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS8 Accounting This deals with accounting for research and
for Research development
AS9 Revenue The standard explains as to when the revenue should
Recognition be recognized in profit and loss account and also
states the circumstances in which revenue
recognition can be postponed.
AS10 Accounting It is an asset, which is:- Held with intention of being
for Fixed used for the purpose of producing or providing goods
Assets and services.
AS11 The effects of This accounting Standard applicable to accounting for
Changes in transaction in Foreign currencies in translating in the
Foreign Financial Statement Of foreign operation Integral as
Exchange well as non- integral and also accounting for For
Rates forward exchange. Effect of Changes in Foreign
(Revised Exchange Rate, an enterprises should disclose
2003) following aspects:
Amount Exchange Difference included in Net profit
or Loss;
Amount accumulated in foreign exchange translation
Accountin Accounting Objectives of the Standards
g Standards
Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS12 Accounting Government Grants are assistance by the Govt.
for in the form of cash or kind to an enterprise in
Governmen return for past or future compliance with
t grants certain conditions.
AS13 Accounting It is the assets held for earning income by way
for of dividend, interest and rentals, for capital
investment appreciation or for other benefits.
AS14 Accounting It deals with accounting to be made in books of
for Transferee company in case of amalgamation
AS15 Employees The scope of the accounting standard
Benefit has been enlarged, to include accounting for
(Revised short-term employee benefits and termination
2005) benefits
AS16 Borrowing It prescribe the treatment of borrowing
costs cost (interest + other cost) in accounting,
whether the cost of borrowing should be
Accountin Accounting Objectives of the Standards
g Standards
Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS17 Segment Disclosure of information regarding multiple
Reporting products/services and their operations is called
segment reporting
AS!8 Related disclosure of related party transaction is
Party essential for proper understanding of financial
Disclosures performance and financial position of
AS19 Leases Lease is an arrangement by which the lesser
gives the right to use an asset for given period
of time to the lessee on rent. It involves two
AS20 Earning Per The statement is applicable to the enterprise
share whose equity shares or potential equity shares
are listed in stock exchange.
AS21 Consolidate the consolidated balance sheet if prepared
d Financial should be prepared in the manner prescribed
Statements by this statement.
Accountin Accounting Objectives of the Standards
g Standards
Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS22 Accounting This accounting standard prescribes the
for taxes on accounting treatment for taxes on income.
AS23 Accounting It set out the principles and procedures for
for recognizing the investment in associates in the
Investment consolidated financial statements of the
s in investor,
d financial
AS24 Discontinui The objective of this standard is to establish
ng principles for reporting information about
operations discontinuing operations.
AS25 Interim As per clause 41 of listing agreement the
Financial companies are required to publish the financial
Reporting results on a quarterly basis
Accountin Accounting Objectives of the Standards
g Standards
Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS26 Intangible An Intangible Asset is an Identifiable non-
Assets monetary Asset without physical substance
held for use in the production or supplying of
goods or services for rentals to others or for
administrative purpose
AS27 Financial 'Joint control' is the contractually agreed
Reporting sharing of control over economic activity.
of Interests
in Joint
AS28 Impairment As per AS-28 asset is said to be impaired when
of Assets carrying amount of asset is more than its
recoverable amount.
AS29 Provisions, Objective of this standard is to prescribe the
Contingent accounting for Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities Liabilities, Contingent Assets, Provision for
and restructuring cost
Accountin Accounting Objectives of the Standards
g Standards on
(ASs) No.
AS30 Financial this Standard is to establish principles for
Instruments : recognizing and measuring Financial assets,
Recognition and financial liabilities and some contracts to buy
Measurement and or sell non-financial items
Limited Revisions to
AS 2, AS 11 (revised
2003), AS 21, As 23,
AS 26, AS 27, AS 28,
and AS 29
AS31 Financial This Standard is to establish principles for
Instruments: presenting financial instruments as liabilities
Presentation or equity and for offsetting financial assets
and financial liabilities.
AS32 Financial The objective of this Standard is to require
Instruments: entities to provide disclosures in their financial
Disclosures, and statements that enable users to evaluate:
Limited Revision to the significance of financial instruments for
Accounting the entitys financial position and
Standards(AS) 19 , performance; and
leases the nature and extent of risks arising from
financial instruments to which the entity is
exposed during the period and at the reporting