Steel DOS 1

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Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Steel Frames
Frame is a combination of skeletal members
joined together in different ways, with the
loads either applied only at the joints or
within the members.
There are following two types of frames:
Rigid Frames
Truss Frames
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Rigid Frames
These frames are combination of skeletal
members rigidly connected to each other.
These are subjected to transverse loads
within the members producing bending
There is no relative rotation between the
ends of members meeting at a joint.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Rigid frames have the following

advantages over truss frames:

These are economical within 10 to 60 m

These are good looking.
Sufficient clearance is available in case of
gable frames.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The economical spacing of these

frames is as follows:
Span (m) Spacing (m)

10 12 5.0

13 20 5.5

21 30 6.0

31 60 1/6 to 1/5 of span

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

There are two main types of rigid frames:

Figure10.1.Portal Frame.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Figure 10.2.Gable Frame.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The depth of simply supported girder in

buildings usually varies between /12 and
For continuous girders and those in portal
frames, the depth is usually kept from /25
to /15.
For girders in a haunched gable frame, the
general depth is /40 to /30.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Truss Frames
These frames consist of trusses supported
by columns.
The procedure for design of column of a
trussed frame is identical to that of the rigid
A knee brace may also be used for lateral
stability at ends of the truss.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Knee Brace

Figure 10.3.Trussed Frame.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


Braces are defined as those secondary members
that do not directly resist the applied loads.
These strengthen the main members by giving
them stability against buckling.
Braces may be described as relative, nodal /
discrete, continuous and lean-on.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Relative Brace
It usually connects two adjacent members in
a diagonal way preventing the relative
movement between two different points
along the length of members or stories.
Diagonal bracing, shear walls and truss
bracing are typical examples of this type of
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Diagonal Bracing

It consists of inclined tension or

compression members attached to a
structural frame.
It acts as a truss in resisting the horizontal
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Nodal or Discrete Brace

It prevents movement of any one point of the member
independently with no reference to other points.
It is provided by perpendicular braces connected to
some rigid stratum.
This type of brace prevents the lateral movement or
twist at a particular section of a main member
independently without any connection to other braces.
For example, a double story column having crossbeams
at the intermediate story height is said to have discrete
brace at its mid-height.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


It is a member with large in-plane shear

stiffness and strength used to transmit
horizontal forces to other resisting systems
such as floor slab or other stiff roof panels.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Continuous Bracing

This type of bracing is present throughout

the length of the main member.
Example is a wall between columns and
roof sheathing / slab connected with the
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Lean-on Bracing System

If the braces are them-selves connected, on
the other side, to those members which may
buckle at same or different load level, the
bracing system is called lean-on bracing.
For example, two adjacent single story
columns connected together by horizontal
links at one-third the height are said to have
lean-on bracing.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Shear Lugs

These are members that transmit shear loads

in a transverse direction into other members
by local bearing on their interface.
Usually they consist of plates, welded studs,
bolts or other steel shapes.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Vertical Bracing System

Vertical bracing system extends through one

or more floors of a building providing
resistance against horizontal loads, like
shear walls and braced frames.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

General Considerations For Bracing Design

According to AISC, at points of support for
beams, girders and trusses, restraint against
rotation about their longitudinal axis should
always be provided by bracing at supports.
Designing the brace only for 2% of the
compressive load alone is generally not
Flexible brace connections reduce the
effectiveness of the bracing.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

An adequate brace system requires design both

for strength and stiffness.
For the buckled member, the bracing points may
be assumed to act as hinge supports because the
rotational constraint provided by the bracing
elements is usually very small.
Between two bracing points, the most critical
buckling of the member may be like a simply
supported column with effective length factor
(K) equal to 1.0.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

According to AISC Specifications, K-value

for compression members in trusses and
frames shall be taken as unity where lateral
bracing is provided by diagonal bracing or
shear walls.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Following notation is used in the discussion of the

bracing requirements:

Pu = applied factored load on the main member,

Pn = nominal capacity of the main member,
Pe = elastic critical buckling load of the main
K = effective length factor for the unsupported
br = axial stiffness of the bracing element,
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

L = length of the unsupported segment,

A = area of the main member,
N = number of braces in a member equal to one
less than the number of unbraced lengths,
B = the effective number of frames stabilized by
a particular bracing,
= fraction of br,ideal required for a multistory
column to that required for a single story,
= small elastic lateral movement of the bracing
point equal to the elongation or shortening of
the bracing element,
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

o = expected imperfection within the

unsupported length,
t= o + , total eccentricity of loading,
Pbr = force in the bracing element
perpendicular to the main member required
story or panel bracing shear force,
Abr = area of the bracing element,
Lbr = length of the bracing element, and
= angle of the bracing element with respect
to the horizontal axis.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


Pbr = br t

Figure 10.4.Discrete Bracing For A Column.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

When a small invisible lateral deflection

(t) occurs, the brace provide the restraint
by developing a resistive force equal to the
spring constant of the brace multiplied with
this lateral movement.
If the brace is less stiff, more movement
will be required to develop the restraint.
In case of very stiff brace, a small
movement will occur before establishing
the new equilibrium.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Extra moment produced = Pu ,

neglecting the imperfection in the column

Resistive moment = Pbr L

For equilibrium: Pu t = Pbr L

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

If maximum value of Pbr L that can be

developed is less than Pu t, side-sway
cannot be prevented and the brace will not
be fully effective.
For an ideal brace, both sides of the
equation are exactly equal,

Pu t = (br t) L
br = Pu / L
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

An ideal brace is that which prevents the elastic

buckling and hence br,ideal is equal to Pe/L.
Any system which has br < br,ideal may be
classified as an unbraced system.
Whereas, any system which has br br,ideal may
be classified as a braced system.
Now consider a two-story column with brace at
the mid-height. The buckling corresponds to one-
story for which the corresponding shear is Pbr / 2.
Pe t = L (br t) / 2
br,ideal = 2.0 Pe / L
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


Pbr = br t


Figure 10.5.Discrete Mid-point Bracing of a Column.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

For a column of N stories, br,ideal may be

expressed as follows:
br,ideal = Pe / L
where 42/N
= 1 for single unbraced length
The variable represents the effect of the number
of stories on the required value of br,ideal and its
value ranges from 1 for one-story to 4 for infinite
equal unsupported lengths. For columns having
initial crookedness o, required br-value
br, req = br,ideal ( 1 + o /t )
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The AISC Code allows out-of-plumb ness

up to L/500, which may be increased to
L/250 if there are chances of accidental
For design equations both t and o may
be assumed equal to L / 500 giving:
br,req = 2 br,ideal
Nominal bracing strength required,
Pbr = br,ideal (0.004 L)
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

AISC Bracing Recommendations

For A Column

a) Relative Bracing

Required bracing strength, Pbr = 0.004 Pr

2 Pr
Required brace stiffness, br ; 0.75
where Lb is the distance between the braces.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

a) Nodal Bracing

Required bracing strength, Pbr = 0.01 Pr

Required brace stiffness,

2 Pr 8 Pr
br ; 0.75
Lb Lb
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Procedure to Design Nodal /

Discrete Bracing
1. In case of a beam, the compression flange may be
treated just like a regular compression member.
However, the detailed AISC provisions for bracing
of a beam are discussed in a later section.
2. Decide the bracing locations and find the
unsupported lengths of all segments.
3. Calculate either the factored applied load (Pu) or
Euler critical buckling load (Pe), which may be
used in place of Pr/.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

4. Determine the value of depending upon

the number of unsupported lengths; AISC
considers = 2 for relative and = 4 for
nodal bracing .
5. Find the required area of the brace
depending upon br,req and the straight
stiffness of the brace equal to Abr E/Lbr.
6. Verify that the brace can provide the
required strength (Pbr) keeping in mind the
fact that whether the brace is active in
tension or compression.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Example 10.1:

Design braces effective in compression to

provide lateral support for a 12 m long
W610113 beam. These braces are 2 m
long, provided perpendicular to the
member, acting as point bracing at third
points of the beam.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


Note: The actual procedure for beam bracing design

is given later.
For W610113, Lb = 4 m

To be conservative, all the compression part of the

beam (half of the section) may be assumed to have
Fy stress.

Pu = Fy Ag / 2 = 250 (14,500) / 2000

= 1812.5 kN
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

For three unbraced points, N = 2

and = 4 2 / 2 = 3.0
(AISC recommends a value of = 4.0)

Abr Ebr 2 Pr

Lbr L

2 1812.5 1000 2000

Abr 3 .0
0.75 4000 200,000
36.25 mm 2
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

For bracing to be in compression, minimum

ry = Lbr / 200 = 2000 / 200 = 10 mm

Channel C756.1 will provide much bigger

area but will just satisfy the minimum
slenderness requirement.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Check for strength:

Lbr / ry = 2000 / 10.3 = 194.2

cFcr 40.97 MPa
Fbr = 40.97 781 / 1000 = 30.42 kN
> 0.01 Pr = 18.13 kN

Use C756.1 as lateral bracing

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.



Figure 10.6. Frame With a Diagonal Brace.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

When cross bracing is used, it is generally assumed to

be effective in tension.
The diagonal that is in compression, due to its longer
length, buckles a little and becomes ineffective.
For the horizontal movement of shown in Figure
10.6, the elongation in the brace is (cos ) and the
strain produced is (cos )/Lbr.
The force in the brace becomes (Abr Ebr/Lbr) (cos )
and the component of this force acting as resisting
shear in the horizontal direction evaluates as
(Abr Ebr/Lbr) (cos )2. The corresponding spring
constant then becomes (Abr Ebr/Lbr) cos2 .
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

AISC Requirements For

Braced Frame
The bracing required to obtain no-sway
conditions is to be provided by diagonal
bracing, shear walls or other equivalent
means (relative braces).
This design recommendation is based on
initial out-of-plumb ness of 0.002 L.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

2 B Pr
br ; 0.75
Pbr = 0.004 B Pu

Where L is the story height or panel spacing


B is the effective number of frames

stabilized by this bracing and

Pr is the sum of the factored loads on all

the columns of this frame.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Example 10.2
Design cross bracing (double diagonal bracing
in the form of a cross) provided in one bay of
the two bay and single story frames. A typical
brace must stabilize three frames and is to
consist of circular rods of A36 steel. The height
of the frame is 4 m and the length of each bay is
7 m. The factored loads on the three columns of
one frame are 600 kN, 1000 kN and 400 kN.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


B =3
Pr = 600 + 1000 + 400 = 2000 kN
= tan-1(4 / 7) = 29.74
Lbr = 8062 mm

The brace stiffness must be equal to 2BPr / (L),

which gives:
(Abr Ebr/Lbr) cos2
= 2 3 2000 1000 / (0.75 4000)
Abr = 214 mm2
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Diameter of the bracing

= 16.5 mm (say 18 mm)
Available bracing force = 0.9 /4 182
250 cos 29.74 / 1000
= 49.71 kN
> 0.004 3 Pr = 24 kN OK

Use 18 mm diameter solid circular rod as

bracing member
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Bracing Requirements Against

Lateral Loads
V = Service horizontal load on one 2-
D frame
Vu = Factored horizontal load on one
2-D frame
G = Prescribed drift index / deflection
gradient (like 1/400, etc.) at
service load stage
h = Height of the column
B = Number of frames stabilized by
the bracing
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

N =Number of tension braces in one frame

R =Ratio of force taken by tension brace
as compared with the compression
=Angle of the diagonal bracing
k =Sum of column flexural stiffness in the
2-D frame for the story, 2.0EI / h3 for
frames with moment connections and
1.0EI / h3 for frames with shear
connections for pinned bases and
6.0EI / h3 for frames with moment
connections and 2.0EI / h3 for frames
with shear connections for fixed bases
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

max =Maximum drift allowed for the story

= hG
Abr =Area of the bracing element

Lbr =Length of the bracing element

Ebr =Modulus of elasticity of the bracing

br =Axial stiffness of the bracing element

= EbrAbr/Lbr
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

u u u u

h h h L

k = 3EI /h3 k = 12EI /h3 k=0

k = 3EI /h3

b) Rigid Floor c) Flexible Floor d) Rigid Floor

a) Flexible Floor
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Force = Stiffness Deformation

V B R = B (N br cos2 + k) G h

VR 1
k br =
N cos
VR Lbr
Abr = k
NE br cos
(for stiffness)
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Further, applied force = resisting force

B Vu = B N R Abr t Fy cos

Abr =
0.9 Fy cos RN
(for strength)
The area of the bracing element is to be selected
as larger of that required for stiffness and that
required for strength.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


Lateral rigidity may be provided for a truss closer
to its ends in one of the following ways:

The knee brace, usually provided parallel to the

top chord of the truss or at 45o angle, is the most
common of all types of lateral bracing especially
when the ends of the truss are pointed, as shown in
Figure 10.3.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Its function is to restrain the lateral

movement of the truss by anchoring it
against the supporting column.
Knee brace becomes effective by including
part of the column into the truss.
Sometimes, it is ignored in the gravity load
Knee braces cause problems in case of
presence of crane girders and restricted
ceiling heights.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

In case the top and bottom chords are nearly

parallel, the supporting column may be carried
through the end verticals of the truss (Figure 10.7).

The upper part of the column on one hand acts as

the vertical member of the truss, while on the other
hand, it provides lateral stiffness to the truss, at least
closer to the ends.

By making a rigid connection of the beam with the

column in a rigid frame.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Figure 10.7. Side Columns Carried Into The Truss.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The individual trusses and 2-D frames are usually much
weaker in the lateral direction and must be connected to
each other normal to their planes.
This provides resistance to buckling of the compression
members and transfers the lateral loads to the
In order to have certain minimum lateral stiffness of a
truss during its erection, many designers prefer the
width of the bottom chord not lesser than its length
divided by 125.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Longitudinal bracing for top chord of the truss

and for a frame is provided by the presence of
However, for heavy loads and in case of expected
vibrations, the purlins should be reinforced by
diagonal cross bracing provided in the plane of
the upper chord members; as is diagrammatically
represented in Figure 10.8.
Usually this bracing is provided leaving a gap of 2
or 3 bays.
The diagonal braces are to be connected at their
intersections with each other and with purlins, if
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Purlins Trusses

Figure 10.8. Top View of Truss Top Chords, Purlins and Diagonal Bracing.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The bottom chord is connected by

perpendicular longitudinal struts, usually at
a much larger spacing compared with
For very heavy loads, cross bracing is also
provided leaving a gap of 2 or 3 bays.
Figure 10.9 explains the placement of this
type of bracing when looked from bottom
of a truss.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Longitudinal Struts / Bracing Diagonal Bracing


Figure 10.9. Bottom View of Truss Bottom Chord and its Bracing.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Longitudinal bracing of the columns may be

provided in two ways.
The first option is used when there is no
obstruction to doors and windows. The
columns are connected longitudinally by girts at
regular interval, reinforced by diagonal bracing
after a gap of 2 or 3 bays (Figure 10.10).
This effectively reduces the column unbraced
length about the weaker axis.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


Slopping Roof

Column Height

Figure 10.10. Longitudinal Column Bracing in Option-1.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Figure 10.11 presents the second option, in

which a clear spacing is left in certain lower
height of the columns for doors and
The effective column length is increased
about the weaker axis and the column
section may come out to be uneconomical.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Slopping Roof

Column Height

Figure 10.11. Longitudinal Column Bracing in Option-2.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Sizing Of Longitudinal Bracing

There are two common methods for sizing

of the bracing elements:

Design for wind forces.

Selecting minimum sizes.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Design For Wind Forces

In this method, wind-panel loads are calculated
on lateral faces of the building, which produce a
horizontal shear across the length of the
This shear is equally divided among the bays
having cross bracing.
The indeterminate problem of dividing this
shear into the two cross bracing members may
be empirically solved in two ways as under:
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

a) The wind shear is equally divided between the

two members of the diagonal bracing considering
their inclination.

Force in each member = wind shear / (2 cos)

where is the angle of the bracing member with the


Both the members are then designed as compression

members with a maximum slenderness ratio of 200.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

b) One member is assumed in tension while

the other in compression and hence only
tension member remains effective as the
compression member is allowed to buckle.

Total shear is taken by the tension member and

the maximum slenderness is kept equal to 300.

Both members are identically sized for

reversal of wind shear direction.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The wind load intensity on the lateral faces

of the building is conservatively considered
equal to 0.8 times 1000 Pa on the windward
side and 0.5 times 1000 Pa on the leeward
This gives a factored total intensity of
1.3 (800 + 500) equal to 1690 Pa.
Referring to Figure 10.12, the wind force at
various locations of the truss may be
calculated as follows:
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

A p tan/cos
2/2 h1

1 2 1 h2

Figure 10.12. Wind Load on Lateral Side of a Truss Building.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

1 2 h1 1 p p tan
WA = 2 2 2 2 2 cos cos 1690

2 h1 p 2 sin
= 1690 (N)
8 3

p p tan
WB = 2 1690
cos cos
p 2 sin
= 2 1690 (N)
cos 3
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

1 h2 1 1 h1
WC = 2 2 2 2 4 1690

1 h2 1 h1
= 1690 (N)
4 16

h2 2 1 2 h1 1 h1
WD = 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 p 1690

h2 1 2 2 h1 h1 p
= 1690 (N)
4 8 2
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The top chord bracing may be designed for

the shear WB.
The bottom chord bracing may be designed
for shear WD .
The column bracing may be designed for
the shear (WA/2 + WB + WC + WD).
However, while designing the column
bracing, the required bracing force and
stiffness should also be provided for
stability in addition to the wind force
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Selecting Minimum Sizes

The truss bracing systems rarely have forces of
sufficient magnitudes to affect their design.
Generally, the members are selected on the basis
of minimum sizes.
The controlling maximum slenderness ratio of
the longitudinal struts is usually kept at 200
while that of the cross bracing is usually kept at
The cross bracing must be connected at the
intersection of the two members.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The function of a column base is to safely
transfer column forces to the reinforced
column footing underneath.
The same concept may also be used to design
bearing plates for the beams resting on
reinforced concrete or masonry.
The column base may be subjected to only
axial load, axial load plus moment or axial
load plus shear as shown in Figure 10.6.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

a) Axial Load b) Axial Load Plus Moment c) Axial Load Plus Shear

Figure 10.13. Basic Types of Column Bases.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

In the first case, the load is applied through

the centroid of the column at the centroid of
the base plate.
The column end in this case is considered as a
hinge for the analysis.
In the second case, either the load acts at some
eccentricity from the column centroid or
moment is also transferred to the foundation
making the column end either a fixed or a
partially fixed end.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Anchor bolts are needed to resist the

developed tension in case of heavy moments.
Although some shear force is also present in
this second type, a separate design for this
shear force is not generally required.
The third type is usually more important when
the bracing is connected at the base.
The shear is resisted through the friction
between the column and the base plate due to
heavy axial loads or bearing in the horizontal
direction by the provision of bolts or shear
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

In case of bearing plates with moments, three

different combined bearing stress distributions are
possible depending upon the magnitude of the
Case I: e N/6
This case, as in Figure 10.14, represents the
application of load in the kern of the section (middle
one-third dimension) and the bearing stresses will be
compressive throughout with no anchor bolts required
for the moment. However, minimum anchor bolts
may be used for shear and for extra safety in the
horizontal direction.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.



Figure 10.14.Base Plates with Low Eccentricity of Load.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Figure 10.19.A Common Hinged Column Base.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Front Side View

Figure 10.20. A True Hinged Column Base.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Case II: N/6 < e N/2 Without Anchor Bolts

For this moderate eccentricity without anchor

bolts (Figure 10.15), bearing occurs over a
portion of the plate denoted by
A = 3 (N/2 e), for equilibrium of applied and
resistive forces and moments.

Greater is the value of e, smaller is A and the

bearing pressure increases quickly.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.



N/6 A

Figure 10.15.Base Plates Having Moderate Eccentricity Without Anchor Bolts.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Case III: Large Eccentricity With Anchor Bolts

Figure 10.16 shows the case of base plate with

large eccentricity, in which anchor bolts are to be
used providing the developed tensile resistive
Linear distribution of pressure is still assumed
even at the ultimate stages as an approximation.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

(a) Base With Moderate Moment

(a) Base With High Moment

Figure 10.18.Column Bases With Moments.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Tu f1

Figure 10.16.Base Plates Having Large Eccentricity With Anchor Bolts.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Axially Loaded Base Plates

W-section columns are considered here that
are centered over the base plate and the
reinforced concrete footing.
The following nomenclature will be used
for the design:
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

tp = base plate thickness,

fp = bearing stresses under the base plate,
B = base plate size parallel to flange of the W section,
N = base plate size parallel to web of the W section,
0.80 bf = supported base plate dimension parallel to
the flange,
0.95 d = supported base plate dimension parallel to
the depth of the section,
n = overhang of base plate parallel to the flange,
= (B 0.80 bf) / 2,
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

m= overhang of base plate parallel to the

column depth,
= (N 0.95 d) / 2,
fc= concrete compressive strength, MPa,
A1 = area of the base plate, B N,
A2 = area of the supporting concrete
foundation that is geometrically similar
to the base plate,
c = resistance factor for bearing on
= 0.60,
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Pp = ultimate capacity of the concrete in bearing,

0.85 f c A1 1.7 f c A1
when the concrete area is greater than the plate
area, bearing stress is increased due to
confinement provided by the extra concrete,

and Pu = factored axial load from the column.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The base plate is assumed to bend about the

critical sections (perimeter of central 0.85 bf
0.95 d portion of the base plate) as a cantilever
beam subjected to uniformly distributed bearing
The critical cantilever span is the greater of m
and n.
The most economical base plate may be
designed when the cantilever lengths in the two
directions are equal and the concrete area is
equal to or greater than four times the plate area.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

If m or n is lesser than either bf/2 or d/2, the

area between the column flanges is to be
checked for bending.
This approximate method to make this
check assumes a maximum permitted
bearing pressure over an H-shaped contact
area under the column cross-section
between the plate and the concrete.
The second method assumes a uniform
bearing stress distribution and results in a
conservative but easy design.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The procedure of this method involves

calculation of equivalent cantilever length,
, for bending within the flanges as follows:

n = d bf

The critical section used to calculate bending

moment is at 0.95 times the outside column
dimension for rectangular tubes and at 0.80
times the outside dimension for round pipes.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Procedure For Design of Axially

Loaded Base Plate
The procedure is started with the known
values of the concrete pad size A2, factored
column load Pu, depth of the section d and
the flange width of the section bf.
If the concrete area is not known in the
start, it is reasonably assumed and then is
revised later if required.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The required area of the plate is calculated

as follows:
A1 = larger of
1 Pu 1 Pu
1. or
A2 0 . 60 0 . 85 f
c A2 / A1 0 . 60 0 . 85 f

0.60 1.7 f c

3. Minimum size, which may be (d + 18) x (bf + 18) mm.

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The plate size B N is determined such that m and

n are approximately equal.
One way to achieve above objective is to calculate
x and then B and N as follows:
x = 0.5x(0.95d 0.80bf)
N = SQRT(A1) + x >= d + 18
B = A1 / N >= bf + 18
The sizes are rounded to the nearest 10 mm
The area of the base plate A1 is then evaluated.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

The exact values of the cantilever lengths in

the two directions and the equivalent
cantilever length for bending within the
flanges are determined.
The greatest value out of the three is chosen
as the design cantilever length.
n = (B 0.80 bf) / 2
m = (N 0.95 d) / 2
n = 1
d bf
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

= max (m, n, n )

The required plate thickness is calculated and is

rounded to upper whole number millimeters up to
10 mm and then in the sequence 12, 15, 18, 20, etc.
Required plate thickness is then evaluated as

2 Pu
0.90 Fy B N
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

Example 10.3

Design a hinged base plate for a W360314

column having a total factored load of 5000
kN. Use A36 steel and concrete of 17 MPa
compressive strength.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.


Pu = 5000 kN
d = 399 mm
bf = 401 mm
f c
= 17 MPa
Using A2 2.0 A1
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

A1 = larger of
1 5,000,000
407 ,790 mm 2

2 0. 60 0. 85 17
288,351 mm 2

0.60 1.7 17
(d + 18) x (bf + 18) = 174,723 mm2

= 407,790 mm2
(say 640 640mm = 409,600 mm2)
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

A2 = 2 407,790 = 815,580 mm2

(say 910 910 mm = 828,100 mm2)

n = (640 0.80 401) / 2 = 160 mm

n = = 399
100 401

m = (640 0.95 399) / 2 = 131 mm

= max (m, n, n ) = 160 mm

Prof. Dr. Mahboob Ali Ch.

2 5,000,000
tp = 160
0.90 250 409,600
= 52.7 mm
(say 55 mm thick plate of size 640 640 mm)

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