Forec Ast Ac Curac Y: Measures Used To Evaluate Forecast Accuracy
Forec Ast Ac Curac Y: Measures Used To Evaluate Forecast Accuracy
Forec Ast Ac Curac Y: Measures Used To Evaluate Forecast Accuracy
Measures used to evaluate
forecast accuracy
By: Sheila Mae Laceron
Forecas 2
Where :
t e = forecast error
Xt = actual data at perio
Error dt
Ft = forecast at period t
Cumulative Error
Sum of the forecast error
Average Error
Average of the cumulative error per period
ABSOL Xt = data in period t
Ft = forecast in period t
n = total number of periods
| | = absolute value
Demand ES (Ft) Error ES (Ft) Error Error Error
Period |Xt-Ft| |Xt-Ft| AES |Xt-Ft| LTL |Xt-Ft|
Xt = 30 Xt-Ft = 50 Xt-Ft Xt-Ft Xt-Ft
1 47 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
46.96 -- -- --
2 50 47.00 3.00 3.00 47.00 3.00 3.00 47.00 3.00
48.68 3.0 1.32 1.32
3 51 47.90 3.10 3.10 48.50 2.50 2.50 48.95 2.05
50.40 2.05 0.60 0.60
4 47 48.83 -1.83 1.83 49.75 -2.75 2.75 50.44 -3.44
52.12 3.44 5.12 -5.12
5 55 48.28 6.72 6.72 48.38 6.62 6.62 48.44 6.56
53.84 6.56 1.16 1.16
6 60 50.30 9.70 9.70 51.69 8.31 8.31 52.73 7.27
55.56 7.27 4.44 4.44
7 53 53.21 -0.21 0.21 55.85 -2.85 2.85 57.82 -4.82
57.28 4.82 4.28 -4.28
8 57 53.15 3.85 3.85 54.43 2.57 2.57 55.37 1.63
59.00 1.63 2.00 -2.00
9 66 54.30 11.70 11.70 55.72 10.28 10.28 56.76 9.24
60.72 9.24 5.28 5.28
10 62 57.81 4.19 4.19 60.86 1.14 1.14 63.13 -1.13
62.44 1.13 0.44 -0.44
11 65 59.07 5.93 5.93 61.43 3.57 3.57 63.19 1.81
64.16 1.81 0.84 0.84
12 64 60.85 3.15 3.15 63.22 0.78 0.78 64.98 -0.98
65.88 0.98 1.88 -1.88
630 580.70 49.30 53.38 596.83 33.17 44.37 608.81 21.19 41.93 0.00 27.36
Judgmental forecasting
educated guess by the sales managers to a consen
sus forecast of the senior executives of the company
Customers expectations
Based on surveys, formal or informal of planned purchas