History of Music
History of Music
History of Music
Juuka Linkola: The joiku Calliope
This music is more sophisticated than
primitive music because of the emergence
of professionals and weel-ordered
scientific fundamental musical elements.
*Chamber music of india
*Gamelan of Indonesia ( the Southeasts
equivalent of an orchestra)
Example: Oriental music - Tony Mouzayek
Sheik masouk
Gamelan of
Greece added to what was basically
oriental, the choral song. Rome was
heir to Grecian music and passed
the tradition to the Middle ages.
*Early Christians music consisted of
the biblical Psalms. Music was set for
the different prayers.
*Sacred music was produced during
this period
( 4th 15th century AD) with the help
of the monks the monks who
exclusive wrote them. St. Ambrose
made the first attempt to introduce
Liturgical Music, and Pope Gregory I
introduced the Gregorian chant.
*The Gregorian chant was a
collection of all known chants
composed by Pope Gregory (590-
604) during his time. This plain
song or chant consists of single
lines od melodies which have
flexible rhythm sung by male
voices without accompaniment.
*By the end of this century, secular
music emerged such as the songs of
the goliards which were satirical and
obcene Latin songs about wine and
women; the chansons which were
vernacular songs about the heroic
tales of national heroes such that of
the Song of Roland, the love songs,
and the ballads of the troubadours.
*The troubadours adopted folk
materials in ballads about encunters
between khights and damsels and
other acts of chivalry. The troubadours
were first heard during 12th century
in france, ministrels in England, and
minnesingers in Germany.
*The conductus although more
secular that liturgical was be regarded
as the first completely original
polyphonic work.
*Renaissance music shared in the spirit of the
rebirth, and played an important role in the
life of the church, the royal courts, and the
*Madrigals, whose music is for the enjoyment
of the performers expressed all moods; from
solemn to tragic, or from gay to humorous.