Cold War Chapter 36
Cold War Chapter 36
Cold War Chapter 36
1945-1952 Chapter 36
By:Jose Spindola
Historical Causation
ECONOMIC EXPANSION (1950-1970)- World War 2 - Increased factory production - GI
The Smiling Sun Belt- Americans migrate in look for better Job opportunities, lower taxes,
and to escape overpopulation and poverty from the big cities. Aids like the FHA- Federal housing
Administration and the VA- Veterans Association offer appealing loans to eager Individuals.
Postwar baby boom- Eager vets return home and Tied the nuptial knot. This lasted for a
decade and a half after 1945. Added 50 million babies by 1950 to the nation's populace. Matured
babies later in their life would send economic shock waves around the world.
Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin meet and agree
to preserve world peace and work on common goals.
The United Nations (U.N.) are a more successful version of the league of
nations. They signed their charter in July 28, 1945. The United Nations
throughout History have helped maintain peace and bring aid across the
Patterns of Continuity and Change Over
Truman Doctrine- American Foreign Policy meant to control Soviet Hegemony during the cold war. Introduced by
President Truman in March 12, 1947. Was also meant to support Greece and Turkey with 400 million worth of Aid.
Containment Doctrine- Crafted by George F. Kennan stating the Russia being Tsarist or communist was in the end
expansionary and must be grouped as one and cut at the Stem by Firm and Vigilant containment
Marshal Plan- signed into action on On April 3, 1948 by president Truman it was meant to help postwar Europe
recover and prevent Communism from feeding of poverty
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)- An alliance meant to preserve interest by western nation and a
source of security. If one of the included nations was attacked the other nations would come to their Aid.
*Composed by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
the United Kingdom, and the United States.
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)- The committee in a sense was a loyalty program. It was
meant to catch red spies and subversion in the States.
Periodization- #8 1945-1952
Post World War II Era Cold War Era
After the war the U.S. suffered through a small The U.S. and the USSR struggle for
Economic crisis followed by the Longest economic Dominance.
boom. As america's economy recovered, war torn Nuclear superiority
Europe and Asia especially Germany and Japan As Russia detonated its first Atomic Bomb the
rebuilt from the ashes. U.S. sets out to out gun the Russians and
succeeds with the first ever Hydrogen Bomb.
United States Soviet Union Although the U.S. and the USSR
-Did not have good terms with were mostly never in agreement
they stood together during the
-Isolated the rest of the world until
WW2 and even then was Nuremberg war crimes trial.
mediocre. When 24 Nazi officials were tried
-Democratic Republic and by the end half would be
-Warsaw Act-Partly in killed by hanging.
-NATO- Alliance response to NATO the soviet
between 12 Western Union created its own alliance
nation. consisting of Bulgaria,
Germany, Hungary Poland,
Romania, Soviet Union, and
Germany is Divided into four areas controlled by four nations.
*France, America, Britain, Soviet Union
East Germany was delegated to the USSR while the west was occupied by the other
participating nations.
This led to the Berlin wall and the blockade by the Soviets- Which was made possible by
cutting off railroads and highways in 1948.
Staggering defeat for the U.S. and its allies hoping to stop the spread of
Historical Argumentation
Korea a bomb set to explode by the U.S. and the USSR.
- After the defeat of Japan in 1945 the United States and Russia rush to set in play there own
Regimes separated by the 38th parallel.
- Truman VS MacArthur
Both parties claimed control of Korea and stated the 38th parallel was temporary border. The actual war began on
June 25,viewed
1950 byAmerica's involvement
the Soviet backed in Korea as a result of Dominoes theory. Used to justify Vietnam as
up North.
well it stated that if one nation fell to Communism its surrounding neighbors would do so as well.
Others viewed American involvement in Korea as the U.S. flexing its military muscles and stating
Superiority. Aided by National Security Memorandum Number 68 or (NSC-68)
Appropriate Use of Historical Evidence
After WWII the world was in chaos and ruins. Competing nation and ideologies raced to set in play governments
that would support their world views and in the center was the U.S. and the USSR.
After a shocking defeat in China the U.S. was not willing to take another blow. As the Korean war began they
jumped to action to prevent the Spread of Communism as a defensive act, and so the U.S. held back very little in the
Korean War.
While accepting his Nobel prize William faulkner took advantage of the moment to express his feeling
towards the World and its situation and address the grieving men and women around the World.
More or less throughout the speech he hints towards Mankind's biggest threat as humans themselves
The Cold War brought with it many changes throughout the U.S. many positive
some negative but it set the tone for the Nation.
-Economic Boom- After the end of WWII the American people rejoiced in two decades of unprecedented
economic prosperity which help give rise Urbanization, the Baby boom, Women's rights, and most
significantly the Civil rights movement.
-In Global affairs though the U.S. was in constant competition with Soviet Russia more specifically
Communism. The U.S. was dependent on foreign goods and the spread of Communism was mean the
end of America and its position as a world class powerhouse.
Investigating the World
This period of American Economic boom brought with it change that
is still felt today for Example
-Womans Rights
Not only in America but worldwide Organization like the U.N. and
NATO have served to keep social, economic, cultural, and
humanitarian situations and crisis under control.
The United States also took the careful step of ensuring the containment of Communism
by means of fear and military control.
Works Cited
o Bailey, Thomas, Cohen, Lizabeth, and Kennedy, David. The
American Pageant: A History of the American People,
Fourteenth Edition. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning,
2010. Print.
o The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37. Youtube.
Youtube, 8 Nov. 2013. Web. 12