Reversible Reactions
Reversible Reactions
Reversible Reactions
A + B C + D
(reactants) (products)
Hb + 4O2 Hb.4O2
NH4Cl reforms in
NH4Cl decomposes the cooler part
back into NH3 and of the test tube
HCl gases when
Condition Effect
Temperature Increasing the temperature shifts the
equilibrium in the direction that takes in heat.
iodine iodine
chlorine + chloride trichloride
Cl2 (g) + ICl (l) ICl3 (s)
pressure (atm)
28 of 39 Boardworks Ltd 2007
What is the Haber compromise?
The highest yield of ammonia
is theoretically produced by
using a low temperature and
a high pressure.
In practice, these conditions
are not used. Why?
Lowering the temperature slows down the rate of reaction.
This means it takes longer for ammonia to be produced.
Increasing the pressure means stronger, more expensive
equipment is needed. This increases the cost of producing
the ammonia.
A compromise is reached to make an acceptable yield in
a reasonable timeframe while keeping costs down.
29 of 39 Boardworks Ltd 2007
Temperature, pressure and yield