Presented by:
KHEDDOO Deepak Navind 1118442
RAMALINGUM Sadasiven 1110580
GOLABEEA Reyaz 1115318
MOONESAWMY Vijayen 1117404
UJOODHA Yashveer 1110917
Date: 12 October 2015
FIDIC - Fdration Internationale Des Ingnieurs-Conseils, meaning
International Federation of Consulting Engineers
Some common forms of FIDIC Conditions of Contract
1. Red Book Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by
the Employer 1st Edition 1999
4. Yellow Book - Plant and Design-Build for Electrical and Mechanical Plant, and
for Building and Engineering Works Designed by Contractor - 1st Edition 1999
6. Gold Book Design and Build and Operate Project - 1st Edition 2008
Many important aspects regarding the role and responsibilities of
Employer, Engineer , Contractor and Dispute Adjudication Board
(DAB) are established in the FIDIC Documents.
FIDIC Red Book 1st Edition, 1999
Priority of Documents, Clause 1.5
For purpose of Interpretation, priority of documents shall be in accordance to the
following sequence:
1. Contract Agreement;
2. Letter of Acceptance;
3. Letter of Tender;
4. Particular Conditions;
5. General Conditions;
6. Specification;
7. Drawings;
8. Schedules and any other documents forming part of the Contract.
FIDIC Red Book 1st Edition, 1999
Performance Security, Clause 4.2,
Purpose: Intention behind this security is to have the financial responsibility of
the surety standing behind the Contractors completion obligations.
4.2 Coorperate with the Contractor to agree the entity, None None
country (or other jurisdiction) for the issue of the
Performance Security.
Not to make a claim under the Performance Security, None
except for amounts to which the Employer is entitled
under the Contract.
Coorperate with the Contractor to agree the form of None
Performance Security if not in the form annexed to the
Particular Conditions.
Return Performance Security to the Contractor. Within 21 days after
receiving a copy of
the Performance
FIDIC Red Book 1st Edition, 1999
Performance Security, Clause 4.2, continued
4.2 Obtain a Performance Security for proper Within 28 days after None
performance and delivery to the Employer + copy to receiving the Letter
the Engineer. of Acceptance
Ensure that the Performance Security is valid and None None
enforceable until the Contractor has executed and
completed the Works and remedied any defects.
Extend the validity of the Performance Security until As required Employer may claim
Works have been completed and any defects have the full amount of the
been remedied. Performance Security
Amount: Normally
Normally 10%
10% of
of Contract
Contract Sum
Sum excl.
excl. VAT.,
VAT., as
as stated
stated in
in Appendix
Appendix to
to Tender
Tender (Note:
(Note: If
amount is not stated in Appendix to Tender , this Sub Clause shall not apply)
amount is not stated in Appendix to Tender , this Sub Clause shall not apply)
FIDIC Red Book 1st Edition, 1999
The Employer is entitled Security, Clause
to call the Performance Security4.2,
in the event of:
Any claim by the Employer under the Performance Security must follow procedures of
Sub- Clause 2.5
Commencement of Works, Clause 8.1
The Engineer shall give the contractor not less than 7 days
notice of the Commencement date.
The Contractor shall proceed with his works with due expedition
and without delay.
Program of works, Clause 8.3
Require contractor to submit a well-thought-out program within 28
days of the commencement date.
After 28 days, if contractor fails to notify the Employer, time for completion shall
not be extended.
detailed comments.
Extension of Time (EOT), Clause 8.4 - continues
Extension of Time With Cost Variation