Legal Entity Rationalization: Tax Executives Institute Phoenix, AZ 30 October 2013
Legal Entity Rationalization: Tax Executives Institute Phoenix, AZ 30 October 2013
Legal Entity Rationalization: Tax Executives Institute Phoenix, AZ 30 October 2013
30 October 2013
IRS circular 230 disclosure
These slides are for educational purposes only and are not intended,
and should not be relied upon, as accounting advice
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LER and market dynamics
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What is LER?
Not simply legal entity elimination or reduction of dormant entities
Page 5
Changing growth strategy and market
1990-2001 2001-2007 2007-2009 2009-present
Credit markets remain
90s were the longest Dow Jones Industrial Worst recession since
tight but easing
period of growth in Average grew by over the Great Depression
U.S. history Continuing regulatory
80% Subprime mortgage
scrutiny across the globe
Dot-com crash was a Private equity boom crisis
sector-specific event Companies take more
Easy access to capital Collapse of U.S
balanced approach to
Capital remained (e.g., covenant lite .housing bubble
growth (organic vs.
accessible financing) Global financial
Other parts of Many organizations crisis and collapse Paradigm shift in the
economy remained focused externally and of major financial
market organizations
strong grew through M&A institutions
focused on internal
Blip in overall global activity Tight credit markets
liquidity and growth
economy Increased regulatory sources
scrutiny across the Historically complex
globe organization s focus on
Many companies focus simplifying legal structure
We are targeting a reduction of non-growth cost of on survival Free up liquidity
$3billion over three years we are measuring reductions
in legal entities, headquarters, rooftops, The fact is Reduce costs (internal
that complexity is the enemy of growth and we want to and external)
eliminate it Nimble/positioned for
Letter to Stakeholders
General Electric Company Annual Report
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Typical business case
Page 7
Potential LER benefits
Potential annual administrative cost savings
Organizations generally seek to eliminate at least 1/3 of their active, operational entity
Inactive entities do not produce the sought after cost benefits.
300 total operating entities worldwide
1/3 reduction in entity population, i.e., 100 entities to be targeted
A $25k $50k average cost structure per entity per year
Our experience
100 200
300 LER leads to
Results in
$2.5 5.0m
annual savings
This is administrative cost savings only, before any tax and/or other benefits which
typically crystallize during projects.
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Typical business case
Administrative cost components
Clients report an average annual carrying cost per entity of $25-50 thousand, indicating a $2.5-5m annual annuity savings for every 100 entities
Clients indicate administrative cost savings in the following key areas
Finance/accounting Hard Soft Tax Hard Soft
Statutory audits Federal, state and local country income tax reporting and
Internal accounting/account reconciliations filings, disclosures
Auditing each entity Valued-added and other indirect tax filings
Management and external reporting Net worth/capital stock tax filings
Tax basis and tax attribute monitoring, transfer pricing
Information technology Legal/regulatory/contractual
Initial plug-in of legal entities into business systems, Licensing, permits, fees and insurance
controls, reporting Maintaining general corporate legal documents and structure
Data warehousing of accounting and legal information Agreements with same or similar counterparty
Software licensing for each entity Intercompany agreements and transfer pricing documentation
Duplicative IT functions, platforms, systems Liability risks
Human Capital Intellectual property
Significant reduction in inter-affiliate transactions is generally achieved, thereby resulting in less pressure on internal controls, business systems,
accounting functions, etc.
Other strategic benefits of LER See next two slides
Operational synergies Cost avoidance Structural alignment Governance and control
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Typical business case (continued)
Other strategic benefits of LER
Potential benefits
Operational synergies LER can potentially result in operational synergies through the thoughtful placement
of each targets human capital, assets
and operations.
In addition to the administrative cost savings, LER thus opens an opportunity for
strategic alignment with the organizations strategy
Potential to capture benefits with respect to:
(1) people, (2) process, (3) technology and
(4) third parties.
Cost avoidance Avoid plugging entities that can be eliminated into performance improvement agendas,
e.g., global finance transformation, accounting and business systems, cash
management, etc.
Plugging an entity into a PI workstream (e.g., SAP implementation) can potentially
cost up to $50K per entity
Assuming 100 eliminations: 100 x $50K = $5MM of potential savings beyond
administrative cost savings
Additionally, speed may potentially be captured through the avoidance of installing
unneeded entities into new systems and PI agendas.
Reduction of legal entities generally results in less pressure on internal controls and
business systems (e.g., fewer intercompany transactions, contracts, streamlined
transfer pricing, etc.)
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Typical business case (continued)
Other strategic benefits of LER
Potential benefits
Structural alignment Opportunity to take advantage of changing market conditions and customer needs.
Understand new, emerging markets, product portfolios and address customer needs.
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Suggested approach to LER
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LER process map
Merge, liquidate
Due diligence and implementation
or strike-of
Step 6b
Step 6a Step 6c Step 7
Functional step
Tax step plans Validation Elimination
Page 13
Proposed project approach
OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY June July August September
Wave 1 assessment
Wave 1 implementation
Wave 1 elimination
Wave 2 assessment,
Wave 2 implementation
Wave 2 elimination
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Organizational jurisdictional footprint
Identification of high impact jurisdictions for initial focus
United States %
United Kingdom %
Germany %
Brazil %
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Singapore %
Addressing stakeholder challenges
Objectivity is needed to provide independent challenge
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Identify and minimize stakeholder impact
Bringing speed to save money
Step 1 Identifying isolated elimination blockers Step 2 Identifying recurring stakeholder themes
Canvas the business, avoiding deep-dives with any Focus on solutions to recurring themes brings efficiency
particular stakeholder until relative inputs from across the and speed
business are considered Recurring stakeholder themes are identified and entities are
Start with toughest stakeholders (usually tax, legal, regulatory) grouped accordingly
avoids disrupting other stakeholders Strategize potential solutions to recurring themes within each
Focused conversations with stakeholders to understand stakeholder grouping
commercial realities, both internal and external Brings efficiency by leveraging one solution across sub-populations
Strategize potential solutions to one-off isolated objections to of legal entities
legal entity eliminations
Avoids wasted time and resources, brings focus to key issues,
brings speed
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Streamlining legal entities can help
companies manage their Capital Agenda
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EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory
About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and
advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver
help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in
economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders
who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders.
In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working
world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or
more of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited,
each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global
Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide
services to clients. For more information about our
organization, please visit
Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst &
Young Global Limited operating in the US.
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