Electronics 1: Ahsan Khawaja
Electronics 1: Ahsan Khawaja
Electronics 1: Ahsan Khawaja
Lecture 3
For Si:
p = 480 cm2/v.s
n = 1350 cm2/v.s
n = 2.5 p
Saturated Drift Velocities
Vd E
So one can make a carrier go as fast as we like just by
increasing the electric field!!!
Vd for e-
for holes
(a) Implication of above eqn. (b) Actual drift velocity
Drift Current Equations
J n nqE n J p pqE p
drift mobility
number drift mobility
current of number
of free current of holes
for electron of free
electrons for holes
electrons holes per
per unit
Conductivity and Resistivity
J p ,drift qp p E J n ,drift qn( n E )
J tot ,drift J p ,drift J n ,drift qp p E qn n E
J tot ,drift q( p p n n ) E E
J n q n nE qDn
J p q p pE qD p
J total J n J p
Diffusion current versus drift
Diffusion current Drift current
Diffusion current occurs even though there isn't Drift current depends on the electric field
an electric field applied to the semiconductor . applied on the p-n junction diode.
It depends on constants Dp and Dn, and +q and It depends upon permittivity.
-q, for holes and electrons respectively but it is
independent of permittivity.
Direction of the diffusion current depends on Direction of the drift current depends
the change in the carrier concentrations. on the polarity of the applied field.