Electron Guns
Electron Guns
Electron Guns
W hairpin - 50m
LaB6 - 5m
Thermal FEG - 250
Cold FEG - 50
Nano-FEG - 5
Electron guns
We want many electrons
per time unit per area (high
current density) and as
small electron spot as
Traditional guns: thermionic
electron gun (electrons are
emitted when a solid is
W-wire, LaB6-crystal
Modern: field emission guns
(FEG) (cold guns, a strong
electric field is used to
extract electrons)
Single crystal of W,MENA3100
etched to
Electron guns
With field emission guns we get a smaller
spot and higher current densities
compared to thermionic guns
Vacuum requirements are tougher for a
field emission guns
Lens focus varies LaB6 1.0eV
with energy
(chromatic Schottky 0.75eV
aberration) so Cold FEG 0.35eV
energy spread spoils
high resolution, and
low energy, images
Summary of Electron Guns
The cold FEG offers the best performance parameters in all three
categories for most purposes
FEGs are best for high resolution, and low voltage operation
Thermionic emitters have advantages when very high beam
currents and large spot sizes are required.
Sharpness, Contrast, Depth of
Beam Performance
F s + m V = 0
q E s + m V = 0
E = 32432.75 N/C