The Actor Training Studio: Lecture 1: Introduction To The Module, Introduction To Keith Johnstone And... Status
The Actor Training Studio: Lecture 1: Introduction To The Module, Introduction To Keith Johnstone And... Status
The Actor Training Studio: Lecture 1: Introduction To The Module, Introduction To Keith Johnstone And... Status
(of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the
degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.
"the calf muscles will atrophy"
synonyms: "the body parts which are no longer required gradually
gradually decline in effectiveness or vigour due to underuse or neglect.
"the imagination can atrophy from lack of use"
More from Keith on this theme
'I'd left school with worse posture, and a worse voice,
with worse movement and far less spontaneity than
when I'd entered it.' (p.16-17)
"The pressure to get things right was coming from the children, not
the teacher."
Fear rather than a lack of talent
'Many teachers seem to me to be trying to
get their students to conceal fear, which
always leaves some traces - a heaviness,
an extra tension, a lack of spontaneity.'
'Instead of seeing people as untalented, we
can see them as phobic, and this
completely changes the teacher's
relationship with them.' p.31.
Johnstone K. (1981). Impro: improvisation and the theatre. Eyre Methuen.
Don't win...
'I'm teaching spontaneity, and therefore I tell
then [students] that they mustn't try to
control the future, or to 'win'; and that they're
to have an empty head and just watch.
When it's their turn to take part they're to
come out and just do what they're asked to,
and see what happens. It's this decision not
to try and control the future which allows the
students to be spontaneous.' p.32.
What does Keith's philosophy do?
Johnstone on Intelligence
"The fact that he walks for so long, and that the image is so
beautiful, linked up with my own experience of being alone in the
twilight - the gap between the worlds. Then Vassily walks again,
but after a short time he begins to dance, and the dance is skilled,
and like an act of thanksgiving. The dust swirls around his feet, so
that he's like an Indian god, like Siva - and with the man dancing
alone in the clouds of dust something unlocked in me. In one
moment I knew that the valuing of men by their intelligence is
crazy, that the peasants watching the night sky might feel more
than I feel. that the man who dances might be superior to myself -
word-bound and unable to dance. From then on I noticed how
warped many people of great intelligence are, and I began to
value people for their actions, rather than their thoughts."
Johnstone K. (1981). Impro: improvisation and the theatre. Eyre Methuen. p.16-18.
Johnstone took over the running of the first
inception of the Royal Court Writers Group.
'I said that if it continued as a talking-shop,
then everyone would abandon it, and that
we should agree to discuss nothing that
could be acted out (...) We learned that
things invented on the spur of the moment
could be as good or better than the texts
we laboured over.' p.26.
Johnstone K. (1981). Impro: improvisation and the theatre. Eyre Methuen.
'My feeling is that the best argument may
be a testimony to the skill of the presenter,
rather than to the excellence of the
solution advocated. Also the bulk of
discussion time is visibly taken up with
transactions of status which have nothing
to do with the problem to be solved.' p.26