He Whakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni
He Whakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni
He Whakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni
A Declaration of Independance of
New Zealand
He Kupu Whakataki
He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni
is a document that is overshadowed by its teina,
but is a very important document
It is from this document that the wedge of
Colonisation was able to gain a foothold in
Aotearoa and change the face of our world forever
How this was done is the kaupapa of this
Pre Contact Society
Life governed by whakapapa relationships
Iwi (perhaps)
Founded in Traditional values
The Wedge of Colonisation
Settlers, Colonists,
Government & the Crown Whalers,
Sealers &
Kaupapa Krero
The context in which the He
Whakaputanga was drafted
Political structures foreshadowed in He
Mori Legal Concepts
Translations of the text
Context of its drafting
Contact had been made with Europeans
Trade was expanding throughout the world
Lawlessness was becoming rife in Aotearoa
Iwi Mori were being mistreated throughout the world
Some were kidnapped, and died overseas
Musket trading and usage was changing the face of
Christianity arrived in Aotearoa, the beginning of the
breaking down of traditional structures
Context of its drafting
1814 Governor of NSW claims Aotearoa as a
dependancy of his territory
November 16th 1831 Letter to King William IV
from 13 Rangatira asking for protection from
neighbouring tribes & British residing in Aotearoa
June 14 1832 Lord Ripon sends James Busby as
British Resident, partly to protect British
commerce & repress outrages of the British
Context of its drafting
1803, 1805, 1810, 1813 & 1817 Rangatira
had complained about the behaviour of the
new arrivals
People lived and worked under Ships
Articles or Tikanga Mori
Clashes, although isolated, were becoming
more heated which led to violence on both
Context of its drafting
June 1832 Bill to the House of Commons
defeated due to Britian not being able to legislate
for a foreign country
May 1833 National flag for the tribes of New
Zealand in their collective capacity established.
A shipping register also established
Instructions issued to British Admiralty to
recognise Registry and Flag
The Flag of Te Wakaminenga o
ng hap o Nu Tireni
The back of a medal
commemorating the early
part of the South African
War. The edge of the medal
reads "Success to New
Zealand Contingent 1899-
1900" and the flag depicted
appears to be the Flag of the
United Tribes of New
Zealand, chosen by northern
Maori in 1834. The front of
the medal shows a portrait of
Queen Victoria.
Context of its drafting
1821 Baron de Thierry purchases 40,444 acres
in the Hokianga for 36 axes
August 1835 de Thierry declares himself
Charles de Thierry, Sovereign Chief of New
Zealand and King of Nukuheva
1835 At a hui in Waitangi, 35 Rangatira outline
their understandings of their rights and powers and
ask Henry Williams to write their words in English
Structures established
@1807 Te Wakaminenga o ng hap
1808 Te Whare Awaroa Mori Trust Bank &
Native Courier established
1816 Mori Court established using Mori
Law for all
1816 Mori Sovereignty recognised in
England, France, Japan, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa
and USA
1832 President Andrew Jackson of the USA appoints
James Clendon to sign a trade agreement with the
Mori Nation of New Zealand Kohuiarau on behalf
of the US. It was approved by Congress and protected
by the US Constitution and commemorated by the
gifting of the US flag.
Source The United Tribes of America www.theuta.com
Ng Tpuna
Ko Au
(Part of the Law)
Ng Tpuna
He kupu mutunga
The He Wakaputanga o te
Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni is the
founding document of our New Nation
It perhaps even provided us with a
template for the future when we as a
people take our rightful place among the
nations of the world again
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Constitutional Arrangements
T = Traditional
I = Indigenous
K = Knowledge
A = Analysis
N = Natural Law
G = Grounded in values
A = Action
C = Citizenship
O= Organisation
N = Natural Law
S = Self-determination
T = Traditional Concepts
I = Institutions to govern, to make laws
T = Transperancy of methodology
U = Unification
T = Template for Societal Structure
I = Identity
O = Outlines control mechanisms of governance
N = Nationhood
Constitutional Arrangements
Based on whakapapa
whnau, hap and iwi
tahi atu tikanga
Periods of Law in Aotearoa
Pre 1820:
Laws of Tapu
Laws of Rahui
Laws of Tikanga taua
Laws of Whakapapa
Laws of Society hap
Laws of Custom
Periods of Law in Aotearoa
1820 - 1880:
Missionaries/Whalers & Sealers/ Settlers
Declaration of Independance/ Ko Huiarau
Treaty of Waitangi/ Parliament/ Westminster
Kingitanga/ Kotahitanga/Prophets
War/ Confiscation of lands
Te Kooti Tango Whenua/ Individualisation
Court cases: Wi Parata; Kauaeranga,; Symonds
Periods of Law in Aotearoa
1880 - 1975:
Pkeh Law Treaty a simple nullity
World Wars Might is Right!
Diseases/ Epidemics
Treaty of Waitangi Tribunal
Land March
Periods of Law in Aotearoa
Post 1975:
Radio Spectrum Claim
Te Reo Claim
Kura Kaupapa Mori
Wnanga Mori
Reclamation of Mori Rights
Seabed & Foreshore
Mori Party Mori Voice in Parliament
Ng Tpuna
Ko Au
(Part of the Law)
Ng Tpuna
Context of its drafting
Population explosion in Britian and
More space required for peoples outside
of Europe
Britian no longer able to afford the price
of keeping her people at home
Industrial revolution made labour
cheaper, but reduced need for manpower
Context of its drafting
Crofters were being driven from the
Raw materials were needed for the
manufacturing of goods
More consumers needed International
Market economies driving prices and
service costs higher
Context of its drafting
Bad behaviour of the settlers
Health issues began to arise
Venerial diseases were rife throughout
the European population
Drunkeness and debauchery was the sign
of the times
Lawlessness amongst the settlers causes
concern for all
Context of its drafting
Land sales taking place throughout the
Missionaries hold concerns for the
spiritual and physical wellbeing of their
British Resident James Busby
U.S. Consul James Clendon
Governor Captain William Hobson
Merchant Gilbert Mair
Missionary Henry Williams
Catholic Bishop - Pompallier
Rangatira Kawiti
Rangatira Hone Wiremu Heke Pokai
January 29th Hobson arrives in
Aotearoa. His first action is to relieve
Busby of his duties
January 30th Hobson declares a
prohibition of land sales
4th February Hobson gives Henry
Williams a draftof the Treaty of Waitangi
to be translated into te Reo Mori
2nd May 1840 Governor Hobson declares
Sovereignty over Te Wai Pounamu by right
of discovery
21st May 1840 Governor Hobson declare
British Sovereignty over the whole of
Signings were still continuing
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Four Whanga
Tuatahi: Confines the Crown to governing
themselves subject to Tino Rangatiratanga
Tuarua: Retained Mori Sovereignty me
rtou taonga katoa means material as well as
intrinsic values, laws etc
Tuatoru: Protected our rights and privledges
under Mori Law and gave extra rights and
privledges as British Subjects, if we wanted them
Tuawh: Protects Mori Custom and Law
Specific kupu and their meanings
...tana mahara atawhai...
...Niu Tirani...
... me te atanoho...
...te kwanatanga...
...ng whi katoa o te w(h)enua...
...ng whi katoa o Niu Tirani...
...te kwanatanga katoa o rtou w(h)enua...
...te tino rangatiratanga...
...rite tahi...
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
The People
Land Loss from 1860