Discourses Types
Discourses Types
Discourses Types
Febe Batubara
The Variety of functions and forms
To distinguish 3 main discourse types
Organon Model Functions Types
Symbol Information Informative discourse
Symptom Expressions Narrative discourse
Signal persuassion Argumentative discourse
The 5 basic forms are divided into 2 methods of
presentation: subject (the writers perception) and
objective (which can be verified by readers)
Basic Forms Subjective Objective
Descriptive Impressionistic Technical description
Narrative Report News story
Explanatory Essay Explication
Argumentative Comment Argumentation
Instructive instructions Directions, rules,
regulations and
Bibers Typology (3rd Approach)
Five sets of lexical and grammatical features is the basis
to distinguish a restricted set of text prototypes
The five dimensions of Biber (1989)