Seminor On Prestressed Concrete
Seminor On Prestressed Concrete
Seminor On Prestressed Concrete
Roll No: 15012D2008.
PRINCIPLE Using high tensile strength steel alloys producing permanent pre-compression in
areas subjected to Tension.
A portion of tensile stress is counteracted thereby reducing the cross-sectional area of the steel
reinforcement .
a) Pretensioning
b) Post-tensioning
PRETENSIONING :- Placing of concrete around reinforcing tendons that have been stressed to the
desired degree.
POST-TENSIONING :- Reinforcing tendons are stretched by jacks whilst keeping them inserted in
voids left pre-hand during curing of concrete.
These spaces are then pumped full of grout to bond steel tightly to the concrete.
Pre-tensioned Concrete
Pre-tensioned concrete is cast around already tensioned
In areas where there are expansive clays or soils with low bearing capacity, post-tensioned slabs-on-ground
and mat foundations reduce problems with cracking and differential settlement.
Post-tensioning allows bridges to be built to very demanding geometry requirements, including complex
curves, and significant grade changes.
Post-tensioning also allows extremely long span bridges to be constructed without the use of temporary
intermediate supports. This minimizes the impact on the environment and avoids disruption to water or
road traffic below.
In stadiums, post-tensioning allows long clear spans and very creative architecture.
Post-tensioning can also be used to produce virtually crack-free concrete for water-tanks.
The high tensile strength & precision of placement gives maximum efficiency in size & weight of structural
Applications of various prestressed techniques enable quick assembly of standard units such as bridge
members, building frames, bridge decks providing cost-time savings.
In slab-on-ground construction, tendons are typically
prefabricated at a plant and delivered to the
construction site, ready to install.
The tendons are laid out in the forms in accordance
with installation drawings that .
After the concrete is placed and has reached its
required strength, the tendons are stressed and
The tendons, like rubber bands, want to return to their
original length but are prevented from doing so by the
The fact the tendons are kept in a permanently
stressed (elongated) state causes a compressive
force to act on the concrete.
The compression that results from the post-tensioning Limitations of Prestressing
counteracts the tensile forces created by subsequent The limitations of prestressed concrete are
applied loading (cars, people, the weight of the beam few and really depend only upon the
itself when the shoring is removed). imagination of the designer and the terms of
his brief. The only real limitation where
This significantly increases the load-carrying capacity prestressing is a possible solution may be
of the concrete. the cost of providing moulds for runs of
Since post-tensioned concrete is cast in place at the limited quantity of small numbers of non-
job site, there is almost no limit to the shapes that can standard units.
be formed.
Method of post-tensioningWedges tensioned by
Losses of Prestress Concrete Beam.
The reduction is prestress is called loss of prestress.
The losses are due to:
1. Loss due to Elastic Shortening.
The losses of prestress is about 5 to 10% for pre-tensioned and about 3% for post-tensioned beams.
2. Loss due to anchorage slip.
Occurs at jacking and anchorage ends. In general the loss is 1 to 10mm.
3. Loss due Friction.
The actual force in tendon is reduced by friction (Specified by the manufacturer of jacks). In additional a
further loss occurs due to friction between tendon and surrounding materials.
4. Loss due to creep.
The sustained compressive stress on the concrete causes long-term shortening due to creep.
5. Loss due to relaxation.
6. Loss due to shrinkage.
Experience on Post-tensioning.
General arrangement of a Major Bridge.
Details of PS Beams.
Stressing Details.
A pre-cast post tensioned beam is usually a I Section having a bottom flange to
accommodate cables and a top flange to take care of tension / compression at top fiber.
Usually when the cables are laid, they are having maximum eccentricity at centre and goes
on reducing towards support with almost zero eccentricity at end block.
The cable when stressed, they induce a hogging moment so the beam is hogged upward.
Notes on Pre-stressing for Post -Tensioned Beams:
Each pre-stressing tendon is comprise of 7 nos. 12.7mm dia 7-ply Class-2 uncoated stress-relieved low
relaxation strands conforming to IS: 14268, with a minimum ultimate tensile strength (U.T.S) of 184 KN.
Necessary test certificate for conformity to the above requirements were obtained from the manufacturers.
Sheathing is comprise of flexible 'ribbed conduit' type with minimum 51mm I.D.(54mm O.D. ) for which
friction coefficient = 0.25 and wobble coefficient k = 0.0045/m have been assumed in the design. The
sheathing was made from short lengths of not less than 4 metres.
All strands of a tendon are stressed simultaneously. The slip at anchorage at each end of tendon for the above
system has been taken as 6mm.
Each tendon is stressed from both ends simultaneously.
The sequence specified in the relevant drawings are followed for stressing of tendons.
Tendon extensions specified are for the length between mid-span and face of anchorage and are based on a
Modulus of Elasticity of 1.95X10^8 kN/sq.m and sheathing properties given above.
These extensions are suitably modified to account for the variation in properties as well as the additional
length between face of anchorage and gripping point of the jack.
Jacking forces and extensions specified are generally achieved simultaneously. In case of shortfall, the
stressing is continued to achieve the required jacking force/extension, without exceeding the specified values
by more than 5%. Tendons satisfying the above are locked. Tendons failing to satisfy are pulled out, reinserted
after cleaning blockages, if any, and stressed again.
Casting of Girders.
Stressing of Tendons..
Stressing Record.
T6Z-08 Air Powered Grout Pump
Pumps cement grout only, no sand. 32 Gallon Mixing Tank. Mixes up
to 2 sacks of material at once and allows for grout to be pumped
during mixing or mixed without pumping.