Research Proposal For Final Year Project 2012/2013: Aiman Sabqi Ibrahim (0912877) Muhammad Faiz Mohamed (0916117)
Research Proposal For Final Year Project 2012/2013: Aiman Sabqi Ibrahim (0912877) Muhammad Faiz Mohamed (0916117)
Research Proposal For Final Year Project 2012/2013: Aiman Sabqi Ibrahim (0912877) Muhammad Faiz Mohamed (0916117)
Asst Prof Dr Bo Bo Ko
Asst Prof Dr Susi Sukmasari
The reliability of Camerieres age estimation
method among Malay Malaysian children
age groups 2-16 years old
The usual anatomical areas used for age estimation are dental
In Malaysia, there are numbers of research about Demirjian and but only few research
To determine the reliability of Cameriere age estimation
method among Malay children
The study embarks the following objectives:
Camerieres method.
Selection of sample
784 orthopantomographs taken from Malay children (382 boys, 402 girls) of healthy
children aged between 2 and 16 years attending dental clinic IIUM Kuantan from
January 2009 to December 2012.
The seven permanent mandibular teeth (left or right quadrant) were evaluated.
The inclusion criteria were
healthy Malay children
age between 2 and 16 years at the time of obtaining dental OPG
good quality radiographs
no agenesis or extractions in the lower quadrant (at site of examination).
Exclusion criteria were hypodontia except permanent third molar, hyperdontia, unclear
radiograph and gross anomalies.
Data Collection:
Radiographs were:
digitalized by Ortopantomograph OP200
then images were transferred and recorded on computer files with the image format .jpg
*Permanent developing mandibular teeth with exception of wisdom teeth were examined
in radiographic picture. F.D.I. (Fede ration Dentaire Internationale) or a two-digit
numbering system were used as nomenclature to classify the teeth.
Briefly OPG Collected
50 OPGs were tested for intra & Chronological age is obtain by the
inter observer agreement using data from the OPG itself
kappa test
All measurements were carried out by the same observer with sample experience of this
This sample was also measured by another observer who had not worked with this
method before.
The subsample was composed of 25 males and 25 females, and the same procedure for
all measurements was followed.
After data collection, all measurements were entered into a computer database.
The inter-observer reliability of the sum of normalized open apices (s) was studied by
means of the concordance correlation coefficient, and k statistics (Cohens Kappa
coefficient) were used to measure the inter-observer reliability of the number of the
seven permanent mandibular teeth with root development complete.
Kappa values are scaled between 0 and 1, 0 indicating the amount of
agreement expected if scores were assigned randomly to specimens, and 1 for
perfect agreement.
Chronological age can be calculated by subtracting date of radiograph taken to date of
date of birth
date of OPG
* g (variable) = 1 for boys/ 0 for girls * g (variable) = 1 for boys/ 0 for girls
S = Sum of A/L ratio (normalized open apices) for every tooth with open apex or apices.
A = radiographic distance of inner side of the open apex for single root. For
teeth with two roots, sum of radiographic distance of inner side of the open
apices were calculated (Ai, i = 1, . . ., 7)
L = radiographic tooth length (Li, i = 1, . . ., 7)
A/L = normalized measurement of seven left permanent developing mandibular
teeth (xi = Ai/ Li, i = 1, . . ., 7). It need to be normalized as to exclude effect of
difference due to angulations or magnification
European linear regression formula was used, also available at the MS Excel template
at website of the Istituto di Medicina Legale, Universita` degli Studi di Macerata (Italy)
The expected result of this research will give us an idea about the reliability of
Cameriere age estimation method among the Malay Malaysian children.
It also gives us idea comparison between this method and the other methods
done in other researches.
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measurement of open apices in teeth. Int. J. Legal Med. 120, 49-53.
Cawson, R. A., & Odell, E. W. (2008). Cawson's Essential of Oral Pathology and Oral
Medicine, Eighth Edition. Edinburgh, London, New York, Oxford, Philadelphia, St louis,
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David R. Senn, P. G. (2010). Forensic Dentistry Second Edition. New York: CRC Press.
Galic, I., Vodanovic, M., Cameriere, R., Nakas, E., Galic, E., Selimovic, E., et al. (2010).
Accuracy of Cameriere, Haavikko, and Willems radiographic methods on age estimation
on Bosnian-Herzegovian children age groups 6-13. Int J Legal Med (2011), 125:315 - 321.
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ll: parametric survival analysis in Bangladeshi, Guatemalan, Japanese, and Javanese
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Luca, S. D., Giorgio, S. D., Butti, A. C., Biagi, R., Cingolani, M., & Cameriere, R. (2012). Age
estimation in children by measurement of open apices in tooth roots: Study of a Mexican
sample. Forensic Science International.
Welbury, R., Duggal, M. S., & Hosey, M. T. (2012). Paediatric Dentistry, Fourth edition.
United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.