Introduction to Hypertext
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
links within and among Web documents
connect one document to another
Although this seems rather mundane today, this is
a radical departure from the structure of books
since the invention of the printing press
Origins of HTML
HTML is based on SGML (Standardized
General Markup Language)
A philosophical rule was that HTML
should convey the structure of a hypertext
document, but not the details of its
Since then, HTML has evolved into a
presentation language.
What is HTML?
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML standards are developed under the authority of the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C), headed by Tim Lee
HTML is the set of "markup" symbols or codes inserted in a file
intended for display on a World Wide Web browser.
The markup tells the Web browser how to display a Web page's text,
images, sound and video files for the user.
The individual markup codes are referred to as elements (but many
people also refer to them as tags).
HTML is easy to pick up.
There are many good books as well as resources on-line
Our goal is to teach you the basics so that you can pick up the rest on
your own.
HTML Documents
<TITLE> My web page </TITLE>
Content of the document
<UL> Fruit
<LI> Banana Banana
Ordered list:
Numbered list:
Fruit Fruit
<ol> 1. Banana
<LI> Banana 2. Grape
Hyperlinks (Anchor Tag):
<marquee><font face=sand">Welcome to my
website! Be sure to visit again!</marquee>
HTML and Multimedia
<img src= "logoblue.gif" width="153"
height="31" border="0" alt="W I R E D">
Image Attributes
src: URL or filename for the image
width/height: not required
border: not required.
alt: recommended for users running a text browser.
Adding multimedia files
<a href=filename.extension> listen to sound file </a>
<a href=sound1.wav> listen to sound file </a>
<a> view movie clip </a>
Multimedia Filetypes
File Type Extention/Mime type
plain text: .txt
HTML document: .html
GIF image: .gif or .jpg or .png
Acrobat file: .pdf
AIFF sound file: .aiff .au . wav
MP3 .mp3
QuickTime movie: .mov