Product and Service Design
Product and Service Design
Product and Service Design
Chapter 4
Why product and service design is strategically
Strategic Product and Service Design
Reverse engineering
Dismantling and inspecting a competitors product
to discover product improvements
Discuss the following questions in groups:
Is reverse engineering ethical?
Can reverse engineering be used for service?
Idea Generation
Research Based
Research and Development (R&D)
Organized efforts to increase scientific knowledge or
product innovation
Basic research
Objective: advancing the state of knowledge about a subject
without any near-term expectation of commercial applications
Applied research
Objective: achieving commercial applications
Converts the results of applied research into useful
commercial applications.
Discuss the following question in groups:
Basic research has nothing to do with actual
products. Companies do not benefit from it.
Is this statement true?
Idea Generation Kickstarter
Design Considerations - Legal
Legal Considerations
Product liability
The responsibility a manufacturer has for any injuries or damages
caused by as faulty product
Some of the concomitant costs
Legal and insurance costs
Settlement costs
Costly product recalls
Reputation effects
Uniform Commercial Code
Under the UCC, products carry an implication of merchantability
and fitness
Design Considerations - Ethics
Designers are often under pressure to
Speed up the design process
Cut costs
These pressures force trade-off decisions
What if a product has bugs?
Release the product and risk damage to your reputation
Work out the bugs and forego revenue
Design Considerations Human Factors
high cost, Replace?
low Find new
demand, uses
first into
the market
7. Designs may be frozen with too many imperfections remaining.
8. High cost of design changes increases resistance to improvements
9. Decreased variety results in less consumer appeal
Designing for Mass Customization
Mass customization
A strategy of producing basically standardized
goods or services, but incorporating some degree
of customization in the final product or service
Facilitating Techniques
Delayed differentiation
Modular design
Delayed Differentiation
Delayed Differentiation
The process of producing, but not quite
completing, a product or service until customer
preferences are known
It is a postponement tactic
Produce a piece of furniture, but do not stain it; the customer
chooses the stain
Modular Design
Modular Design
A form of standardization in which component parts are grouped into
modules that are easily replaced or interchanged
easier diagnosis and remedy of failures
easier repair and replacement
simplification of manufacturing and assembly
training costs are relatively low
Limited number of possible product configurations
Limited ability to repair a faulty module; the entire module must
often be scrapped
Robust Design
Robust design
A design that results in products or services that
can function over a broad range of conditions
The more robust a product or service, the less likely it
will fail due to a change in the environment in which it
is used or in which it is performed
Pertains to product as well as process design
Quality Function Deployment
The House of Quality
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
An approach that integrates the
voice of the customer into
both product and service
The purpose is to ensure
that customer requirements
are factored into every
aspect of the process
Listening to and
understanding the customer
is the central feature of QFD
(negative) Refrigerator
Correlation door
between (Davis et al.,
technical 2007,
requirements Fundamentals of
requirements Customer
10=highest requirements
customer &
Door seal
Importance Technical
weight. requirements
Sum of competitive
5=best 34
Kano Model
Basic quality
Refers to customer requirements that have only limited
effect on customer satisfaction if present, but lead to
dissatisfaction if absent
Performance quality
Refers to customer requirements that generate satisfaction
or dissatisfaction in proportion to their level of
functionality and appeal
Excitement quality
Refers to a feature or attribute that was unexpected by the
customer and causes excitement
Kano Model
Phases in Products
Design & Development
1. Feasibility analysis
Demand, development and production cost, potential profit, technical analysis, capacity
req., skills needed, fit with mission.
2. Product specifications
Whats needed to meet customer wants
3. Process specifications
Weigh alternative processes in terms of cost, resources, profit, quality
4. Prototype development
Few units are made to find problems with the product or process
5. Design review
Changes are made or project is abandoned
6. Market test
Determine customer acceptance. If unsuccessful return to Design-review.
7. Product introduction
8. Follow-up evaluation
Based on feedback changes may be made.
Designing (products) for Production
1. Concurrent engineering
2. Computer-Assisted Design (CAD)
3. Production requirements
4. Component commonality
1. Concurrent Engineering
Concurrent engineering
Bringing design and manufacturing engineers
together early in the design phase
manufacturing personnel, marketing and purchasing
personnel in loosely integrated cross-functional teams
Views of suppliers and customers may also be sought
The purpose:
achieve product designs that reflect customer wants as
well as manufacturing capabilities
2. Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Increases designers productivity.
Directly provides information to manufacturing
(dimensions, material - BOM).
Perform analysis: engineering ,cost.
Shortens time-to-market
Savings in design time
Standard training for assembly and installation
Opportunities to buy in bulk from suppliers
Commonality of parts for repair
Fewer inventory items must be handled
Service Design Definitions
Something that is done to, or for, a customer
Service delivery system
The facilities, processes, and skills needed to provide a service
Product bundle
The combination of goods and services provided to a customer
Service package
The physical resources needed to perform the service,
accompanying goods, and the explicit (core features) and
implicit (ancillary features) services included
Service Design
Begins with a choice of service strategy, which
determines the nature and focus of the
service, and the target market
Key issues in service design
Degree of variation in service requirements
Degree of customer contact and involvement
Differences between Service
and Product Design
1. Products are generally tangible, services intangible
2. Services are created and delivered at the same time
3. Services cannot be inventoried
4. Services are highly visible to consumers
5. Some services have low barriers to entry and exit
6. Location is often important to service design, with convenience as
a major factor
7. Service systems range from those with little or no customer
contact to those that have a very high degree of customer contact
8. Demand variability alternately creates waiting lines or idle service
Service Blueprint
a method used in service design to describe
and analyze a proposed service