11 Profitability Parameters
11 Profitability Parameters
11 Profitability Parameters
Operating income
Gross profit
Net profit
Income tax
The word profitability is used as the
general term for the measure of the
amount of profit that can be obtained from
a given situation.
Total profit alone cannot be used as the
deciding profitability factor in determining if
an investment should be made.
The profit goal of a company is to
maximize income above the cost of the
capital which must be invested to generate
the income.
Profitability Evaluation
1. Rate of return on investment
2. Payout period
3. Net present worth
4. Discounted cash flow based on full-life
Rate of return on investment
annual profit
ROI 100%
total capital investment
annual profit
ROI 100%
Example 1 Determination of rate of return on
investment-consideration of income-tax effects