Radar Equation
Radar Equation
Radar Equation
Radar equation
Received signal power, Pr, is an essential radar parameter.
The radar range equation, used to determine Pr, involves
the geometry and system parameters.
Bistatic geometry
Radar equation
The power density incident on the
scatterer, Ss, is
Ss Pt G t
W m
Pt is the transmit signal power (W)
Gt is the transmit antennas gain in the direction of the scatterer
Rt is the range from the transmitter to the scatterer (m)
The power intercepted by the scatterer, Prs, is
Prs Ss A rs W
Ars is the scatterers effective area (m2)
The power reradiated by the scatterer, Pts, is
Pts Prs 1 f a W
fa is the fraction of intercepted power absorbed
Radar equation
The power density at the
receiver, Sr, is
Sr Pts G ts
W m 2
Gts is the gain of the scatterer in the
direction of the receiver
Rr is the range from the receiver to the scatterer, (m)
The power intercepted by the receiver, Pr, is
Pr Sr Ar W
Ar is the effective area of the receiver aperture, (m2)
Combining the pieces yields
Pt G t A r
Ars 1 f a G ts W
4 R t R r 2
Radar equation
The terms associated with the scatterer may be combined
into a single variable, , the radar scattering cross section
A rs 1 f a G ts m 2
Radar equation
In monostatic radar systems the transmit and receive
antennas are collocated (placed together, side-by-side) such that
q0 = qs, f0 = fs, and Rt = Rr so that the RCS becomes
q, f; p 0 , ps m
Pt G t A r
4 R
2 2
Monostatic geometry
Radar equation
If the same antenna or identical antennas are used in a
monostatic radar system then
G t G r G and A t A r A
and recognizing the relationship between A and G
2 G 4A
A and G 2
we can write
Pt G 2 2 Pt A 2
4 R
3 4
4 2 R 4 Monostatic geometry
Radar equation
Receiver noise power, PN
PN k T0 B F , W
k is Boltzmanns constant (1.38 10-23 J K-1)
T0 is the absolute temperature (290 K)
B is the receiver bandwidth (Hz)
F is the receiver noise figure
Find PN PN k T0 B F W
Solve in dB
PN(dBm) = kT0(dBm) + B(dB) + F(dB)
kT0(dBm) = -174 B(dB) = 80 F(dB) = 3
PN(dBm) = -91 dBm or 0.8 pW
Radar range equation example
Several options are available to improve the SNR.
Increase the transmitter power, Pt
Changing Pt from 100 kW to 200 kW improves the SNR by 3 dB
Increase the antenna aperture area, A, and gain, G
Changing A from 1 m2 to 2 m2 improves the SNR by 6 dB
Decrease the range, R, to the target
Changing R from 20 km to 10 km improves the SNR by 12 dB
Decrease the receiver noise figure, F
Changing F from 2 to 1 improves the SNR by 3 dB
Decrease the receiver bandwidth, B
Changing B from 100 MHz to 50 MHz improves the SNR by 3 dB
only if the received signal power remains constant
Change the operating frequency, f, and wavelength,
Changing f from 9.5 GHz to 4.75 GHz degrades the SNR by 6 dB
Changing f from 9.5 GHz to 19 GHz improves SNR by 6 dB
More radar range equation examples
Radar range equation example #1 Radar range equation example #2 Radar range equation example #3
parameter units value parameter units value parameter units value
Constants Constants Constants
c m/s 3.00E+08 c m/s 3.00E+08 c m/s 3.00E+08
k J/K 1.38E-23 k J/K 1.38E-23 k J/K 1.38E-23
Target parameters Target parameters Target parameters
R m 29 R m 1000 R m 1000
m2 1 m2 1 m2 1
Radar paramters Radar paramters Radar paramters
f GHz 1 f GHz 1 f GHz 10
Pt W 10 Pt W 10 Pt W 10
loss -- 0.5 loss -- 0.5 loss -- 0.5
Lx m 0.3 Lx m 0.3 Lx m 0.3
Ly m 0.3 Ly m 0.3 Ly m 0.3
T K 290 T K 290 T K 290
B Hz 3.00E+06 B Hz 3.00E+06 B Hz 3.00E+06
F -- 2 F -- 2 F -- 2
Derived parameters Derived parameters Derived parameters
m 0.3 m 0.3 m 0.03
G -- 12.6 G -- 12.6 G -- 1256.6
Rff m 0.6 Rff m 0.6 Rff m 6.0
DR m 50 DR m 50 DR m 50
Ae m2 0.09 Ae m2 0.09 Ae m2 0.09
linear dB linear dB linear dB
parameter units value value units parameter units value value units parameter units value value units
Radar received signal power Radar received signal power Radar received signal power
Pt W 10 40 dBm Pt W 10 40 dBm Pt W 10 40 dBm
Gt -- 12.6 11.0 dBi Gt -- 12.6 11.0 dBi Gt -- 1256.6 31.0 dBi
Gr -- 12.6 11.0 dBi Gr -- 12.6 11.0 dBi Gr -- 1256.6 31.0 dBi
2 m2 9.00E-02 -10.5 dBsm 2 m2 9.00E-02 -10.5 dBsm 2 m2 9.00E-04 -30.5 dBsm
m2 1 0.0 dBsm m2 1 0.0 dBsm m2 1 0.0 dBsm
loss -- 0.5 -3.0 dB loss -- 0.5 -3.0 dB loss -- 0.5 -3.0 dB
(4)-3 -- 5.04E-04 -33.0 dB (4)-3 -- 5.04E-04 -33.0 dB (4)-3 -- 5.04E-04 -33.0 dB
R-4 m4 1.41387E-06 -58.5 dB R-4 m4 1E-12 -120.0 dB R-4 m4 1E-12 -120.0 dB
Pr W 5.06303E-08 -43.0 dBm Pr W 3.58099E-14 -104.5 dBm Pr W 3.58099E-12 -84.5 dBm
Sr W/m2 5.06303E-08 72.8 dBu Sr W/m2 3.58099E-14 11.3 dBu Sr W/m2 3.58099E-12 31.3 dBu
Received noise power Received noise power Received noise power
PN W 2.40E-14 -106.2 dBm PN W 2.40E-14 -106.2 dBm PN W 2.40E-14 -106.2 dBm
Received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) Received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) Received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
SNR -- 2.11E+06 63.2 dB SNR -- 1.49E+00 1.7 dB SNR -- 1.49E+02 21.7 dB
Range measurement accuracy Range measurement accuracy Range measurement accuracy
dR m 0.024 dR m 28.951 dR m 2.895
How big must a target be for = 1 m2