Che 516 Rate-Controlling Step
Che 516 Rate-Controlling Step
Che 516 Rate-Controlling Step
Rate: Controlling Steps
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Controlling Steps
Chemical reactions vary widely with temp and steps. Many times one
step or another poses dominant resistance than others: such step is
called the rate controlling step.
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Fluid-Particle Reactions : Kinetics
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Fluid-solid reactions are numerous and of great industrial importance.
Those in which the solid does not appreciably change in size during
reaction are as follows.
1. The roasting (or oxidation) of sulfide ores to yield the metal oxides
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Other examples of reactions in which solids change in size are as follows.
1. The manufacture of carbon disulfide from the elements
Still other examples are the dissolution reactions, the attack of metal chips
by acids, and the rusting of iron.
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For the non-catalytic reaction of particles with surrounding fluid,
Lets consider two simple idealized models,
1) the progressive-conversion model and
2) the shrinking unreacted-core model.
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1) Progressive-Conversion Model (PCM)
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2) Shrinking-Core Model (SCM)
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Comparison of Models with Real Situations
In slicing and examining the cross section of partly reacted solid particles,
you will find unreacted solid material surrounded by a layer of ash.
The boundary of this unreacted core may not always be as sharply defined
as the model pictures it; nevertheless, evidence from a wide variety of
situations indicates that in most cases the shrinking-core model (SCM)
approximates real particles more closely than does the progressive
conversion model (PCM).
Observations with burning coal, wood, and tightly wrapped newspapers also
favour the shrinking-core model.
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Shrinking-Core Model for Spherical Particles of Unchanging Size
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Diffusion Through Gas Film Controls
Whenever the resistance of the gas film controls, the concentration profile
for gaseous reactant A will be shown as in Fig. 25.5.
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Diffusion through Ash Layer Controls
Both reactant A and the boundary of the unreacted core move inward toward the center of
the particle. But for G/S systems the shrinkage of the unreacted core is slower than the
flow rate of A toward the unreacted core by a factor of about 1000, which is roughly the
ratio of densities of solid to gas.
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For G/S systems, assume steady-state
Rate of reaction of A at any instant is given by its rate of diffusion to the
reaction surface
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In the second part of the analysis we let the size of unreacted core change
with time. For a given size of unreacted core, dNA/dt is constant;
however, as the core shrinks the ash layer becomes thicker, lowering the
rate of diffusion of A. Consequently, integration of Eq. 15 with respect to
time and other variables should yield the required relationship.
Note that this equation contains three variables, t, NA, and rc, one of which
must be eliminated or written in terms of the other variables before
integration can be performed. As with film diffusion, let us eliminate NA
by writing it in terms of rc. This relationship is given by Eq. 6; hence,
replacing in Eq. 15, separating variables, and integrating, gives
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Chemical Reaction Controls
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When no ash forms, as in the burning of pure carbon in air, the reacting
particle shrinks during reaction, finally disappearing. This process is
illustrated in Fig. 25.8. For a reaction of this kind we visualize the following
three steps occurring in succession.
Step 1. Diffusion of reactant A from the main body of gas through the gas film
to the surface of the solid.
Step 2. Reaction on the surface between reactant A and solid.
Step 3. Diffusion of reaction products from the surface of the solid through the
gas film back into the main body of gas. Note that the ash layer is absent and
does not contribute any resistance.
As with particles of constant size, let us see what rate expressions result
when one or the other of the resistances controls.
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Chemical Reaction Controls
When chemical reaction controls, the behaviour is identical to that of
particles of unchanging size; therefore, Fig. 25.7 and Eq. 21 or 23 will
represent the conversion-time behaviour of single particles, both shrinking
and of constant size.
Gas Film Diffusion Controls
Film resistance at the surface of a particle is dependent on numerous factors,
such as the relative velocity between particle and fluid, size of particle, and
fluid properties. These have been correlated for various ways of contacting
fluid with solid, such as packed beds, fluidized beds, and solids in free fall.
As an example, for mass transfer of a component of mole fraction y in a
fluid to free-falling solids, gives
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Equation 25 represents particles in the Stokes law regime. Let us
develop conversion- time expressions for such particles.
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Stokes Regime (Small Particles).
At the time when a particle, originally of size R0, has shrunk to size R, we
may write
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Combination of Resistances
The above conversion-time expressions assume that a single resistance
controls throughout reaction of the particle.
However, the relative importance of the gas film, ash layer, and reaction
steps will vary as particle conversion progresses.
For example, for a constant size particle the gas film resistance remains
unchanged, the resistance to reaction increases as the surface of unreacted
core decreases, while the ash layer resistance is non-existent at the start
because no ash is present, but becomes progressively more and more
important as the ash layer builds up. In general, then, it may not be
reasonable to consider that just one step controls throughout reaction.
To account for the simultaneous action of these resistances is
straightforward since they act in series and are all linear in concentration.
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The kinetics and rate-controlling steps of a fluid-solid reaction are deduced by
noting how the progressive conversion of particles is influenced by particle
size and operating temperature.
The following observations are a guide to experimentation and to the
interpretation of experimental data.
Temperature. The chemical step is usually much more temperature-sensitive
than the physical steps; hence, experiments at different temperatures should
easily distinguish between ash or film diffusion on the one hand and chemical
reaction on the other hand as the controlling step.
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Particle size
Kinetic runs with different sizes of particles can distinguish between
reactions in which the chemical and physical steps control.
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Equations 16, 21, and 8 with Eq. 24 or 25 show that the time needed to
achieve the same fractional conversion for particles of different but
unchanging sizes is given by
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Time. Figures 25.9 and 25.10 show the progressive conversion of spherical solids
when chemical reaction, film diffusion, and ash diffusion in turn control. Results of
kinetic runs compared with these predicted curves should indicate the rate
controlling step. Unfortunately, the difference between ash diffusion and chemical
reaction as controlling steps is not great and may be masked by the scatter in
experimental data.
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Ash Versus Film Resistance. When a hard solid ash forms during reaction,
the resistance of gas-phase reactant through this ash is usually much greater
than through the gas film surrounding the particle. Hence in the presence of
a non flaking ash layer, film resistance can safely be ignored. In addition,
ash resistance is unaffected by changes in gas velocity.
Predictability of Film Resistance. The magnitude of film resistance can be
estimated from dimensionless correlations such as Eq. 24. Thus an
observed rate approximately equal to the calculated rate suggests that film
resistance controls.
Overall Versus Individual Resistance. If a plot of individual rate
coefficients is made as a function of temperature, as shown in Fig. 25.11,
the overall coefficient given by Eq. 34 or 35 cannot be higher than any of
the individual coefficients. With these observations we can usually discover
with a small, carefully planned experimental program which is the
controlling mechanism.
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kg is given by Eq. 24, while k" is given by the following expression of
Parker and Hottel (1936):
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where R is in J/mol.K, T is in kelvin, and CAg is in gram moles per
Figure 25.12 shows all this information in convenient graphical form
and allows determination of for different values of the system
variables. Note that when film resistance controls, the reaction is
rather temperature insensitive but is dependent on particle size and
relative velocity between solid and gas.
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