Bab-1 Pengantar Personal Computer (PC) 1
Bab-1 Pengantar Personal Computer (PC) 1
Bab-1 Pengantar Personal Computer (PC) 1
Pengertian sistem komputer
Mengidentifikasi case komputer dan power
Menidentifiksi komponen-kompomnen
internal komputer
Mengidentifikasi port dan kable komputer
Mengidentifikasik input devices
Mengetahui system resource da tujuannya
komputer sistem
Defenisi : suatu sistem yang terletak pada gabungan
perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras yang saling
terintegrasi dan tersinkronisasi serta berkomunikai satu
sama lain yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan
Perangkat keras (hardware) : peralatan secara fisik yang
terdiri dari case (kerangka), storage drive (kotak
penyimpan data), keyboard (papan ketik masukan),
monitor (layar kaca tampilan), kabel, speaker (tempat
keluaran suara) dan printer (pencetak keluaran)
Perangkat lunak (Software) : perangkat yang terdiri dari
sistem pengoperasian dan program-program
Kerangka Komputer (case) : Tempat (Framework) untuk menyokong komponen-komponen internal.
Bahan : plastik, baja, dan alumunium serta bermacam-macam kombinasi.
Ukuran dan layout dinamakan form factor.
Basik form factor : dekstop dan tower.
Istilah lain : Computer chassis, Cabinet, Tower, Box, Housing
Faktor pemilihan case : ukuran motherboard, jumlah loksi drive internal dan external (bays), dan
space yg tersedia
Memilih case : model type, ukuran, ruang tersedia, power supply, penampilan, status display, dan
Power Supply dan Connector
Different power supply form factors provide different power output connections,
depending on system requirements. AT form factors have been slowly phased
out by ATX form factor power supplies because of the different case sizes and
advanced features. ATXv12 was created to add power support for the
motherboard by adding another four-pin power connector.
If you have a difficult time inserting a connector,
try a different way, or check to make sure that no
bent pins or foreign objects are in the way.
Remember, if it seems difficult to plug in any
cable or other part, something is wrong. Cables,
connectors, and components are designed to fit
together snugly. Never force any connector or
component. Connectors that are plugged in
incorrectly will damage the plug and the
connector. Take your time, and make sure that
you are handling the hardware correctly.
Hukum ohm dan listrik : V = IR
Do not open a power supply. Electronic
capacitors located inside a power supply can
hold a charge for extended periods of time.
Komponen Internal
Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of
Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of CPUs.
Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of cooling
Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of ROM
and RAM.
Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of
adapter cards.
Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of storage
Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of
internal cables
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC): Architectures use
a relatively small set of instructions, and RISC chips are
designed to execute these instructions very rapidly.
Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC): Architectures use
a broad set of instructions, resulting in fewer steps per
Hyper threading : meningkatkan performasi CPU
CPU Power : cycle per second
Overclocking : suatu teknik untuk mempercepat kerja
MXX : seperangkat intruksi multimedia yang dibangun
didalam prosesor intel.
Teknologi prosesor yang terkini :
Single-core CPU: One core inside a single CPU chip
that handles all the processing capability. A
motherboard manufacturer may provide sockets for
more than a single processor, providing the ability to
build a powerful multiprocessor computer.
Dual-core CPU: Two cores inside a single CPU chip, in
which both cores can process information at the same
time. ect.
Cache : memori khusus tempat menyimpan
intruksi dan data, sementara CPU mengeksekusi 1
langkah program
Sistem pendingin ( Cooling System )
USB Connectors
Port dan Kabel FireWire
Digital Cameras
Video Ports Fingerprint Scanner
Printer, Scanner, dan Mesin Fax
Speakers and Headphones
Types of Monitors All-in-One Printer
System Resources
Interrupt requests (IRQ) :Computer components use interrupt requests (IRQ) to
request information from the CPU. The IRQ travels along a wire on the
motherboard to the CPU
I/O port addresses :Input/output (I/O) port addresses are used to communicate
between devices and software.The I/O port address is used to send and receive
data for a component.
Direct Memory Access (DMA) : High-speed devices use Direct Memory Access
(DMA) channels to communicate directly with the main memory.
Direct Memory Access : High-speed devices use Direct
Memory Access (DMA) channels to communicate
directlywith the main memory. These channels allow
the device to bypass interaction with the CPUand
directly store information in memory and retrieve it.