TOPIC 5. LECTURE. 25. Brainstorming and Its Variant
TOPIC 5. LECTURE. 25. Brainstorming and Its Variant
TOPIC 5. LECTURE. 25. Brainstorming and Its Variant
Most of the problems faced by organizations are not well structured. They do not
have any obvious steps or parts, and there is no obviously right or wrong answer.
Such problems are referred to as poorly structured. Creative thinking is required to
make decisions on poorly structured tasks. For example, a company deciding how to
use a new ingredient in its consumer products is facing a poorly structured problem.
Other poorly structured problems might include coming up with a new product
name, image or logo, or finding new or original uses for familiar objects like a coat-
hanger, paper-clip or brick.
Getting really good insights into a problem can often be greatly
assisted by participants introducing wild ideas into the proceedings. It
is the leaders responsibility to ask the participants to make this kind
of contribution. Wild ideas may not be productive in themselves but
they can spur others on to think of more practical ideas.
Sometimes, however, the group may experience difficulty in
generating wild ideas this is often the case with less experienced
groups. In such an instance the leader may suspend the normal
session and introduce a variant of brainstorming which encourages
people to speculate. When this is done, members of the group are
actually asked to write down a fantasy or dream-like solution to the
problem. Next, the various suggestions are collected and written on
the flip chart. Each fantasy idea is then brainstormed until a realistic
idea is found.
PROBLEM: reducing the amount of paperwork in the office.
FANTASY SOLUTION: do without all the paperwork in the office.
PRACTICAL SOLUTION: use email for everything, except where
paperwork is absolutely essential.
The procedure here is similar to classical brainstorming
except for the fact that the session is divided up into
segments. Rest periods are introduced every 35
minutes or so to allow participants to gather their
thoughts and peruse the ideas that have been recorded
up to that point.