DM 10602 PPT
DM 10602 PPT
DM 10602 PPT
02 5%
Utilize a website builder to create a portfolio.
Digital Portfolio
Visual representation of your abilities, skills,
capabilities, knowledge, qualities which represents
your potential.
Physically, it's a collection of things - tangible
materials - that represent work-related events in
your life.
Purposes of Digital Portfolios
To showcase your mastery of skills in a particular
career field or piece of software.
To provide an easily accessible format to manage
and organize your work.
To offer a structure for your visual creative
To accompany your resume when applying for a job
or internship.
Advantages of Digital Portfolios
They are easy to update and keep current.
They keep your work organized in a digital format.
They are more cost effective than printed
They are easier to distribute and maintain.
Tools to Create Online Digital Portfolios
Components of a Digital Portfolio
Conferences and Community
Licenses and
Workshops Service