The document discusses the definition and characteristics of services, including intangibility, inseparability, variability, perishability, and customer participation. It also outlines the major components of the services marketing environment, including the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural, and technological macro environment factors as well as the micro environment factors within an organization. Reasons for the growth of the services sector in India are also provided.
The document discusses the definition and characteristics of services, including intangibility, inseparability, variability, perishability, and customer participation. It also outlines the major components of the services marketing environment, including the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural, and technological macro environment factors as well as the micro environment factors within an organization. Reasons for the growth of the services sector in India are also provided.
The document discusses the definition and characteristics of services, including intangibility, inseparability, variability, perishability, and customer participation. It also outlines the major components of the services marketing environment, including the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural, and technological macro environment factors as well as the micro environment factors within an organization. Reasons for the growth of the services sector in India are also provided.
The document discusses the definition and characteristics of services, including intangibility, inseparability, variability, perishability, and customer participation. It also outlines the major components of the services marketing environment, including the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural, and technological macro environment factors as well as the micro environment factors within an organization. Reasons for the growth of the services sector in India are also provided.
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Services Marketing
MBA –IV Semester
Syllabus Definition for service • Service is an act or performance offered by one party to another that essentially intangible and does not normally result in ownership of anything. Its product may or may not be tied the physical product. –Philip Kotler • E.g.: transportation, electricity • service sector: the portion of a nations economy represented by services of all kinds, including those offered by public and non-profit organizations. Changing Structure of Employment as an Economy Develops Characteristics of Services • Intangibility – Services are cannot be touched or hold, they are intangible in nature. • For example – you can touch your Smartphone. But, you cannot hold or touch the services of your telecom service provider.
• Inseparability – In case of services the production, distribution, and
consumption takes place simultaneously. These three functions cannot be separated.
• Variability – It is impossible to provide similar service every time. You’ll
experience some change every time you buy a particular service from a particular service provider. • For example – Yesterday you had a coffee at CCD. Today, you are again at CCD to have a coffee, but you have got different place to sit today; the person served you coffee is different today; other people having coffee are also different today. Hence, your experience of having coffee today is different as compared to yesterday. Characteristics of Services • Perish-ability – You can store goods, but it is not so in the case of services. Services get perished immediately.
• Participation of customer – Customer is co-producer in production
of services. For delivery customer involvement is as important as is of the service provider. • For example – if you went to a parlour for haircut, how it cannot be possible without your presence and involvement.
• No ownership – In the sale of services, transfer of ownership not
take place. It means to say that consumer never own the services. Difference between Services and Goods Basis Services Goods Services are intangible in nature. Goods are tangible in nature. They Tangibility They cannot be touched or hold. can be touched and hold.
Services are inseparable in nature. Function of distribution and
Production, distribution, and consumption of goods can be Separability consumption of service take place separated from the function of simultaneously. production.
Services cannot be owned. They Goods can be owned.
Ownership can be hired for a specific time period. Services get perished after a Goods can be stored for future use. Perish-ability specific time period. It cannot be stored for future use.
Services are more heterogeneous. Goods are less heterogeneous. It is
Heterogeneity It is very difficult to make each possible to make each goods service identical. identical. Reasons for Growth in Service Sector • Growth in intermediate demand from firms • Growth in final demand from customers – Increase in affluence – More leisure time – Working women – Growth in population of DINKS – Greater life expectancy – Greater complexity of products – Greater complexity in life – Greater concern for resource scarcity and ecology – Increasing number of new products Sector wise contribution in India Reasons for growth of services in India • Economic Affluence • Changing Role of Women • Cultural Changes • IT Revolution • Conservation of Natural Resources • Development of Markets • Unbundling Corporations • Increased Consciousness of Health Care • Economic Liberalization • Migration • Export Potential Key Service Businesses in India • Insurance • Postal services • Transport • Tourism • Telecommunications • Banking • Software • Health care • Electricity • Education Components of a Service Service Marketing Environment • All organizations operate within the marketing environment. The marketing environment is made up of two parts – – Macro environment – Micro environment Macro Environment • The macro environment represents all the outside influences which have impact on an organization’s marketing or business activity. • It includes economic and political factors and socio- cultural trends, • for example the external environment influences will effect all organizations within a sector to a greater or lesser degree. The internal environment relates to a particular organization and its publics. Political –Legal Environment: • There is considerable influence of the political – legal environment on service marketing . Service industries are often more closely regulated than most other forms of private enterprise. Many service firms are being subject to government regulations in addition to the usual taxes and legislation. Service providers must understand and recognize the impact of such regulation on their competitive strategies. • Regulation generally influences service business in four ways. • Regulation generally influences the range and type of competition. • Regulation reduces the marketer’s array of options and introduces certain rigidities into the marketing process. • Decision of the regulatory agencies being the binding part of the marketing decision –making process must be focused at understanding and predicting those agencies action • Pressure groups may be established to lobby and effect change or modify , the directions being taken by the regulatory bodies. • Economic Environment: • In economic environment changing life style , changing world ,changing economies and changing technological advances and changing consumer needs have contributed to increase spending on consumer services. Technological innovations have also helped to create a higher standard of living for a common man, who presently spends a larger portion of his or her increased disposable income of services. But the role of technology has also aided in circumventing barriers to trade , especially in its role in designing and delivering services. The urbanization has widened the demand for personal and public services . The demographic shift towards an older population in some countries has resulted in new service demands such as better healthcare , convenience products etc. In the global environment , due to cross country cultural issues , trade barrier ( both tariff and non-tariff) tend to become more restrictive in marketing of services. • Socio-Cultural Environment: • Socio- cultural forces are set factors including life style , social values and beliefs that affect the marketing activities of an organization. These factors have significant impact on the marketing of services . The marketers have found the intensive use of consultants and counselors in their personal family and working lives. Health, Beauty, travel, culture, and higher education have partly replaced durable goods as status symbols in the mind of many consumers . There had been an increasing trend in the services like security , insurance, legal, medical and investment. Globally , the cultural dimensions affect services in a more pronounced manner than do goods. Due to inseparability characteristic of services the firms may need to adapt their offerings to suit local taste and preferences . KFC and Mc’Donald’s had to adapt its products in India to suit local polates. • Business negotiations are very much subject to local norms and local systems. Language is a major cultural influence • Technological Environment: • Technology has influenced our life styles, consumption pattern and our economic well being tremendously. Just think of internet , worldwide web (www) , E- commerce , video conferencing. World has become too small and boundary less. The service economies will be technologically driven soon. Instead of expecting service providers to improve results ; management must see what kind of organizational structure , incentives , technology and skills can improve overall productivity. Micro Environment • The micro environment is the internal environment of the organization .The factors to be analyzed in the internal environment will include the following : – Company management structure – Customers – Suppliers – Channel members – Competitors – Other publics which may include – Government and political bodies – Pressure groups – Financial institutions – Shareholders